PLEASE READ THIS!! This is a Kagome and Sesshomaru pairing and it is a romance but there are several things I want to warn you all about. First, this story does go into the issue of domestic violence. It is not the sole focus of this fiction but it does go into it. If this disturbs you or if, for some reason, you don't like it, please don't read this fiction. Also, this issue is a very sensitive one and very important to me…feel free to offer constructive criticism about the story itself but I will NOT tolerate flames about the issue itself. I'm sorry if I sound serious right now, but it is a serious issue. Second, there will be swearing, likely in later chapters. If this offends you, please don't read and please heed my rating…I don't want to offend anyone or be a bad influence.

On a lighter note, Sesshomaru and Kagome will be together and it WILL be a happy ending so don't worry about that part…

Well, here's my new story. I wanted to thank all of my readers from "Hunted"…I'm glad you enjoyed the ending, you all made me very happy. Thank you for sticking with me. I hope you like this story just as much.

Love you all, RainAsTherapy

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha


Love's Trial


Chapter One


It was a frigid winter night yet Sesshomaru sat slumped in a chair in his library with no sweater and no heat turned on within the house. The only light was the weak moonlight that filtered through the two large windows and threw long shadows across the room. He did not move, save to occasionally drink from a glass of amber liquid held within his hand.

The trees outside taped and dragged their branches against the windows but he didn't seem to notice. And when a loud clap of thunder, the beginnings of a thunderstorm, suddenly burst overhead, he didn't even flinch. Sesshomaru stared darkly in front of him for half an hour before standing. He downed the remainder of the drink before setting the glass down. He went to one of the windows and stared out, his hands held behind him.

After a time he slid one hand down his collar and brought up a plain silver chain which held a small silver ring holding a cluster of blue stones and engravings. He held the ring, which was far too small to have fit any of his fingers, on the palm of his hand, a softened expression on his face. Suddenly his face hardened, his hand closing around the ring which he put back beneath his clothing.

He went back to his chair, where he poured himself another drink. And there he sat into the night until the blissful unconsciousness claimed him. When, for a short time, he could forget.



Sesshomaru made his way up and down the dark and almost entirely deserted streets. It was cold, raining, dark, and very late. He kicked at a soggy pile of leaves that blocked his path, shaking his foot impatiently as some stuck to his shoe. He didn't know what he was doing or where he was going. He often walked out late at night, just wandering, almost pacing through the city with no destination in mind. Searching. Searching…but for what? Answers? Comfort? He laughed humorlessly to himself. Were there such things existing out there for him? He sincerely doubted it. Yet, he walked. Maybe it was the feeling of losing himself, disconnecting, losing reality. Maybe it was the loneliness he sought, no people or that which formed his own life. Maybe it was the slight anticipation of a situation that many had found dangerous. Whatever the reason, he wandered. Wandered as though trying to leave himself and his thoughts behind him somewhere in the darkened city.

Sesshomaru passed out of residential streets and began making his way past stores, offices, restaurants, and other businesses not yet opened for the day; it was scarcely four in the morning. He was just passing a narrow alley, which he knew was used to house trashcans for the two buildings it separated, when he heard a low moan. He froze, then slowly backtracked, peering into the darkness. He heard something else, which sounded like someone's labored breathing, and cautiously bent for a closer look.

It was a crumpled figure huddled between two trashcans. Sesshomaru might have assumed it to be some drunk or transient if not for two things. Even in the dim light, Sesshomaru could see that the person's clothes were torn and newly stained with the owner's blood. Also there was no smell of alcohol or unmasked body odor only…only the coppery smell of blood and…and the smell of sexual release.

Sesshomaru suddenly felt as though his mind was reeling, overwhelmed with images of the past, so similar to what stood before him now. Gritting his teeth with the effort of tearing himself back to the present, he scooped up the girl in his arms and made his way home. Police were a bunch of bumblers in any case and he would not stoop to ask their pointless assistance.

He quickly began to making his way back to his home. The girl was unconscious, very cold, and obviously wounded, though he couldn't tell how badly without a more careful look.


Sesshomaru kicked open the door to the guest room and carefully laid his burden on the bed. He felt winded and overwhelmed and let out an audible sigh when his arms were empty. The girl was not heavy but his mind was so overwhelmed that it left him physically taxed. The girl looked around seventeen, 5'3' or so, and very petite, almost to the point of frailness. She had long black hair and a heart-shaped face. She was soaked, mud-splattered, and her clothes were torn. She wasn't entirely decent but Sesshomaru had a feeling she hadn't had any say in that matter. With a hesitant look at her still face he pulled the blanket up to her waist and eased off her shirt which was all she really wore. Her skin was scratched and there were several deep cuts across her torso, chest, and on one of her arms. However, though they were not insignificant, the cuts did not look life-threatening. He departed briefly and then returned with some supplies. Carefully he cleaned up her wounds, then pulled the blanket up to her chin.

He stood looking at her for a time. He needed a drink. But he knew that when she awakened that she would be alarmed and confused at the very least. And if he was correct in thinking she had been assaulted, she would be very frightened as well, not realizing she was out of danger. So he arranged his long legs as he sank into a chair to keep vigil over his new guest.



Sesshomaru awoke with a jerk. The girl was sat upright in bed, looking frightened and confused, clutching the blanket to her chest like a talisman against danger. Sesshomaru slowly rose and she let out a gasp, squeezing her eyes shut as she began to cry. Sesshomaru realized with a start how his appearance in the dark might be startling. At 6'2 and with his wide shoulders he might look very ominous to her, appearing as a large shadow against the darkness. So he quickly flipped on the light and did his best to speak soothingly.

"You are safe now," he said to her, keeping his distance. "My name is Sesshomaru. I came across you as I was walking. You're in my house. In the guest room."

She slowly opened her eyes, still looking fearful but less confused. She searched him and Sesshomaru had the funny feeling she was looking into his very soul to see if what he said was true.

"What is your name?" he asked her quietly in an attempt at normalcy.

She looked at him and Sesshomaru was mildly disconcerted to see the fearful face vanish and an impassive dead-looking face replace it.

"Kagome," she said without inflection.

Sesshomaru nodded, wondering what should be said, most things seeming beside the point and trivial in light of the situation.

"Do you have somewhere you want to be?" he asked. "Is there someone you should call? To check with that you're all right?"

He saw a flicker of something he couldn't identify in her eyes before she shook her head.

"No," she said looking away. "There's no one."

"Okay," Sesshomaru said. "Why don't you go to sleep? We can figure out what you want to do later."

"Okay," she said. She looked up at him and she smiled briefly at him, though the smile did not quite reach her eyes. "Thank you."

He was slightly taken aback but responded. "You're welcome."

Sesshomaru left Kagome to sleep and went into his study. He poured himself a drink. The situation in which he'd found that girl Kagome was achingly similar to the night he wished he could forget. The night he lost his adoptive daughter Rin. The night he'd lost everything.

He'd been twenty when she'd come into his care. She was seven. He'd been taking a walk late one night and seen her sitting on a swing. He'd gone over to see if she was lost; it had been midnight after all. She had been crying and launched herself into his arms. Sesshomaru had been shocked but held the frightened child. She had run away from home. Sesshomaru had taken her home for the night, fully intending to take her to the authorities in the morning. The idiots had returned her to her family.

Two weeks after the incident in the park she'd come back into his life. He'd worked late and it was nearly 9 o'clock when he'd gotten home. And seen the little girl huddled on his front stoop. It was a rainy winter night and she was soaked and shivering. She also seemed incapable of speech. He'd sent her to the bathroom with a t-shirt of his to wear, as a nightdress, that came nearly to her ankles. He'd promised her hot chocolate when she came down. She came down and Sesshomaru had been horrified by what he'd seen. Her arms were a sooty mass of bruises along with her feet and ankles. Rin had kept shivering despite the hot beverage and Sesshomaru had bundled her in a blanket. She had crawled into his lap and huddled there.

"Did you run away again?"

She had nodded.

"Did your parents do this?"

"My dad. My mommy's dead."

Sesshomaru hadn't questioned her further. But the girl had captured his heart that day. He had contacted his lawyer and eventually adopted her. Taking Rin away from her abusive father and adopting her had not been easy. Not only did some contend that Rin had a perfectly adequate family but some had objected to a single, and young, man adopting a child. But Sesshomaru and his lawyer had won in the end.

She was 14 the night she died. She had gone to a friend's house and had promised to be home in time for dinner. As dinnertime came and went and as rain began to pour, Sesshomaru grew worried. Rin was obedient and kept her word and when he had called her friend, he learned Rin had left for home some two hours before. Sesshomaru had gone out looking for her, tracing possible routes. And he'd found her. She had been rapped, beaten, stabbed, and left to die in a narrow alley between two buildings. Her favorite orange sweater was unrecognizable, stained with blood. Sesshomaru had gathered her in his arms and rushed to the hospital. He had tried to keep her awake as he ran.

"Rin? Can you hear me? Please, baby, open your eyes."

She'd managed to open her eyes and looked up at him. Sesshomaru felt as though he'd been stabbed himself at the pain in her innocent eyes. A pain that indicated not only physical agony but the pain of robbed innocence.

"I'm sorry," she had managed to whisper. "I took the shortcut. I shouldn't have-"

"Don't worry," Sesshomaru had said, fighting to speak over the lump in his throat. "It's okay."

And she had closed her eyes again, her small face contorted and her breathing shallow and rapid. By the time he'd gotten to the hospital, it was too late.


Sesshomaru tossed back the rest of his drink and stared into the empty glass. He felt his mind drifting away and the glass fell from his hand. Rin…I'm so sorry…I didn't protect you…And the darkness claimed him.



Sesshomaru squinted against the harsh light as he slowly opened his eyes. He moved his stiff and aching body into a sitting position and pressed a cold hand to his throbbing head. He stood, ignoring his protesting body, and went to the guest room where he knocked once. Getting no answer he opened the door a crack and looked in. Kagome was still asleep, curled up in a ball, a frown on her features. Sesshomaru shut the door quietly.

Sesshomaru went down to the kitchen and put on a pot of strong coffee and tossed back a few aspirin with water. While he waited for the coffee, he took a shower and got dressed, donning a pair of comfortable pants and a t-shirt. He worked hard but had the luxury of choosing his own hours. He decided that he'd stay home today and maybe get some paperwork done while he waited for Kagome to awaken.

Sesshomaru drank a cup of coffee and set to work, cursing his hangover. He managed to get a significant amount of work done before Kagome awoke nearing noon.

He heard her go into the bathroom and set his work aside. He went to his closet, selected a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, and went to the bathroom. He knocked and heard the faucet being turned off. Kagome opened the door, a blanket wrapped around her.

"Here. Why don't you take a shower and change into these?"

"Thank you."

Sesshomaru looked at her for a moment. Her face was so slack and dead looking, like she had no emotions or energy.

"You can come downstairs when you're done, if you like."

She nodded. Sesshomaru turned and headed back downstairs, hearing the bathroom door close behind him. There was a brief thumping of the pipes as she turned on the shower that gradually faded as the air was forced from them; it had been awhile since anyone had used that bathroom.

Kagome came down into the kitchen about twenty minutes later. Her wet hair was tangled and tumbled down her back. His t-shirt fell well past her hips and she kept lifting the fabric of the pants to keep from tripping.

"Are you hungry?"

She shook her head.

"There's coffee. Would you like some?"

"Yes, please," her voice still without tone or inflection though it was lilting.

He poured her a cup. "Sugar? Milk?"

"Black is fine."

He turned away as soon as he'd set down the mug in front of her and took a couple of deep breaths. He gritted his teeth with the effort of remaining in the kitchen, in the present. Kagome's arms were covered with bruises that showed starkly now that she was free from blood and mud. It took all Sesshomaru's energy not to be seven years in the past with Rin. He turned back around and took a seat across from Kagome.

"How are you feeling?"


"After you're done I'd like to take a look at your injuries."

She nodded and the two fell into silence.

They went to the guest room after they'd finished their coffee. Sesshomaru looked down at the bed and saw that it was dirty with both grime and blood.

"Wait a moment."

He went and got some clean sheets and blankets and Kagome helped him re-make the bed, showing the first signs of energy that Sesshomaru had seen from her. She then sat down on the edge of the bed and rolled up the hem of her t-shirt, holding the fabric taut against her skin. Sesshomaru removed the bandages. He frowned slightly. One of the cuts wasn't completely clotted.

"If this isn't healed over by tonight I'm going to take you to get looked at."

Emotion entered her eyes for the first time. And it was fear.

"No. Please."

"I'm not trying to get rid of you," he told her gently, sensing she needed reassurance.

She hesitated. "Okay."

Her eyes gradually dulled again. Sesshomaru cleaned the cuts and re-covered them. It must have stung but she gave no indication if she was in any pain. When he had finished he hesitated.

"What about the rest of you. Is your body okay?"


"I need to talk to you eventually. Would you rather do it now? Or do you want to rest some more first?"

"I'd like to rest."

"All right. I'll be working downstairs. Come down when you're ready."

She nodded and closed her eyes after pulling up the covers. Sesshomaru left, shutting the guestroom door.


At six Sesshomaru put his papers away and went into the kitchen. He opened doors and cupboards, pondering the contents of the fridge and pantry. What should he make? He didn't feel particularly hungry but he should eat something today and Kagome hadn't eaten for at least 24 hours. Soup? He didn't really cook so he kept a lot of canned goods and other prepared meals. He heated the soup and went upstairs when it was ready. He knocked on the guest room door and opened it a hair.


"Yes, come in."

He pushed open the door and saw Kagome seated in the chair, looking out the window. She turned to look at him.

"Why don't you come downstairs for dinner?"

She got up and followed him downstairs. He set two bowls on the counter and they sat on the kitchen stools.

They ate in silence for at time though Sesshomaru, who was watching her out of the corner of his eye, noticed Kagome wasn't eating much. He wasn't one to concern himself overly with others but this girl was different. He supposed it had partially to do with the circumstances of their meeting, a situation achingly similar to Rin. And Rin had softened him, opening him up to the possibility of concern. To his surprise, he found himself full of compassion and curiosity for this girl, whom he didn't know. And now that he had made the decision to bring her into his home and take care of her, he wished to see her well.

"Did you want to file a report with the police?" Sesshomaru asked her eventually.

She set down her spoon. "No."

Sesshomaru had no great love for the police but he wondered why she felt so.

"Why?" he asked. "If that is what you really want, that's fine but if we don't file a report the person who did this can't be caught."

"Because…" she looked away and was silent for so long that Sesshomaru wondered if she was going to continue. She did look at him eventually and her eyes were haunted. Haunted with a despair and fear of such magnitude that Sesshomaru felt his stomach clench. "They'll tell my father."

Sesshomaru looked at her. "Your father?"

"He's dangerous."

"How old are you?"


Sesshomaru was still confused. "You're an adult; you can't be forced to return to your father."

"Technically," she said softly, her eyes directed at her lap. "But my father will do anything he can to have me return. And even if I'm not legally forced to return, he'll know where I am."

Sesshomaru looked at her before dropping his gaze. Kagome had given no specifics but from what she inferred this situation was sadly familiar to Rin's. He felt pity for Kagome and the faintest touch of anger for those kind of men who had no right to have children.

"Why?" Sesshomaru asked.

Kagome gazed at him, her face expressionless. "In his mind, I belong to him and my life is to be as he sees fit."

"Do you have any other family?"


"Friends? Schoolmates?"

"I have a couple friends but my father didn't let me see them much. And I'm not in school, my father won't let me go to school or have a job."

Sesshomaru stared at her, before looking away once again. They were silent for a time before he spoke again.

"What will you do?"

She shrugged.

After another silence Sesshomaru said, "You are welcome to stay with me for awhile."

Kagome looked at him. "Why are you helping me?"

Sesshomaru pondered how to answer this and then opted for the truth. "You remind me of my daughter and I guess that makes me want to help you."

She nodded. Sesshomaru cleared their dishes and was surprised when Kagome offered to wash them. Sesshomaru declined and spoke to her as he cleaned up.

"I'd like to take you to see the doctor tomorrow."


"The doctor is a friend of mine so you need not worry."

Kagome was silent before nodding.




Okay, that's it for chapter one...Please R&R!!
