Is a life worth the blood

SORRY!!! I never thought I would have writers block for so long on this story! I didn't send this to my beta because I wantied to get it onas quickly as posible. I hope you like this one! And once again, sorry for the rediculus amount of delay.


Kyuubi, Should I kill him next time?

You are strong enough now kit.

Then it's dicided.


It was now night fall. The streets were bare. The life of this once happy village was gone. All being distroyed by the demon that now wondered it's streets. From Naruto's blood bath erlyer that day everyone didn't dare step foot onto the streets, fearing the demon child would kill them as he did many of the young nin.

Speaken of the demon child, he was on his way back to his old home.

There arn't any lights on.

I can sence them inside.

Running tail between there legs.

"Now they all hide from something they can't escape." Naruto mused to himself. He looked up to a window and saw someone looking out. But they quickly disapeared when he made eye contact with them. It was a small child. The child had been pulled from the window by a pair of arms. Naruto guessed it was the childs mother.

"A mothers love protects the child, but a demons fangs can kill anything." Naruto wispered as he turned his way towards the house. The victumes inside had no idea what awaited them.

Naruto came to the front of the house, not too big nor too small. A simple stone coler. But soon it would be painted with blood. Naruto put his claw against the wall digging it in so it would screach. The sound ecoed the emty streets, sending chills down the spines of the villegers.

"Come out, come out, let us play. come out, come out, to the demon at bay." Naruto sung as he began climbing the wall of the house to the window he had seen the child. He could almost taste the fear that was being emited from the window he was aproching. The feel of it was thick, like fresh cream. The imigase of it danced in Naruto's demonic mind. Playing with the fear of the beings he would soon torcher.

He reached the window pearing throught a small crack of the curtans. He smiled letting his bone white teath gleam in the full moon. He saw in the corner of the room a cowering mother with her child. Perfect.

Naruto pressed on the glass till it gave way. The mother and child were shaking uncontrolable. It made Naruto grin with pure pleaure corsing through his vains. The site of them in such a state of fear gave him a new meaning of the word joy. A twisted and sickening one.

"Do you fear me?" Naruto asked in a kind voice lulling the mother and child into false sence of safety. What fools.

"Y-Yes..." The child wispered. Naruto smiled a warm smile at the child making him smile as well. But the mother was warry of the creature that stood before her. She knew what it really was. What it was going to do. Naruto could see it writen on the womans face. The woman seemed familure as well. Then he remembered. She had pelted him with rocks as he walked past her store to get to the acadomy.

Naruto let a twisted smile stain his lips as he crouched down looking more animal than human.

"The rock lady." Naruto said before charging at the woman.


Tsunade walked down the street that was couted in blood. It was clear that Naruto had been responsiable for the carnage.

"76 people dead. 21 of them children." Tsunade read outload. She felt her body shake out of rage. Naruto had killed almost every person who lived on the street. And the body count kept rising as they went into each house.

Tsunade gripped her stomach out of a sudden lerch. Before she could regain her composuer she had spewed her last meal onto the ground. Three ANBU ran to thier Hokage's side.

"Hokage-sama, are you alright?" One of them asked. Thier quetion was met with silence. One of the ANBU who was wearing a bird mask leaned down to see if she was alright. When th bird masked man touched her, She colapsed onto the ground.

"Tsunade-sama!!" Shizune cried out. She was at tsunade's side in a matter of seconds trying to see what had happened. She looked down and noticed blood mixed with the vomit that had been spilt on the ground.

"Well well...Looks like I can kill you now." Naruto said walking into the open. Shizunane stood infront of Tsunade holding poisened senbos betwean her fingers. "Take one more step closer an i'll have to kill you Naruto." Shizune warned. Naruto let out a low laugh sending chills up and down the Joneans spine. Before Shizune could even blink Naruto was standing next to her. The ANBU around her fell to the ground, blood pooring out one lethal spot or another.

"Put down the toy Shuzune." Naruto whispered into Shizunes ear. Shizune spun around, making a slash to kill the boy. Naruto took grip of her hand tightly. "Tsk Tsk, Why would you hurt little me? I thought you cared about me." Naruto said with mock sorrow holding his hand over his heart.

"Why!? Why did you kill all those people!?" Shizune screamed, throwing a punch with her free arm. Naruto swatted her hit asaid like an anoying fly. With a bourd look he glanced at Shizune. "Simply, because I can. Who's going to stop me? You?" Naruto paused to let out a dark laugh. "No one could kill Kyuubi, not even the yondaime himself. I'm getting stronger every day as our powers fuse. Soon thier wont be a person alive that can stop me." Naruto said darkly before kicking Shizune in the chest, causing a sickening snap to eco threw the air.

Blood fell onto the ground from Shizune's lips. "Why? Y-You would n-never hurt a What have you become?" Shizune asked, tears forming in her eyes. Naruto walked over to said woman nealing down. He took hold of her face, his claws digging into her flesh. "You're a juicy one. I'll enjoy eating you Shizune-chan" Naruto purred. Shizune spun her leg around and landed a hard hit in Naruto's chest causing him to loose his grip on Shizunes face.

Shizune stood quickly brushing the blood off her face. "You arn't Naruto." Shizune hissed before throwing a barage of Senbo at Naruto's prone form. Crowching on all fours, Naruto leapt into the air completly avoiding the shot."You need to do better than that Shizune-chan!" Naruto hollered in a tonting voice.

A small smirk came to Shizune's lips. Before Naruto could brace himself he slammed into the ground, a scream excaping his lips. Shizune stood on shaky legs, her smirk never fadding. "You may be strong but you still lack the smarts." Shizune tonted as she held the chacra strings tightly.

"S-Shizune?" Naruto asked in his normal voice. Let's see who can't out smart who! NAruto growled in his head, Kyuubi nodding in agrement, a twisten smile on the demon kings lips. "Naruto?" Shizune asked, though still warry. Naruto looked around as if confused about his soroundings. His eyes found there way to the blood that still painted the streets.

"W-What happened here!?" Naruto asked trying to get up only to 'find' he couldn't. Naruto gave a panicted look as he continued to stand. "Shizune-nii-san, I cen't get up!" Naruto screamed, fake panic painting his face. Shizune cut her chacra string and ran up next to Naruto taking him in a deep hug. "Gomen Naruto..." She whispered as she nealed down next to said child.

"W-what's happeneing? Why am I covered in blood? D-Did I d-do this---?" Naruto asked his words trailing off as he put the two together. Tears welled in the young soon to be teens eyes. "I did this didn't I?" Naruto asked as tears began to flow down his cheaks. Shizune took him into her arms letting him cry. "Shh, shh, it's ok. Kyuubi did this, not you." Shizune asured, truly believing her own statement.

"Heh, I was always good at acting." Naruto whsipered as his claw stabbed threw Shizune's chest, blood spilling out of the shocked Jonen's stomach. "Never trust a demon." Neruo hissed before ripping his hand back. Shizune fell to the ground lifelessly, but she quickly desolved into white smoke.

Damn. Naruto spat in his mind as a kunai flew pat his head, narowly dodjed. He cought sight of the exploding tag atached to the end, his eyes widening. A defening explotion rang threw the area encasing it in smoke and falling dabrey.

Shizune stood out from an ajare door way she had taken refuge in to avoide the blast to see if the job had been finished. A thick mask of dirt flew threw the air that only a Hyuuga could posible see threw. The smoke dirt finaly setteled as a figure started to apear.

Blond hair could be seen, but soon the blond started to turn red as blood dribbled threw it. Naruto layed sprawled across the ground with a pained look on his face. A deep cut ran down his face as random pices of cement stuck into his body.

He slowly foced himself to stand, despite the pain he felt. "Sorry Naruto. But you forget that i've heard the whole story. I know how you killed the others like that and how you acted to get out of trouble with Tsunade once. I wont fall for that trick, and now i'll kill you right here so you can't hurt anyone else again!" Shizune screamed, though against her will tears formed in her eyes.

"At least hear what the real story is before you start simply think I just killed for the heck of it." Naruto hissed in a raspy voice, blood slowly filling his lungs. "I wanted revenge for no one so much as giving a damn about Hinata's death. I was the only one who knew the true story, and yet...No one would listen to the demon of Konoha when he was still somewhat human. Hiashi was the one who had Hinata kidnapped. He was the one who wanted her dead. He took my love from me!" Naruto screamed as rage took him. "That basterd stole her from me! I wanted revenge on him! But then I reliezed no one elso so much as batted an eye when they had found she was dead! Every one was gulty for this! No one dared help her! So you all should pay! And when I am astrong enough, i'll kill Hiashi by eating him alive!" Naruto screamed tears streaming down his face.

"Why didn't you just tell us to start with? If you had of told us we could have found the truth and hade him arested." Shizune said softly. "But that wouldn't be good enough for you would it?"

"You ask such stipid questions. I told you what I want, nothing lower will be acetebly. But for now, I have to leave and continue this elseware. Tell Tsunade to get well soon, I want to kill her when she can fight back." Naruto said bitterly before a sworm of red chacra wrapped around him granting him the spead he needed to excape. With amazing speed, he disipeared from sight, but a thin trail of blood was left behind, his sent easy to follow.


So? How was it? It took me a wile yes, but I hope you enjoyed, as for the next update I wont make any promeses, but I will try to get it up as soon as posible. Wich may range from a day to a year...Pluss I'm just recently a freshmen int he most rediculusly hard school, so be easy on me.

Oh and sorry if the spelling sucks as I said before about not sending it to my beta. Please review!