Author's note: Well here it is kiddos. My new and improved first chapter of sleepless night of an unloved child.

And from now on I am taking any ideas that I can get. So if you contact me and tell me your idea there is a good chance that it will be featured in my story. Who's ever I pick will get there name and story titles presented at the bottom of my chapters. I will be doing this for both of my story's so don't feel the need to rush your thinking process. You all know by now that I'm not the fastest writer here.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Rules: No flames please, enjoy the story, and don't comment on my horrible spelling.

Chapter one: "Oh my god"

"Psss!" came a loud whisper.

He turned his head up into the lush green trees above him.

His dark ebony hair fell over to the side, tickling his neck as he felt another presence behind him.

"Over here."

But before he could react he felt a hard fist come in contact with the left side of his already bruised face.

The loud impact caused several tired eyes to look up in astonishment towards the surprise victor of the 5 hour lasting fight.

Black obsidian eyes widened as his fingers reached and stretched. But failed to catch the dark rooted ground inches below him.

"Shit!" he cursed.

And in mere seconds he could feel his spine crack and snap against the hard thick brown trunk of the overgrown tree behind him.

His throat gave a quick lurch, and his eyes traveled wildly from side to side until they finally caught sight of the flickering green eyes he had been looking for.

His stomach twisted and knotted, partly from how his back seemed to bend itself in two as his heart beat faster in his ribcage. And because he hadn't seen those green eyes light up like that in a long time.

She was panting loudly. And looked like she would collapse any second.

She wavered a bit as she stumbled toward him. He was about to get up and catch her but she seemed to have everything under control.

She calmly walked over to him in small elite steps.

He watched her kneel down in front of him and slowly gather a large amount of chakara into her right hand.

Their spectators raised their heads higher, as if they had never seen her do this before.

"Yosh! She's even more beautiful in the light of her own chakara!" he heard Lee exclaim.

Lots of groans were heard over the crackling pop of the ball of light pink chakara in front of him.

He glared at her as soon as he saw the small smile form on her bloody lips from Lee's idiotic comment.

"How the hell do you have that much chakara right now?" he breathed out.

Blood spurted and crimpled out of his mouth.

She smirked contently as her left hand carefully rolled him over to his stomach and her right hand strolled the hypnotizing ball of energy a few inches above his back to see what work had to be done.

He winced.

"I extracted some from your body when I punched you in the head."

He groaned as he felt her warm hand lift up his shirt to revel his broken spine.

Her other hand came down and engulfed him in soothing warmth, as his spine moved back into its proper place.

"You punch like a hippo," he muttered.

"Says the guy who is laying on the ground with a broken spine," she replied.

He glared once more as the warm feeling quickly vanished, and his shirt was pulled back down again.

She helped him sit up.

"Do you need me to walk you home Sakura?"

"You ask me that everyday Sasuke."

"You have fan boys now…"

"And I'm sure you and Naruto's "talk" with them last week will keep them away today," she grinned.

And with that she turned around and walked away.

"BYE SAKURA-CHAN!" she heard Naruto and Lee yell.

She put her hand up in the air to acknowledge their ear throbbing good-byes.

"Sasuke-kun are you ok, did Sakura hurt you to much?" Ino called out.

He looked back at the retreating pink haired figure only a few feet in front of him.

She has come a long way, he thought.

"Sasuke-kun?" Ino called.

His head moved in the direction of his name.

"Do need me to carry you home, I know where you live. And I have a key and everything too. So you wouldn't have to worry about straining yourself, and maybe I could sleepover tonight that way-."

"SASUKE-TEME LETS GO! WE GOT TO CATCH UP WITH SAKURA'S FAN BOYS BEFORE SHE NOTICES WERE FOLLOWING HER AGAIN!" Naruto hollered from the opposite side of the tattered training grounds.

"Hn," Sasuke grunted.

Why the hell is she so fucking special! Ino fumed.

She was about to apply a nasty comment. But as she scanned the training grounds for the last remaining Uchiha. She realized that she was the only one there to hear it.




"Daddy?" she breathed.

She charred soundlessly across the path of broken glass and dented floorboards until she had reached the blood spattered broken in door of her bedroom.

Her large duffel bag fell dully to the floor as she slipped into a large dark blue T-shirt, and put her hair up in a messy pink bun.

Her room was completely bare. Of the exception of a white thin blanket and a chunk of broken metal in the corner of the small boarded room.

She slowly lowered herself on to the floor, listening for any other sounds that weren't her own.

After 10 minutes of listening and waiting she finally sighed a huge wave of relief.

I'm safe tonight.

She rested her head on her forearm as she tried her best to relax her body and fall magnetically asleep.

Her eyelids were dangerously close to being closed until she heard a loud slam in the front hallway.

Her eyes snapped open, and she sat straight up as if her back was made up of titanium metals.

Heavy footsteps pounded on the floor, while he came closer to the demented ash splint wood that held the only barrier between them.

Her heart was pounding vividly, and her armpits started to sweat progressively as the footsteps neared closer.

And suddenly…they stopped.

The world seemed to spin faster, and the silence seemed to become louder.

Her lungs felt as if they would explode if she held her breath any longer.

"Sakuraaa," he whispered outside her door.

Oh my god.




The sun was too bright. And the birds were too loud. The wind was too windy. And the hair on the back of his neck was way to pointy.

He sat up.

Something's not right, he thought.

Naruto's wide blue eyes wandered around the room, in search for any ramen that might have been stolen throughout the night.

"Hmmmm, nothing out of place," he muttered.

But the dark feeling in the pit of his stomach just wouldn't go away.

He tried walking around his bed 100 times but that knot just tightened even more.

"Damn," he muttered softly while plopping down on his large white pillow that sat in the middle of the room.

He scratched his greasy blond hair, and took a large inhale of the chilly breeze that swept through the open window.

His light blond eyelashes blinked rapidly as the wind caught up a little to quickly. His eyes watered over.

He began to rub his eyelids furiously, when something in the corner of his vision caught his attention.

As soon as his eyes came back into proper vision, all anyone could hear was the quick scrabbling of feet and a loud bang of the door slamming behind him as he darted into the chilly dewy morning of a bright new day.

And in his doorway laid a crumpled wilted cherry blossom.




She shifted uncomfortably in her awake, and rolled over and over again, until she finally decided to sit up.

Boy, that was a mistake.

Her head was pounding on a level of extreme.

And she couldn't feel her legs.

My legs? She thought.

She looked down.

Small whimpers escaped her purple beaten lips.

"Oh my god," she whispered.




Sasuke could feel the immense chakara of his probation officers a couple feet away from where he was standing.

Where are they?

The soles of his feet started to ace from standing so long. And his eyes started to burn from the 12 minute staring contest he had been having with one of his prowl officers.


He blinked.

"Damn it all to hell," he grunted.

Naruto stumbled across the rattling bridge, darting towards Sasuke's presence.

"Sasuke, I think Sakura's in trouble!"

Everyone's ears perked up in the mere mention of "Sakura" and "trouble" in the same sentence.

"Let's go," Sasuke whispered.




In any other situation she would have known what to do.

But she figured this case was far worse than any other situation she had encountered.

She knew he wasn't in the house with her anymore or else he would have punched her by now for screaming so loud.

Her mind was running a blank.

What do I do?

What can I do?

She tilted her head back far enough so her tears wouldn't come out.

Her bloodshot eyes drifted back and forth across the ceiling, shifting over different patterns and designs she had never bothered to notice before.

The slightly ajar door to her left caught her attention.

She stood up shakily.

Her long fit legs stumbled across the blood soaked floor, giddily dragging to her destination.

She extended her fingers softly expecting to be stopped by the brass doorknob that had always been there.

But there was nothing.

What the hell? She thought.

As soon as those thoughts raced through her mind, sharp vivid memories of last night swallowed her up into a dizzy irritable state.

She shivered slightly, as she lifted he right hand to the back of her head and carefully pulled out a large piece of brass that was tangled in her long pink tresses.

Her body shook with quiet sobs, while the hot oozing pain ventured around her head.

I can't do this anymore.

She pulled back her hand back to find it was covered with warm red blood.

It dripped down the length of her arm, but she made no move to stop it.

Her feet somehow made it to the kitchen before she could realize where she was going.

Sharp glass invaded her toes.

Loud memories clogged her vision.

She stumbled to her knees…and cried.

What am I ganna do? What am I-

Sakura's thoughts were interrupted by 4 familiar immense sources of chakara heading towards her.

She raised her head sharply, creating the wound in the back of her head to grow and spurt blood down her neck and back.

Oh no! She thought.

They can't be here, not now!

Her pulse speed up.

And her mind became foggy again.

Her bright green eyes dimmed momentarily as she searched for a way out.

Her large heavy weight cherry wood door thumped and chimed with the contact of someone's fists banging loudly on the other side.

"Sakura, are you here?" she could only guess Naruto yelled.

With trembling fingers she soundlessly backed up into an open covered wall. And slid down until she was sitting on the floor.

Oh my god.




AUTHOR'S NOTE: Well there it was.

And no features for anyone today, because I'm saving one idea for my next chapter.

I will put his or her name in my story and a preview for one of his or her stories that I like the best.

Reviews are gladly welcomed and more ideas would be great!