Disclaimer: Nope, can't sue me, cuz I don't own it.

Author's Note: Yo check it. Two chapters in a week, that is if you call this a chapter. It's totally out of order, written as the thoughts came to my head. It's more like a collection of tid-bits that have to be written about before this story can go on. But in any case, here's another update. And you can thank Khopheyand tasuku-sempai whose lovely reviews are the reason I'm updating.

Previous Chapter: "What'd he do this time?" Ginny asked without looking up from her magazine.

"I'm about to find out," Harry replied as he summoned his coat and Apparated away.

Loveseat Chapter 13

Luna Lovegood normally woke up feeling refreshed and revitalized. On this particular morning, she awoke feeling…dead. Her head was pounding and her mouth felt wretched. What did I do last night? Luna asked herself. Sitting up, she groggily ran a hand through her messy hair and felt something odd. She pulled it away in her hand: it was a red rose.

Suddenly, images poured into her mind. Memories, she now remembered from the previous night.

Ron on her doorstep, flowers in hand.

Ron holding her hand as they walked under a starlit sky.

Ron laughing and smiling while they ate.

Ron leaning in and…

Luna's sleep-muddled eyes flew wide open in realization. She groaned and slapped a hand to her forehead. What did I do?

Luna fell back onto her pillows and flipped her covers over her head, as if she could hide from the answer, as if she could hide from the world. Luna was just content to lie in her cocoon of covers and pretend that last night hadn't happened.

When Ron squeezed into the bustling bar at the Three Broomsticks, Harry was already there sipping a Butterbeer and chatting with Madam Rosmerta. Ron mentally thanked whoever was listening for giving him such good friends and wondered what he'd ever done to deserve them. He navigated his way through tables and chairs, finally sitting heavily on the stool next to Harry.

"There you are, mate!" Harry said. Ron managed a smile and a nod.

Harry turned to Rosmerta, "A Butterbeer for Ron." Ron cut across though. "Actually could I get a Firewhiskey? Make that a double."

Harry's eyebrows shot up. He asked expectantly, "So…what was so important that I had to meet you here?"

"Oh, uhm…" Ron faltered. A few minutes ago, he'd been desperate to confess what he'd done to someone, now he'd rather keep it to himself. "Did you hear about the Cannons match?" Ron said finally.

Harry gave him a look. The kind of look you can only get from someone who knows you almost better than you do. "I know you didn't haul me down here to talk about Quidditch. Spill; What's really going on?"

Ron sighed. He was going to have to confess anyway. Warily looking around at the crowded bar, Ron leaned in and whispered something into Harry's ear. A second later, Harry stood up from the bar, choking on his drink and sputtering, "You did what?!"

"Shut up and sit down!" Ron hissed. One of the downsides to being best friends with Harry Potter was that people stared at you pretty much wherever you went. All through the Three Broomsticks, people were now staring interestedly, not bothering to even pretend they were minding their own business.

Harry collected himself a bit and sat back down. Questions were clamoring in his head, begging for release.

Why would you do this?

Why would you do this to Hermione

Who did you do it with?

"When did this start?" He asked. Ron knocked back a shot of his drink and said, "Remember that Saturday Hermione and I went furniture shopping…"

When Hermione returned from her shopping trip, the house was thankfully empty. She called Ron's name to be sure. When there was no answer, she threw herself onto their couch and did something she hadn't done in months.

She cried.

She was so confused. Emotions were bubbling inside her like a boiling potion in a cauldron. Grief, loneliness, anger, jealousyShe had to talk to someone or she'd explode. Hermione summoned the phone and called the first number that came to mind.

Ginny Potter watched her husband Disapparate away and turned back to her mildly interesting magazine article. A few minutes later however, the phone rang yet again. Ginny rose from her seat and answered it.

"Ginny?" It sounded quiet and hoarse, but Ginny would know Hermione's voice anywhere.

"Hermione? What's wrong?" Over the years, Ginny had become increasingly aware of Hermione's emotions, even though she tried so hard to be unreadable, now Ginny could tell right away something was up.

"What's wrong?" Hermione repeated. "Maybe nothing, maybe everything. Gin, I need you to come over. Please?"

"I'm on my way." Ginny hung up the phone and snatched her jacket off its stand. She Disapparated away a moment later, wondering what it was that could make Hermione so upset.

Ginny appeared on Hermione's doorstep a second later. Any other day, she would have walked right on in, but remembering the way Hermione had sounded on the phone, she stopped and rapped her knuckles on the door first. "Hermione?" she called. "Hermione it's me, Ginny!" Ginny knocked on the door again. When a minute later, no one answered the door, Ginny pressed her ear up against it. She heard barely stifled sobs.

Ginny whipped out her wand and pointed it at the door. "Alohomora!" she said. The lock clicked and the door swung open. Ginny rushed in closing the door behind her. "Hermione?" she yelled, but she didn't have to look far: Hermione was sitting in the front room, face in her hands, sobbing hysterically. Without having time to ponder this very un-Hermione like behavior, Ginny crossed the room and sat down next to her, wrapping her arms around her friend.

"Hermione," she said firmly but gently, "Tell me what's wrong."

"Ginny," she managed to say through her sobs, "I think I'm losing him."

Author's Note: So there you have it, whatever 'it' is. Question: how do you insert a line into a Word Document so that it separates the text? It's probably something really simple and I'm just retarded but all I know how to do is type and save so…

I've said it before and I'll say it again: review. When people do that I tend to update… ;)