Don't know if anyone here is actually reading this (aside from Magali- Cheers!) but I suppose I'll keep posting anyway…

And the discussion continues…

I don't want anyone to be the villain in this- I hope I've made everyone's actions seem somewhat justifiable.



As Michael carried Will into the next room for his nap, Maria turned to face her mother. The initial joy she had felt about seeing Amy was quickly dissipating- she had worried that her mother might have some unhappy comments about the manner in which they had left, but she hadn't anticipated this much anger. It had been six years, after all, and her mom had had ample time to read over Liz's diary, talk to Jim Valenti and the other parents, and get used to the whole alien idea.

Perhaps she had been naive, but Maria had genuinely thought that it wouldn't really be an issue…

"What the hell was that about?" Maria hissed, hoping that Michael and Will wouldn't be able to hear her from the next room. At the very least, she wanted to spare her son from the family meltdown that seemed to be occurring.

"What?" Amy asked, avoiding her daughter's eyes.

Maria sighed. "You know perfectly well what I'm talking about. We arranged this so that we could spend a nice family weekend together- I have been looking forward to this for months. But the way you're acting around Michael is making me wish that we had just stayed home…"

She knew that her words were harsh, but she didn't care. No one- not even Amy- was allowed to insult Michael like that. He meant so much to her, and she wouldn't stand by while her mother made degrading comments.

Amy stiffened, obviously hurt by what Maria had said. "I'm not the one you should be angry with, Maria." She retorted, her voice quaking with anger. "He is the one that tore you away home your home. He is the one that forced you to abandon your family. He…"

"He has a name." Maria cut in, not wanting to listen to any more ridiculous ranting. "And he never forced me to do anything. I love Michael, and I choose to leave because I knew that I couldn't live without him." She paused and drew a deep breath. "I know that the situation isn't ideal- and I do wish that things were easier- but none of it is Michael's fault…"

Amy scoffed. "Of course it's his fault." She replied. "He's and alien, Maria. There are people after him because he's different. But you're not…you could have stayed. You should hav-"

"I don't have any regrets." The younger woman said before her mother could finish. "I'm happy, mom. I have a wonderful husband, and a beautiful son- I wouldn't change that for anything."

Amy blinked several times before looking out the window into the parking lot. Maria could tell that she was conflicted and, in some ways, she couldn't blame her. Maria had been the only real family she had had, and she had run away with no warning, without even saying good bye- the truth of the matter was, she had chosen Michael over her mother, and she knew that this must have hurt Amy terribly…

It hurt her too. She wished that it hadn't come to that…but she had been faced with a tough decision, and she had made it. And she knew that, if given the chance, she would make the exact same decision again…

"You can't just come here and treat Michael like crap." She continued, wanting to get all of her pent up emotions out. "He has feelings too, you know- and after all that he has done for me he deserves your respect. You welcomed him into the family before, remember? What's so different now? He's still the same person he's always been."

Amy looked down into her lap and shook her head. "It's not the same, Maria." She began, her tone more subdued then before. "Do you have any idea how hard these last few years have been on me? My only daughter- my family- left me without any warning. And then I find out- from someone else's diary none the less- that she's on the run from the FBI because the boy she had been dating for three years, the boy I had trusted and let into my home, wasn't even human." She paused and drew a shaky breath. "I had no way of contacting you, and I only knew that you were still alive because Jim had some mysterious contact in the FBI. I was worried sick, Maria. And I missed you so much. The only thing that kept me going were the occasional news updates from Jim. And even those hurt. It was so painful to think about all that I was missing out on- especially when I found out that I had a grandson who I wasn't even able to see. I've been so alone…and so angry…for a very very long time…"

"I'm sorry."

The sound of a third voice in the room caused both mother and daughter to turn their heads abruptly. Michael had come back into the room, and he had clearly heard at least part of Amy's rant.

"I'm sorry that we put you through so much, Ms. DeLuca." Michael continued, his voice sounding genuinely sympathetic. "But that still doesn't give you the right to come here and treat me like dirt. I love your daughter, and I have done everything I can to give her the best life possible…if you can't accept that, then it's your problem- not mine."

Amy pursed her lips and looked Michael in the eyes. "You lied to me, Michael." She began. "And then you took my daughter away from me. Do you really think that I can forgive you for that?"

Michael took a few steps forward and wrapped a supportive arm around his wife's waist. "You don't have to forgive me." He replied. "You just have to accept the situation. I never meant to hurt you- neither of us did- but the fact is, Maria decided to come with me when I left Roswell, and we are very very happy together. Nothing you say can change that."

"He's right." Maria agreed. "And…and…" she hesitated "…as much as I wanted to see you this weekend, I think that maybe it would be better if you left." She bit her lip, and her heart broke at the look of pain in her mother's eyes. "I can't let you stay here if you're going to degrade Michael in front of our son. Because like it or not, that means that you're degrading Will too."

Amy's eyes narrowed. "What is that supposed to mean?" She asked. "Will has nothing to do with this. I would never do anything to hurt my own grandson."

"By telling him that aliens are scary evil creatures, you are hurting him." Maria replied. "How is he supposed to feel good about himself if his own grandmother is telling him that he's a bad person?"

Amy looked back and forth between the two, a look of confusion across her face. "I never…"

"Think about it, mom." Maria cut in, exasperated. "Will is Michael's son too. And that means that he's…different."

The older woman froze, clearly taken aback by what Maria was saying. "So he's…"

"…an alien." Maria finished. "Yes, he is."

"How is that possible?" Amy asked, shocked by this revelation. "I mean, according to Liz's diary, Max and Tess- who were both aliens- gave birth to a human child. You're human, Maria- how could your son possibly inherit alien DNA?"

Michael stiffened slightly, somewhat surprised that Amy hadn't taken this possibility into consideration. "It's possible." He explained, carefully keeping his anger under control. "It's just basic genetics. I'm a hybrid- half alien and half human- and Maria is human. One half of each of us goes into making a child- and there is a fifty fifty chance that my alien half will be the part that contributes- making our child part human and part alien…like me. In the case of Max and Tess, their two human halves went together and made a human child. That was one possible outcome, but not the only one."

Amy slumped down in her seat and brought a hand to her mouth "Oh god…" she drew a deep breath. "Are you sure? How do you know that he…"

Michael and Maria exchanged a glance. "We're sure." Maria replied after a few moments. "Alien pregnancies are different then human pregnancies…the babies develop much faster. Will was born- fully developed- during my fourth month. So we knew almost right away that he was going to be like his father." She paused. "He's also been using his powers more and more lately, mostly when he's angry…so there really isn't any doubt."

"Oh god." Amy repeated, her eyes growing wider by the second. "His…his…powers?" she stuttered, her voice shaking.

Michael rolled his eyes- her anger now seemed to be replaced with shock…and fear. He wasn't sure which was worse. "Yeah, powers." He said defensively, unwilling to let Amy get another word in on the subject. "You know-like this."

He hesitated for a second and then raised his arm out in front of him. Focusing on the vase across the room, he blew it to smithereens with a small blast of energy.

Amy gave a yelp of surprise at her first glimpse of alien powers, and quickly stood up from her spot on the couch.

Maria leaned in closer to Michael, afraid of what her mother would say next.

But instead of going off on another enraged tirade, Amy walked brusquely towards the door.

"I need some fresh air." She muttered as she grasped the bronze door knob and yanked it open.

Michael and Maria remained silent, unsure of how to interpret her actions. Was she mad? Afraid? Shocked?

Neither knew, and it was evident that this was not the time to question the shaken woman.

The door closed with a crisp bang, leaving the couple alone in the blissfully silent room.

"What now, spaceboy?" Maria asked, looking up at her husband.

Michael shook his head. "I don't know…"


A/N- Want more? Then REVIEW!