Chapter 1

Grace was running as fast as her little chubby legs will let her, down the frozen food aisle in the supermarket, with her mom chasing after her,

'Grace stop running away from mommy' Peyton shouted to her beautiful 2 and half year old daughter.

'We have to get going, mommy has got to go to work and I still have to drop you at the sitters.'

Peyton caught up to Grace, picked her and started to tickle her tummy, Grace started laughing with her dirty little laugh, which always reminds Peyton, how much she loves her daughter.

Once they had finished the grocery shopping, they made their way to the sitter's house to drop Grace off.

Peyton arrives at work ready for her 8 hour shift at Atlantis, the nightclub she is the manager of, working in Tric for all that time really paid off.

Peyton is woken up at 7.30 am by Grace crying for her mommy.

She gets up and gives Grace her breakfast then settles her in front of the TV to watch Saturday morning cartoons.

She turns her laptop on and finds an email from an address she doesn't recognise, she is about to delete it without reading it, but something in side of her tells her she should read it.

The email was from her best friend from high school, Brooke;

Hi Peyton,

I hope you don't mind but I ran into Mouth and he said he still talks to you so I asked for your email, if you don't want to talk to me that's fine I understand.

But I really miss you Peyton Sawyer.

I haven't seen you in about 3 years, you left straight after graduation without saying a word, and I know we had our problems but I thought you would have said good-bye.

But that was a long time ago now and I would really like it if we could be friends again.

I am living in New York now and doing fashion at NYU, im living the dream I have had for so long, and I would like to be able to share my happiness with you.

I hope you can find it in your heart to write back telling me how your life has been since you left tree hill.

Love Brooke x

Peyton read the email 5 times before she decided maybe it would be good to talk to someone who knows the old Peyton, before Grace arrived.