Hello, dear fans, readers, awesome people of mine. I'm back with a new chaper. Eeh, it has taken me a while, well a sueper long while, so update. But I hope that this makes up for it!!


Chapter ?? d:


We're all sitting at the table, me, Shika, Gaara (I'm glad they accepted him into our group so easily), and Haku, pretending Shika isn't burning a hole through the table, when Sasuke's cell rings. I'd completely forgotten I had it. So you're probably wondering why the hell I even have his cell phone. Well, he dropped it in the locker room without knowing, so I picked it up and was planning on giving it back to him the next time I saw him.

Of course the damn thing keeps ringing, and the longer it does, the guiltier I look, so Shika and Haku are both looking at me curiously.

Shika slowly pushes his plate aside, "I didn't know you had a cell."

I try and smile innocently, "I don't."

Gaara blinks slowly at Shika and me before resuming his lunch with a mildly progressive expression.

Shika raises an eyebrow at me, "Is it even yours?"

I laugh nervously and Gaara gives me a vaguely sympathetic look. Gaara also has the good grace to save my skin, "Don't you have a quiz to finish?"

The way he narrows his eyes when he tells me lets me know that I own him big, but it's ok.

Grinning, I stand up, "Yeah, thanks for reminding me. I'll catch up with you guys later."

--English. Not really.

I'm headed towards my English class when I decide I don't want to go. I only have three classes left, so why not just skip the rest of the day right?

Heading out, I go straight for the parking lot. The sun's been warming up all day and I feel the heat hit my back and cling to my skin the second I get past the big red doors. I pull my sweatshirt off the try and lessen the time it will take to cook me alive.

There are tons of places to hide if you want to skip and not get caught by the cops, so it surprises me to see some guy sitting out in plain view on the trunk part of a black BMW, and the guy is someone I know.

Sasuke is facing away from me and sitting plainly in the sun. I don't know how he can stand it, but he's sitting stock still. From what I can see…he looks bummed. Cautiously, I walk around to face him.

His hairs windswept and all in his eyes. He's wearing this red shirt that has a little Nintendo mushroom on it. His legs, in whit capris, are spread out and his feet, in black beach sandals, are resting on the bumper of his car. He's also wearing a heavy studded wristband, probably to hide his cut.

Sasuke doesn't seem to have noticed me and is staring at a pack of cigarettes he's holding in his right hand. I never pegged him as a smoker, but it wouldn't have surprised me if he were. Not because popular people have an annoying tendency to pick up crappy fads but more because he happens to be suck a tyrant, he just does things 'cause he can.

"Didn't know you smoked," I say finally, letting my presence be known.

Sasuke looks up at me a bit listlessly but seems to wake up a bit when he recognizes who's currently talking to him. He looks at me hard for a moment.

I stand passively as the Prince of Darkness gives me the critical eye. After a moment he looks away from me suddenly and quietly answers, "I bought them for Itachi."

I raise an eyebrow surprised, " Itachi smokes?"

Sasuke smirks a bit, "When he's mad he does whatever he wants."

I shrug and quietly move next to him. He moves over so I can climb on to. I stare at the sea of cars ahead of us, "You pissed him off??"

Sasuke clucks his tongue, "I'm the only one who knows how."

"You did it on purpose?"

He laughs bitterly, "Of course I did."

Trying to change the subject I chance, "How'd you get those anyways?"

He shifts next to me, "Anyone can look older if they want to…you just have to have confidence."

I scoff. "Or have a fake ID and balls of steel."

Sasuke laughs lightly and it irritates me to find out I actually like the sound. He reaches up to pull the hair out his face, "Hey…"

I look at him, "Yeah?"

He kind of frowns at me, hesitates, and decides to tell me anyways, "I'm done. You want to leave?"

I let myself smile a bit, "Classes cancelled?"

Sasuke smirks, "No…just decided I was done."

It's not till we're both sitting in the car and actually leaving that I remember it's potentially dangerous being alone with Sasuke, but all we do is stop at Dairy Queen.


Back in the car, I debate whether or not I should invite him back to my place.

I've concluded Sasuke has no intention of going home tonight and I relized he was depressed to the point of being mellow.

Staring out the window at the setting sun, I flatten a hand against the window, "Ne, Sasuke…"

I hear him move, " What dobe?"

I manage not to blow up because I hear a hint of fondness in his voice.

Pretending to be annoyed I glare at him, "Call me that again Dracula, and you'll wish you'd never met me."

He looks amused, "What makes you think you can do anything that would make me regret having met you?"

Sighing I look him in the face, "Wanna drive me home?"

He shrugs, "Find, but I don't know where you live."


When we get near my place, he starts driving as slow as molasses. This is a change considering he usually drives at top speed. Not criticizing, he's just looking at his surroundings.

Amused, I start pointing out familiar places. Sasuke listens attentively and actually asks questions. It's weird, this side of Sasuke. He's letting me take charge when he's usually the one who has all control. For a minute, I actually stop and think of what a relationship might be like with Sasuke.

It kinda worries me that I'm still thinking about it. I mean, I'm already attached.

Sasuke looks at me curious at my lapse of silence, "We almost there?"

My place finally comes into view and I point it out, "There."

After he parks I ask, "Wanna come up?"

He stops and then answers, "I don't think that would be,-"

I cut him off, "Just for a bit."

He smiles slightly, "Just for a bit."


"Naruto, your such a freakin clutter bug."

I laugh and sit him down on the couch. I turn towards him, "Sorry, I can't help it."

Laughing still, I leave him to go make up some hot chocolate. When I wander back in the living room, Sasuke is sitting on the floor near the bay window examining some of the finished paintings that are piled there. He looks young, bent over and looking at the stuff I laid out. One hand is holding his bangs back out of his eyes, and the other is holding the painting up towards the light. Abesently, he picks up the mug I set down by him and sips it, his eyes never leaving the painting.

I'm sitting on the couch watching him. I may want to comfort Sasuke, but I've come to the understanding that there's something between us, and getting close to him isn't really a good thing to do in this situation.

"You did these?" he speaks up.

I take a sip from my mug, "Yeah."

Sasuke pauses, and pulls on from the pile. It was the one I'd done with Neji.

Turning to face me, he places it down, "This one's nice." There's no mistaking the strange note in his voice, but I pretend I didn't hear it. I'm sure he can plainly see where I wrote mine and Neji's names.

We lapse into another one of our weir d silences.

I motion to Sasuke, "Come here."

He doesn't protest and plops down next to me. I take his half finished mug from him and set it down on the floor next to mine. I then wrap my arms around his waist and melt into him, "Would you please go back to being a pain in the ass? You suck when you're bummed."

I felt Sasuke tense when I first touched him, but now he slowly puts his arm around me. He doesn't reply, only laughs.

Pulling away slightly, I ask, "What happened?"

He doesn't answer me right away so I reach down and hand him back his much and his hand reflexively tightens around it. I grab my own cup and stare into it.

"He found out and we had a fight about it." Then he hold out his covered wrist. The other is still tightly wrapped around his mug.

I reach out and take the wristband off. Deep, dark bluish-purple bruise like finger tips are wrapped cleanly around his cut wrist. They are huge, as if the grip had been purposely forceful.

I try to line up all the finger marks with my own hand but I'm a bit smaller.

Not saying anything, I put his wristband back on. I don't bother asking who won, because it doesn't matter, and I don't bother asking if he feels alright, because I know he doesn't.

So now what?

Thankfully the phone rings which saves me from saying anything unnecessary.


"Hi ," a famillar voce says from the other line. "Where we're you? I didn't see you after school."

"Oh sorry, I left."

"Oh, skipping huh?"

I laugh, "Yeah."

"You're not busy Sunday right?"

"Nope. I'm free."

"Great. 'Cause I've made plans for us."

"Not boring right? 'Cause I could be sleeping instead of doing something that would bore me to death."

This time he laughs, "It's not. I promise."

"Okay. Good."

"So I'll see you Sunday."

"See you Sunday then."

After I hang up, I see Sasuke giving me an odd look. Sticking my tongue out at him, I check to see if his mug is as empty as mine, "Yes Abercrombie and Fitch, that was my boyfriend."

He smirks at the nickname, " Do I look like I care?"

I smirk back, "Idunno, that look just now bordered jealous."

He stands up abruptly and walks into the kitchen.

I follow him, "Am I right?"

He growls at me, "Shut up now or I'll dye your hair pink in your sleep."

I turn to him, "Who said you're sleeping over?"

He smirks, "No one, I'm just not leaving."

I give him the finger, "Loser."

He shrugs, "Moron."


"Cactus head."


He laughs, "If you have to resort to language like that, then I'm obviously the winner."

I turn my nose up at him, "Whatever. I'm taking a shower." Bouncing off the counter top, I half run to the bathroom.


When I venture out the bathroom, the kitchen is empty and Sasuke is nowhere to be seen.

Nervously, I had for my room. I slowly push open the door to reveal Sasuke propped up on my bed reading one of the zillions of manga I have lying around.

He changed into a pair of my oversized sweats and not much else, save the black bandanna he's using to keep his hair out his face.

He pretends not the hear me come in.

Trying not to stare to much at a too naked Sasuke, I slam my door shut. Sasuke looks up long enough to give me a slightly annoyed look.

I grin, "What?"

He shakes his head and goes back to reading.

Shrugging to myself, I head over to my drawer and pull on an oversized t-shirt. I'm wearing shorts 'cause it's kinda warm in my place. Just because Sasuke is a weirdo who can wear sweats in this heat, doesn't mean I have to.

Speaking of weirdos, what is he doing in my bed?

It's really puzzling, so I decide to ask for an answer, "What're you doing in my bed?"

He shrugs, "Where else would I sleep?"

I roll my eyes at him, "The couch."

He actually laughs, "Sorry, you're stuck with me and I'm staying right here."

He's such a drama queen, so I kinda expected him to say that. The real problem comes from the fact that I'm not actually worried about it. Irun and jump into my bed, next to Sasuke, and kick up the sheets and pillows while I'm at it. When I finally settle, Sasuke is giving me the mother of all glares.

I snuggle down and bury my face in my orange pillow, "Night Dracula."

There's a moment of silence before he answers, "Night dobe."

After about a minute, I pester him into turning off the light instead of reading that damn manga.

For a while, we're just lying there listening to each other breath. I'm facing away from him so I don't have to remind myself I'm lying next to a shirtless Sasuke. He's doing the same, I don't know if it's to stop him from touching me or what.

I am proud of him though. He hasn't molested me once today.

I flinch slightly when his hand flattens itself against my back, long enough to get my attention, before it slips off. "You asleep?"

I laugh quietly, "I thought I was the only one who asked dumb questions."

He ignores my non-clever comment, "Thanks for today."

I stared at the ceiling, "Thanks for what? Putting up with you all afternoon or not being a quarter of my usual annoying self?"

He rolls over and looks at me. His dark eyes are shining faintly from the light in the hallway with a warmth that makes me smile a bit.

Rolling back over he answers, "Both."

I stare at his back for a second before turning back to stare at the ceiling.

--Waking up.

It's bad enough I was stupid to let Sasuke crawl in bed with me, but shouldn't I draw the line that morning cuddles.

Sasuke did start out on his side of my bed, but the problem is he somehow ended up on mine. I'm trapped with his head pillowed on my chest and his arm lying heavily across my stomach.

Who's gonna get me from under here?

Glancing at my clock as best I can over Sasuke's messy blue-black hair I realize it's really early.

I really have my hands full trying to get out of being Sasuke's personal pillow.

After doing some mattress gymnastics, I finally managed to get from under Sasuke without waking him.

After using the bathroom and having breakfast of some ramen, I didn't have anything else to do, so I decided to straighten up around my pace.

Luckily Sasuke sleeps like that dead and doesn't even stir when I turn the radio on low.

After about thirty minutes of cleaning, my bedroom floor is actually visable.

Being down with that and decided it's late enough to give Gaara a call, I grab the cordless in the kitchen and head to my room to check on Sasuke. He's still curled up peacefully and sleeping.

Smiling I head to my living room.

It rings only once before he picks up.

"Took you long enough"

"Excuse me?" Is this Gaara? "What ever happened to saying 'Good Morning?'"

"Hn…I've been up since seven"~

"Gaara", I start in the most patronizing voice I can manage, "The teenager is a creature rarely seen up before noon on weekends, everybody knows that"


"Hey, don't stop now! You were being so talkative…" I pretend to pout but end up laughing.

"Can you come out?"

"Yes, where are we going?"

Gaara pauses before telling me: "I'm getting my eyebrow pierced"

"…Are you serious?"


I grin and start to laugh, "Are you doing this to piss off your Dad? Cause I can guarantee you it will…probably"

He doesn't answer for a minute, but then he says: "Hn…maybe my lip too" I can practically see him smiling.

"Are you telling me that you'll actually let strangers prod you with needles and things to pierce you and get this permanent thing on your face and in your tongue, just to piss off your dad?"

I can see Gaara rolling his eyes in my mind: "…No, I intended to get them anyway…and it won't be a problem"



"Kay, well, when are we going?"

"You called me, you decide"

I blow a raspberry over the phone.


"Sorry…uh, what about right now?"

"Fine" He sounds annoyed

"Course…unless you can't go then we coul-"

He half interrupts me. "It's fine. Do I pick you up or are we meeting somewhere?"

I grin, "You're coming here and then were taking the bus"


I laugh, "Does the idea of taking a bus really scare you that much?"

Gaara gets drives to and from school as well as to any other place he might wanna go. The bus is like this mythical creature he thinks other people ride. Totally not his thing…


"I'll be waiting outside so you'll see me when you get here"


"Bye Gaa-Chan"

If he though the little name thing was weird, he doesn't mention it. Besides, he's the one that let's me call him that. "…Ja ne."

I pull on my army print pants and a black tee. I also put on a black bandanna.

Before I leave I write Sasuke a quick note.

A few minutes later, I'm down in the lobby looking up at the sky and I realize it's gonna rain any minutes now, so I run back upstairs to grab my umbrella.

When I open the door, I hear sasuke calling faintly for me from the bathroom. Sighing, I run towards the bathroom to see if Dracula melted in the shower.

"Sasuke?", knocking lightly, I wait for a reply.

After a long pause I hear Sasuke yawn quietly, " I need a towel."

Before I turn to get a towel I ask "Wanna borrow some clothes?"

He doesn't answer right away. He pulls the bathroom door open and peers out at me sleepily, "Sure."

I would never say this to his face, but he's just too cute for words with the drowsy look on his face.

After I hand him a towel and grab my umbrella, I head back downstairs.

About five minutes later, a black car pulls up and I notice Gaara in the back. I open the door and climb in. He's staring out the side window at the rain. When I close the door he looks over at me. "Hey."

I smile.

When we pull away, he goes back to staring out the window, and I do the same.

That's the greatest thing about Gaara's friendship: the caring part is required, but not the talking.

We're downtown before we know it and Gaara is pulling off his seatbelt and ushering me out onto the pouring rain before I'm really sure what's going on. I stare, a bit out of place and feeling rushed, as Gaara gives the chauffeur brief instructions. The car pulls away and Gaara holds a black umbrella over our heads, and I realize that, despite the rain, the usual amount of weekend shoppers are walking around.

Standing to look at them, it freaks me out how much they actually look like zombies in raincoats. I mean, it's the way that they're milling about and looking slightly more lost then I feel.

Gaara catches my attention by taking my hand, and leading me off down the crowded sidewalk. The sky is the color of concrete and the ground rumbles with the thunder. Trying to see the good side of things, I tighten my hold on Gaara, "So, Captain, we're setting off at high tide and not lost I hope?"

Gaara doesn't show any indication of having heard my banal comment, but turns long enough to give me an amused look. Silently, he keeps leading me up the street.

We pass by stores that look more and more out of place, as we go further up the street. Soon, Gaara stops, decided, in front of a Tattoo parlor…or at least, that's what I'm assuming it is. The place doesn't look like I would've expected, with fully black windows, no actual display and with only a bright green neon sign blaring the name: Threshold.

Gaara doesn't hesitate to march right in after briefly nodding to himself.

Inside, the lighting is dim, almost creating the sun-setting kind of look. It wasn't what I expected, to make a long story short. The walls are a deep purple color but laced with paintings of landscapes for added d?or. Gaara pauses to pull off his trench coat and hang it up in the closet by the entrance.

It amuses me to know that the inside part is a vividly bright pink.

Gaara notices my look and smirks. Instead of saying anything fun, he asks me for my own jacket. I make a grimace as I hand it to him cause it's dripping all over the carpeted entrance.

My interest with my mess is short lived before I focus instead on what Gaara's wearing.

His t-shirt is black but has a glittery-style picture of the cookie monster on it. He's wearing white, pinstripe style capris, despite the weather, and gold-colored suspenders. He opted for high top converse sneakers that seem to be the same blue as the cookie monster. The heavy scarf he usually wears is replaces with a thick back ribbon tied around his neck, the bow tied neatly.

Sensing my eyes on him, Gaara turns to give me a mildly questioning look, his eyes almost glowing in the low light. If I didn't know better, I might've thought he was giving me the eye. Shaking my head to dispel the odd though that waddles into my head having to do with Gaara's blatant display of mockery towards my person using those gorgeous eyes, I should like to think that I wouldn't have minded if he'd been serious…about the slightly 'come hither' look, I mean.

The though should have horrified me, but somehow doesn't. This is what I get for having such gorgeous guy friends as buddies. Not even the thought of Neji seemed to stop me from briefly checking Gaara out as he took my hand again and led me to the wide reception area.

To distract myself from being more of a weirdo then I already am, I study the place. More deep purple, black lamps, a bookcase, several comfortable looking chairs later, I'm still wondering if Gaara knows that this place looks more like a classy dentist's office then a place to get his piercings.

The idea that he might actually not know where we are is tossed unceremoniously out the window along with the appearance of the receptionist.

My jaw is hanging open, I'm sure.

She's short, like me, but has a shock of frizzy bleach blond curls on her head. The strong red blush she's wearing high on her cheekbones accentuates her round face and her wide, shockingly friendly smile is all frosted blackish-red lipstick. Her ears are lined with piercings and both eye eyebrows look kinda spectacular with two piercings respectively. To top off her look, she's wearing a white nurse's uniform, the kind you see in old, sixties movies, along with the little white hat and the high, black pumps. Her name tag let's us know her name is Patsy.

Gaara doesn't seem to think that Patsy, or anything about her, is weird. For the most part, I try to keep my staring to a minimum.

"Name?" Patsy asks politely. Her eyes are a clear, baby blue.

She's probably only wearing contacts, but they didn't stop her from looking like a Marylyn Monroe back from the dead…or maybe like Betty Boop's sister.

Gaara doesn't answer but hands her a paper from his back pocket.

Patsy takes it, smiling, and sits down to type in the info at the computer. Absently, as she types, she looks over at me, "You guys together?"

Gaara shrugs and I turn kinda pink.

Patsy pauses, her hands poised above the keys, "Sorry, I'm kinda nosy"

She has a thick accent…like someone who comes from down south.

Finishing, she asks Gaara to come along with her and asks me to take a seat.

Alone, I sigh heavily and collapse into one of the chairs. I feel like someone waiting for bad news in a hospital waiting room. Since I'm bored, I busy myself by picking up one of the magazines lying on the table. Eying a particular picture of a guy with little barbell-like piercings lining his spinal cord, I don't hear or see Patsy come back.

"That's for veterans, not just anyone could bother getting those"

I jump and drop the magazine.

Patsy laughs, "Sorry…you just looked a bit freaked out there; I figured I could explain"

I grin, "Yeah, well, that's not something you see everyday" I point offhandedly at the fallen magazine.

Patsy nods, understanding, and sits close by on a nearby armchair, "Your friend's having something done, wouldn't you like something too?"

I stare at her for a minute, trying to decide if she's serious and burst out laughing, "No way…I don't know anything about piercings"

Patsy bites her lower lip, "Well, you might consider getting your tongue pierced"

I raise an eyebrow at her, "What would make you think so?"

Patsy smiles, amused at my sudden partial curiosity, "Well, you smile a lot and you laugh with your whole mouth. Piercings, depending on where they are, can be pretty flattering"

I shrug, "Wouldn't matter anyway 'cause you need to be older to have it done"

Patsy grins, "Nope, your buddy could give permission, he's eighteen isn't he?"

I stick my tongue out at her, "That can't be legal"

Patsy's grin widens, "Who said it had to be legal. It's not like it'll hurt that much, and you're old enough to take care of it. Sides, if you accept now, just cause I like 'ya, it'll be on the house"

It's hard not to like Patsy. She obviously stubborn and outspoken, and besides that, she's hard to argue with because she makes everything look so easy.

She's watching me, smiling knowingly, all black-red lipstick and piercing blue eyes, "Well? How's a 'bout it?"

Her southern accent peeks out faintly, and I smile, "I dunno"

Patsy clucks her tongue, "What's the holdup?"

I stare thoughtfully at my hands, "I'd not sure if I'll like it…and isn't it dangerous to get your tongue pierced?"

Patsy blinks at me, "Well, I can be a bit of a discomfort when you first get it, and ya have ta take it easy with what ya eat, but it's not so bad. If ya really don't like it, you can have it out later"

I scratch the back of my head, "That's just the thing though, I don't want to have it out later if I should've just not had it in the first place"

Patsy laughs, "Your so argumentative! Live a little! S'not like a boy to be so chicken"

I think, when I look back on this scene in my memory, it's her teasing that actually, probably, made me do it.


Okay, so that' s the end of his chapter.


I hope you enjoyed it. And I'm sorry it took so so so long to put up. Reviews please!

Next one with be up soon!! Keep reading my life. Kay? Good.