
Black-rimmed eyes met slightly widened brownish-red over the chain. They were wrapped tightly together, their faces inches apart—no, less than that. Think millimeters. And the chain trapped them like that, arms pinned to their sides and chests pressed against one another's (And chain digging in painfully).

"Raito-kun," Ryuuzaki said. "you're blushing."

And he was. Raito, despite being chained at the wrist to the insomniac, had never been so close to Ryuuzaki. They were touching even. But the former Kira wanted to touch a bit more. He leaned forward, lips seeking the detective's, and fell flat on his face.

Ryuuzaki, from his spot on the opposite side of the bed, looked questioningly at Raito.

"Dreams suck." Raito muttered into the carpet fibers.


Happy Birthday, Raito-kun! flails happily February 28 is Raito's birthday! Rejoice, Raito fans! Rejoice! (Also, he's born on a leap year!)