Alright, here's my SAKE fic for you guys. I promised it and here it is. As I said before I have not read all the books so don't be to hard. Flames will either be ignored or flamed back, I give fair warning.

I know Jake may be a little OC but give me a break, the guy is the toughtst cowboy I've ever heard of. Yes, I know I suck at spelling. And I know Jake would never hurt a horse so don't be too pissed about the first chapter, I know what I want and I didn't know how else to start it off.

And most of the fluff will start in the next chapter.

Samantha Forster ran her hands down the beautiful neck of her horse Ace. She was outside Three Ponies Ranch waiting for Jake Ely to come outside. They were suppose to go ridding after she had spent half a day to get him to agree.

She sighed and leaned her chin on her palm, he was suppose to have met her ten minutes ago. Of course she could have walked in and asked what was taking him so long but that meant greeting all the Ely's and although she loved each and everyone of them she was in a huge hurry. Sam hadn't seen the Phantom in over a month and she was worried.

Finally after what seemed like hours Jake stomped outside after slamming the front door to his house shut. Sam watched as he walked over to the already saddled Witch and jumped up on her back. "Jake?"

"Lets go!" He hissed in such a deadly, soft voice that she was afraid to disobey. Jake spun Witch harshly around and kicked her into a canter off of the ranch. Sam followed at his side in silence until they were at La Charla where they stopped to give the horses a drink. Jake still had not muttered a word and his hat covered his eyes, still Sam could tell he was upset by the quick, hard actions he used.

"Jake? What's up?" He jumped down from his saddle and threw the reins to the floor causing a very hurt Witch to jump back in surprise.

"Nothin" He replied harshly as he sat down on the floor. Sam slid to the floor and gently ground tied Ace.

"Jake? What's got you so upset?" She asked as she sat down next to him. He shook his head stubbornly and stood up.

"Nothin!" He yelled and walked over to Witch. He grabbed her reins so quickly she whinnied in surprise and reared.

"Stop it Jake!" Sam yelled as she ran over and snatched the reins out of his hand as the black mare came thundering back to earth. She snorted and stomped backwards until Sam's low crooning soothed her to a halt. "What the hell is wrong with you!?"She yelled at him after leading Witch to Ace's side.

"I can get the silent treatment, I can get the tough, rough cowboy attitude but never in my wildest dreams, Jake Ely would I ever imagine you actually treating a horse that way!" Sam yelled as she pointed her finger at him. He looked at the floor and rubbed his neck with a sigh. "You can yell your head off at me all you want to but I can't believe you'd actually frighten that mare as much as you did!"

She was about to yell at him some more when he grabbed her shoulders so she became silent.

"Sam!" He yelled, then his voice softened. "You're right." He let her go, took off his hat then turned and sat back down.

"I'm sorry Sam. You're right." He placed his hat nervously back on his head and picked up a rock and threw it into the lake so it splashed around them.

"What's up with you?" She asked as she sat next to him once more.

"You mean besides my whole family?!" He asked angrily, she looked at him in disbelief. He had never been this open with her before. It was nice but she couldn't imagine what his family could have done to make him this angry.

"Jake..." She gently placed her hand on his arm. "What happened?" He sighed and threw another rock, this time harder and farther.

"It's my fucking life!" He yelled as he stood up again and walked along the flowing water. She followed at his side. "If I wanna go to college I'll go! If I don't I won't!" He yelled as he kicked the ground causing a mound of dirt to lift up into the air.

Sam waved the dust away with her hand and looked at him. "I'm tired Sam! I can't take it anymore!"

"What did they tell you?"

"They want me to go to Harvard or Yale or something like that." He said as he stopped and looked at her with those deep mustang eyes.

"I thought you wanted to go to college?" She asked him confused.

"I do, I did...I wanted to go to give my family a name. I wanted the word Ely to mean something..." He looked back at the floor. "But how can I leave all this?" He asked stubbornly looking back at La Charla.

"I can't leave Wyatt or Witch, the horses or y..." He trailed off and rubbed his neck. "The more I weigh it the more I hate the idea of going."

"So you don't want to go to college?" She asked, he shook his head. "Did you tell you parents?"

"Why do you think they were yelling?" He asked and turned around to walk towards Witch.

"Jake, you don't have to go." She said simply, following him back and forth. In fact she really liked the fact of him not going. She always had worried about what would happen when he left and hadn't liked any of the possibilities she had come up with.

"Yeah, tell my parents that." He said while looking down at the floor.

"Jake," She grabbed his arm boldly which caused him to stop instantly. "It's your life. Live it like you want too. You don't have to make up your mind tonight, think it over. You'll do the right thing." He smiled slightly and gently wiggled out of her grasp.

Sam watched as he walked to Witch's side who turned from him. He whistled a few times and offered his hand for her to sniff at. After a few moments she took a step near him and allowed his sorry hands to travel over her forgiving neck. "You always have." Sam whispered into the wind so only the river could hear.