Rose sat surrounded by some of her most treasured memories. One of her favourites was her moving-colour painting that the Doctor gave from the planet Tisrafaliopich… it featured a metallic-looking liquid in pastel colours, swirling through it's tiny enclosure. It sat on her bedside table, and she felt as if it must know all of her deepest and darkest thoughts, for she often just stared at it, just thinking. Of course, one of the best parts about this mystical swirling mass was not the object itself, but the person who gave it to her.

The Doctor occupied every one of her thoughts when they weren't running for their lives, but even then she could get distracted by him grasping her hand, or how fluidly his toned body moved as he ran…

Bad Rose! she told herself. She was having incredible trouble keeping these sorts of thoughts out of her head recently, ever since their run in with the Beast. She had been so relieved at the time when she finally got to hold him again in the TARDIS, and she had put it down to their close friendship and bond…

But that was the problem, all that the could ever be was just friends. After all, how could a 900 year old alien love a 19 year old shop girl? He could have any women, from anywhere, anytime. Why on Earth would he want her?

But that didn't stop her feelings. She had only recently admitted to herself that she loved him, but she realized that there was no point denying it to herself anymore. Some of the dreams she had about him could send goose bumps up anyone's spine, even if you were on the Sun!

Except that when she woke up, it was all gone. All the tender touches, the passionate kisses, the incredible feelings rushing through her, all gone. All that was left was her tangled in sweaty sheets, with her nightie hitched up around her waist, gasping for breath.

And so she was gazing longing at her array of swirling colour. She often spent many of her nights just staring and wishing on every star she could now name that these feelings would just go away. But as much as she could wish, she knew that it was pointless. She would always love him, and there wasn't anything that could ever stop it.

Please let me know if it's worth continuing!!

Next chapter…The Doctor!!