Steph7085 – Thanks for the review, I'm glad you liked the last chapter and I hope you enjoy this one to.

Gabumon – Thanks for your review but John didn't leave Rodney behind, he and Ronon grabbed him and dragged him through the gate with them. I hope you enjoy the final chapter.

Fyd818 – I'm glad you liked John's line in the last chapter and I love their wordless understanding on the show so I had to put it in my fic. Don't worry about the review being delayed it's taken me forever to update everything. I hope it was worth the wait, final chapter here and I hope you enjoy it. Glad you're feeling better and that my story helped.

Chapter 8

Ronon sighed in frustration as he searched the city for Teyla; they had both avoided each other since their return that morning. Carson had cleared them all and told them to rest until tomorrow. Teyla had run out of the infirmary faster than he had ever seen her go and hadn't spoken to him once. She had gone so far as to subtly turn around and walk into the nearest transporter when she had seen him coming.

He had to admit for the first few hours he had wanted to avoid her, to wrap his head around everything that had happened. His relationship with Teyla in the virtual world that had been created for them had been great and had made his life there so much better but it was making his life in this world so much more complicated.

He found her in the gym beating up some poor defenceless soldier who had been stupid enough to spar with her. He saw Ronan enter and looked almost grateful as he told Teyla he was calling it a night and ran out of the room.

"We need to talk," Ronon said as Teyla looked at him warily, she took a deep breath and nodded before going and sitting on the floor with her back against the wall and her knees drawn up to her chest. Ronan looked at her for a moment; she looked so fragile in that moment as though she could break so easily if anyone touched her.

He sat down next to her mimicking her position and they both sat silently for a moment. "About what happened in that virtual world," he started.

"Neither of us remembered who we were, it wasn't us," Teyla said as though she was hoping that would end the conversation.

"It was me," Ronon said simply without looking at her even when her head turned to look at him. "Our life there wasn't real but it wasn't bad, the one thing from that world that made it better than this one was that I had you."

He wanted her to understand but he couldn't explain it. He'd avoided his feeling for her before, shut them away where no one could see them, especially her, but now he'd seen how much better she could make his life and he wasn't willing to let it go.

Silence once again filled the room as Teyla let his words sink in; she had fallen for Ronan long ago and had always been able to hide it. In the virtual world she hadn't remembered that she had to hide those feeling and had exposed so much of herself to this man that she knew she couldn't take it back and to be honest she didn't want to.

"It was me too," she said simply knowing those few words said everything that needed to be said. A small smile graced Ronan's lips and he looked at her for the first time since they had sat down. She shifted position and brought her lips to his in a soft gentle kiss that was so full of potential and promise.

- - -

It had been a day since they had returned and John decided it was time he finally faced up to what had happened in the virtual world. He'd gotten into a relationship with Elizabeth, his boss, and he knew there were going to consequences in this world, he just hoped they were good ones.

She wasn't in the control room or her office so he tried the next obvious place to look for her, the balcony, their balcony. Sure enough she was there staring out at the blue ocean with a thoughtful look on her face. He moved to stand beside her perhaps a little closer than he should have done but at that moment he didn't really care.

"We were in another world living different lives John; we had no memory of who we were," she said after a moment silence.

"Does that really make a difference?" he asked.

"I don't know," she said quietly.

His mind was a mess, a confused mess but the only thing that wasn't confused the only thing that made any sense and he could see clearly through the jumble were his feelings. They had been there before, for a long time but he had ignored them and done his best to keep them hidden. He had even denied them to himself so that he would never have to recognise them for what they were and that would make them easier to ignore.

That was no longer a possibility, his virtual self had identified the feelings for him and acted on them and he couldn't take it back. He couldn't lock them away in their cage again and pretend they weren't there anymore.

"The world wasn't real but we were and so were my feelings," he said as he turned to look at her. Her gaze finally moved from the ocean to him and searched his eyes as if she was looking for the truth.

"So were mine," she said quietly, her voice so full of emotion that John stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. "This isn't going to be easy," she stated a moment later and he pulled back to look at her.

"I love you and I don't care of it isn't going to be easy as long as I have you."

"I love you," she replied a moment later as he moved closer to her again and brushed his lips over hers before capturing them in a kiss so filled with passion it took her breath away.

- - -

Rodney walked through the corridors of Atlantis shaking his head having been released from the infirmary with a slight limp he had been assured would fade in the next few days. He had gone onto the balcony to talk to Elizabeth and as soon as he had opened the doors he had seen her in a lip lock with Sheppard.

He had then decided to tell the other two members of his team and had gone looking for them only to find them also in a serious lip lock in the gym. Whatever had happened to them all in that virtual world must have been really interesting. It seemed all their lives were about to change, he thought to himself as he saw Lorne and went to tell him what he'd seen. The whole of Atlantis was going to know before any of them came out of their lip locks.

The End

Authors Note: The end of my first Atlantis fic, thank you to everyone who reviewed it helped me a lot with this and a really big thanks to Steph for the beta. I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.