
DISCLAIMER: I don't own the boys, nor the plotlines of the show and manga. Story and chapter titles are actually from a song from Wicked…because the song is stuck in my head. Bah.


For Good

I Have Been Changed For Good


I've heard it said that people come into our lives

For a reason bringing something we must learn

And we are led to those who help us most to grow

If we let them and we help them in return

Well I don't know if I believe that's true

But I know I'm who I am today because I knew you…

The trio was disoriented as they found themselves standing back in Tenpou's library, this time atop the collapsed bookshelf and blinked several times to try and gain their bearings. It was the Field Marshal's squeal of glee and subsequent latching onto his favorite book that laid on a nearby desk that snapped them out of it.

Konzen shook his head sadly, aware that his life would be coming to an untimely end. It was not a comforting thought, but somehow it was alright. They would all - all - be together again someday.

"So, Konzen-sama," Kenren drawled, a devious smirk on his lips, "Since you kissed the grown monkey, you gonna start letting this one have his wicked way with you?"

Konzen blushed magnificently, cracking his knuckles, "Shut the hell up, I have no idea what I was thinking."

"I bet I know what you were thinking…"

Said knuckles connected with the General's head.

With a lump forming, Kenren pouted and trailed after his lover out the door, leaving Konzen alone amidst mountains of books. He let his eyes trail lazily around the room, coming to rest on a little bronzed ball in the corner, puffy closed eyes telling of the boy having cried himself to sleep.

With a tiny fond smile, the blonde gathered his sleeping charge into his arms and started for his own room. He would deal with informing his aunt tomorrow, for now he wanted rest. Bypassing the monkey's cot completely, he carried the boy to his own bed and laid him down, climbing in and laying down a few inches from his charge and watching the childish features. He could imagine them transforming, growing into what the young man beside him would one day be. He trailed a finger down one chubby cheek.

With a jolt, the boy awoke and stared at him perplexedly. He cried out and lunged at the deity, wrapping shackled arms around his neck and squeezing for all he was worth.

"Konzen, Konzen, Konnnnzen!" he cried, practically bouncing, "You were gone for two whole days and nobody knew where you were and I was alone and I didn't like it…where did you go?"

"It doesn't matter," the blonde huffed, unlatching the boy and laying on his back, arms crossed over his chest.

"Mou, kechi! Don't be like that, Konzen!"

A puff of laughter escaped the god then and he cracked the tiniest of smiles, "Want to hear a story, bakazaru?"

"Hai!" Goku chirped, seeming to forget completely about his questions and his master's disappearance, burying himself in the blankets and watching his guardian stare at the ceiling.

"Once upon a time," the blonde began wryly, unable to think of a better way, "There were four men. They seemed ordinary when you first saw them, but when you looked closer, you saw they were far from it. They were sent on a journey to far, far away to stop an evil demon from coming back to life…"



A/N: First arc complete. Look for the sequel, and thank you for your reviews, lovies. I know this story was terribly inane and pointless, but I had fun writing it regardless. Will post here when I get the sequel up.

In the Works:

Sequel: Titled 'As Long as You're Mine'. With the revelations the heavenly trio's visit brought the boys, how will their relationships change? How long can denial of self and heart really last when your mind gives you all the outs you need? Sanzo finally finds his own meaning for 'Hold Nothing' and does something about it. ;)

Lead Me Not: Nii manages to perfect a whole new kind of Wave…one that influences youkai and ningen alike. What will come when the boys are sent through a plethora of emotions and forced to either trust one another…or die. SanzoGoku & HakkaiGojyo. Will have a drabble story released before it that as a companion piece before I post the story, chronicling the ten years AFTER the story. Drabbles titled Into Temptation. (sneak peek on my LJ, where I have posted the first several years)