A/N: This is my first gakuen alice fanfic so please be nice!! Hehehe!! I hope you'll like it! Enjoy!!!

Summary: Mikan got curious and asked everyone where do babies come from and they are willing to tell her but what does it have to do with a certain fire caster.


Chapter 1

It was a beautiful morning in the academy when Mikan woke up from a strange dream about how babies are made (it's not a wet dream! Mind you) and this piqued her curiosity about the topic. When she saw Narumi sensei, she asked him about it but he just laughed and broke into a run. She even found the courage to ask Jinno sensei about it but he ignored her and walk away from her muttering something about girls and curiosity.

Mikan is starting to get restless until she found Natsume under the cherry blossom tree where he usually sat while reading his manga. She flopped down to his side and tried to start a conversation.

"Ne Natsume…"

"…" he looked up from his manga and stared at her for a second but he went back to reading his manga. His action made Mikan a little bit irritated.

"Natsume!" she called him not hiding her irritation.

"What polka dots?" he asked in an annoyed manner without taking his eyes from his manga.

"Where do babies come from?" she asked letting the polka dots comment slide.

"…" Natsume was shocked and at the same time blushed at hearing Mikan's question and used his manga to block his face.

"Well? Where do babies come from?" she insisted.

"Idiot" he replied. He stood up and started to walk away but before he could walk out, the wind blew up her skirt showing her new panty design to him. He just smirked at her and teased her. "Nice strawberry panty polka dots"

"NANI!!!!!!" She blushed at his comment and got angry at him because one, he called her an idiot again; two, he didn't answer her question; and three he looked up her skirt again even though it's an accident.

"NATSUME!! MATTE YOU JERK!!!! HENTAI!!!" She yelled as she run after him. He smirked and pretended that he didn't hear her calling him. He could still see her following him and pestering him to answer her question so he broke into a run before she could catch up to him. Mikan lost Natsume and noticed that she almost entered the northern forest where Mr. Bear lives. She shuddered when she remembered her little encounter with Mr. Bear. She was so sure that she would die from the beatings she endured with her meeting with the stuffed toy.

Mikan sighed and started to head back when she saw Ruka and Hotaru coming her way. As usual Hotaru is holding another picture of Ruka for her blackmail schemes while running away from him. They didn't notice Mikan in front of them so…yup you guessed it they crashed sending Hotaru flying from her vehicle and Ruka flying and hitting a huge tree with his face. (Ouch! Gomen Ruka pyon!)

"ITAI!" "Hotaru, Ruka daijoubu?" cried Mikan while rubbing her sore back and head.

"You wrecked my invention Mikan…"

"Gomen ne Hotaru" she replied while trying to hug her best friend but she was greeted with a large 'BANG' which hit her squarely on the face. "MOU HOTARU YOU'RE SO MEAN!!"

"Baka" "Anyway, you will pay me 100 rabbits for that"

"EH? Demo I don't have 100 rabbits" whined Mikan. She then remembered that she was supposed to ask them something.

"Ne Hotaru…umm…where do babies come from?" then 'BANG!' yup she was hit by another baka gun courtesy of Hotaru Imai.

"ITAI!!!" "HOTARU!" wailed Mikan while soothing her aching head. She then turned to Ruka for answers when he was conscious again. Ruka just blushed and looked at the tree he just hit like it the most interesting thing in the world.

"Why can't anyone answer me?" "Narumi sensei runs off when I asked him! Jinno sensei ignored me! Natsume called me and idiot and then run off somewhere! And now both of you are ignoring the question like you never heard it before!" she asked them while fuming and aching.

"Matte! You asked Natsume?" asked Ruka incredulously.

"Yea and he didn't answer me! He just looked up my skirt! Stupid pervert!" she retorted although the last part was not entirely true because it was an accident.

Ruka thought for a second and told Mikan that it's a good thing Natsume didn't burn her because normally Natsume would have toasted the person who will ask him such stupid and embarrassing question.

"Ne Mikan, why do you even want to know where do babies come from?" asked Hotaru

"Umm…no particular reason…I'm just curious about it" and this time it's Mikan's turn to blush. Even though she don't know the actual reason why she blushed.

"Hmm" both eyed Mikan not believing her reason.

"Anyway do you REALLY want to know where babies come from?" asked her best friend.

"Imai san are you going to tell her."

"Yup, if I don't she will just pester us about it and I have a plan" she whispered to Ruka.

"Mikan if you really want to know then come with us but first you must convince Natsume to come with you or else Ruka and I won't tell you then meet with us front of my lab okay" she shouted

"IMAI san! What do mean WE will tell her?" replied a surprised Ruka

"Eh? Hontou! Demo why does Natsume have to come?"

"You'll see"


"Shut up or I will show everybody your picture which I developed today"


Ruka knows that Hotaru is not to take lightly especially her threats.

To be continued…..

A/N: Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Love it? Hate it? Just leave me a review so I could make a better chapter next time. Ja ne!!!