'How dare you!' A lady, probably in her thirties, said to Kurt as she pushed her way past. No-one noticed the bulk in her pocket.

'How dare I?' Kurt questioned the anonymous woman.

'Yes! You killed my husband!' The woman, otherwise known as Mrs Freeman, replied angrily.

'He nearly killed my sons!' Kurt yelled back.

'He only gave them a few lousy beatings! It's not like he actually killed them!'

'Again, he nearly did! And he killed a girl!'

A small sob escaped Zack's lips. Both feuding adults looked at him. Cody let out a yell. 'Dad!'

Everyone looked towards Kurt. A loud gunshot ran out. Kurt dropped to the ground as the twins ran over.

'Dad, wake up! Dad!' Zack and Cody shook their father, as Carey ran over.

'Oh my god, Kurt!' She knelt down and felt his pulse. It was very weak. Kurt lifted a strong hand and placed it on Zack's cheek and took hold of Cody's hand with the other.

'I love you both very much.' Zack put his hand over his fathers and felt a drop of rain fall on face.

'We love you too, Dad.' Cody said. Zack nodded. 'Yeah, loads and loads.'

Kurt smiled. He looked at Carey. The rain was getting heavier now. 'I never stopped loving you, Carey. You were my only one.'

'Oh, Kurt.' Carey kissed his forehead.

Suddenly, the hand that was on Zack's face slid down slowly, before hitting the ground. The grip on Cody's hand loosened. Kurt's eyelids shut around his glassy eyes, and the rain started beating down even heavier.

'Dad! Wake up, Dad! Don't die! Dad!' Zack and Cody hugged their father's lifeless body.

The twins stayed, for what seemed like hours, in the same position. Eventually, Carey took them home.


'Look what I made Mommy, Daddy.' 6-year-old Zack held up a photo frame to his father.

'You don't make stuff for your mother at my house, Zachary!' Kurt angrily scolded his son.

Kurt and Carey had just filed for a divorce and Zack and Cody went round to play at Kurt's place every Saturday. Kurt was in a bad mood that the divorce had gone through, so he took his anger out on his sons.

'Technically, this is a flat, not a house.' Cody looked up from his book.

'I don't care what it is, Cody, but it's mine and I don't want you making your mother presents, understood?!' Kurt took the frame out of Zack's small hand and threw it to the ground and stood on it.

Carey was coming down the hallway at this point to pick up her sons. She heard the shouting ad gasped.

Zack reached out to grab it, whimpering, and his hand got jumped on in the process. He started bawling and Cody came over and looked at his hand, which was turning purplish. Kurt stopped what he was doing and looked at his twin sons.

'Oh God, oh God. Zack, I am so sorry. Cody, go put some cold water on it. I'll fix the frame before your mother gets here.'

'Too late.' Carey stood in the doorway. Zack and Cody turned towards their mother and ran into her arms.

'Don't come near my boys again.'

'Carey…' Kurt ran a hand through his hair.

Suddenly Zack ran over. Kurt thought he was going to hug him or something, but he grabbed the frame off the floor and ran out again.

And that's where the hate began…

End Flashback

Zack blinked as he remembered. His dad had cared; he had been annoyed at someone else whenever he got mad at him and his twin.

Cody came over to his older brother and wrapped an arm round his shoulders. Zack turned towards him. 'Cody, promise me something?'

'Yeah, what is it?'

'Promise me that you'll never leave me. I've lost two people already.'

Cody smiled. 'I promise.'

'We'll get through this, Zack. Everything is going to be fine.'

Zack hugged his brother back and they fell asleep in that position.

"Everything is going to be fine…"

I thought that was a pretty pathetic ending, and I'm sorry you had to wait so long but I pushed myself to do it and I did it, so…please review!