Disclaimer: I have not, do not, and will not ever own either "Rurouni Kenshin" or "Yu-Gi-Oh!".

Chapter 1

--Final Battle of the Bakumatsu 1869--

Battousai was finally beaten and he knew it. He had been fighting all day, and he was exhausted. The fighting had been almost non-stop and Battousai needed a break. Unfortunately, that was when he decided to show up.

--Several Minutes Earlier--

"I finally found you, Battousai.", said the master of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu, Sejiro Hiko XIII.

Battousai was silent, wishing for nothing more than for his former master to leave, yet knowing he would do no such thing.

Hiko continued, "I don't know what you've done to Kenshin, but I do know that you are not him. You have left me no choice." He slid into a fighting stance, preparing to attack.

Battousai felt his hikari trying to take back control of the body, and returned to his soul room.

"Master! Please don't!", Kenshin begged him, his eyes changing from the hard amber to a softer violet.

Hiko looked startled, but quickly regained his composure. "I'm sorry, Kenshin. This is the only way I can set you free.

"Did it ever occur to you that I don't want to be set free, Master? That I'm not a prisoner?!

Hiko shook his head. "I won't fall your tricks, Battousai!" Before Kenshin could respond, Hiko attacked.

"Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu, Ku-zu-ryu-sen!

Kenshin, who had never seen this technique before, was too slow to react. Fortunately, Battousai had again taken control when he had sensed the change in Hiko's ki, signaling his attack. Battousai only managed to block three of the nine strokes, receiving deep mirror cuts on both legs, sides, and arms before flying back from the force of Hiko's attack, landing on the ground several feet away. He did manage to block the sword swings aimed at his vitals and that was the only reason that he was still alive.

--Back to the Present--

Hiko slowly walked to where his former deshi had fallen, noting as he did so, that his eyes had changed back to amber. "It's fitting that you should be in control as you meet your end." He raised his sword, preparing to strike.

Battousai just lied there, aching all over from both the earlier battles and Hiko's last attack. He knew that he did not have the strength nor energy required to dodge the next one. I only have one option left. I just hope that I still have enough strength left to do it. As he started chanting softly, the pendant he wore around his neck started to glow.

Hiko heard Battousai trying to say something and was about to ask when he noticed the pendant was glowing.

"No! You won't escape me!" Hiko yelled, bringing his sword down with all his might. The blade struck the ground with a loud clang. Battousai had vanished.