yay last time for me hope you like it

Chapter 8 the final face off and im gonna win!

"So you managed to turn up then" said operative k.

"Of course I did you didn't think that I would miss this did you? Said Danny and turned to his ghost half. "Let's go" said Danny.

The guys raised there guns. "Let's make a deal" said operative o.

"Ok what is it?" asked Danny. "Ok here it is, if you win which you wont we will admit if we were lying or telling the truth" said operative o.

"Fine but what if I loose!?" asked Danny.

"We will take you in for experiments. Lots and lots of painful experiments" said operative k.

"Fine with me lets just start" said Danny and flew up into the air.

"Ready go!" said the guys in white. And they shot a blast at Danny, Danny dodged it. Danny threw an ecto blast at the guys in white. It hit operative o's ecto gun out of his hand. And he pulled out another ecto gun.

This gun was nothing like the other guns the GIW had ever used. "What you are gonna use that already?" asked operative k.

"Yes it will be easier to take him down" said operative o.

"Ok then take him down" said operative k. Operative o nodded and aimed it at Danny and shot it at him. But this was different it wasn't visible to the eye so Danny didn't know where it was so he just floated there. The shot hit Danny right in the stomach. It sent electric shock waves right through Danny's body. Danny morphed back to human he was falling out of the sky and landed with a loud cracking noise. "Danny can you hear us?" Sam asked.

"Im fine" said Danny and got up hiding the wound on his stomach. "Im gonna end this now" said Danny turning back to is ghost form.

"Oh yeah and how are you going to do that?!" asked the guys in white.

"You'll see" said Danny and took in a long breath and let out an ear shattering ghostly wail. Shattering nearby windows as it knocked the guys in white backwards. They fell unconscious. "That's how you do it" said Danny reverting back to human and falling to the floor.

The guys in white woke up and walked over to Danny. "Looks like you won ghost kid" said the GIW. "So I guess this means that we have to hold our end if the bargain. We admit that we lied but we also somewhat told the truth" they said.

"Yes you hear that they said that they lied" said Danny getting up.

"I heard but we also told the truth" everyone else said

"So that means we broke the deal" said the guys in white.

"That is so wrong" said Danny.

Then without Danny knowing the guys in white put this belt on Danny. Danny tried to go intangible out of it but it electrocuted Danny. "Nice try ghost kid this belt disables you ghost powers and if you attempt to use your ghost powers it will electrocute you" said operative k.

"Now we are going to kidnap you and take you to some secret location" said operative o. and they grabbed Danny and all three of the vanished.

"Where do they go?" asked Sam.

"I don't know we have to find him" said Jazz

"But they've gone to a secret location" said Tucker they looked at each other not knowing what to do Danny was gone they had taken him somewhere. They were going to find him somewhere somehow. They weren't going to give up until they did.

Danny was unconscious in a cell with the guys surrounding him with an evil grin on their face! There were tones of thing going around Danny's head. Were was he?, what were they going to do to him? Where were the others? What had they done to them? All I know is I want to go home!

The end!

im going to be evil and end the fic by here ill prob make a sequel thats more like a deffinit anyways plz review thnx