The Color Red

The AM News

Disclaimer: I own nothing pertaining to House or CSI. I just like to write about it. Reviews are always welcomed.


She slipped through the door and tossed her keys onto her dining room table. The rain was coming down very hard and she was already soaked through. Her curly hair was wet, but she ignored it as she made her way into the kitchen. She was alone, unsurprisingly. On the night of Valentine's day, she was alone.

The house was dim, the night finally starting to set in as she poured herself a cup of wine. She had worked for two days straight now and it was beginning to show. She was tired and had finally found time between the patients and the paperwork to come home and rest.

A knock was heard on her door and she checked her watch. It was very late. Who would visit her at this hour? She knew. The only jackass that would bother her at this hour. He must want something. She debated whether she should let him in.

The sound of thunder answered her question. As much as she wanted to mess with him, her heart would not allow him to stand outside in the rain. With a sigh, she opened the door.

A hand clamped over her mouth as she tried to scream. The sound of thunder and lightening gave her a clear look at her attacker's face. Her blood ran cold and then she shut her eyes, knowing she would not survive the night.


Detective Tritter entered the room. It smelled of blood. The room seemed to belong to someone who was extremely neat and put together. A CSI entered behind him. Her name was Catherine Willows and she had been working her job for years and was as hardboiled as they came. She, however, winced at the amount of the blood on the bedsheets and pillows.

Tritter pulled out his notepad as Catherine went to the body. She gently moved some locks of dark curly brown hair out of the woman's face.

"What's your take on this?" Tritter asked.

"Young, pretty, and successful judging by the size and location of this house." Catherine commented, looking around the room.

"I think it's a suicide." Tritter suggested.

"I don't know yet. I haven't processed anything." Catherine replied, lifting up the woman's wrist and examining three slashes right down the vein that ran through them.

"Killers don't kill by slashing wrists." Tritter pointed out.

Catherine made no comment. She had never run into a case where one did, but some instinct told her that it was not a suicide. However, as she collected evidence from the rest of the room, it would seem as if it was a suicide. There was just no evidence pointing in any other direction, not even a hint that someone else had been in the room.

"You didn't get anything did you?" Tritter asked.

Catherine shut the trunk to her Tahoe as she turned to look at him. "The coroner will look at the body. Until then, I'm not ruling on it either way."


February 15th

The AM News

"A body was found this morning.. Investigators have identified the body as Dr. Lisa Cuddy, Dean of Medicine at Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. She died yesterday night around midnight and was discovered by a neighbor around seven this morning when she did not leave the house for her usual morning run. Investigators discovered her lying in her bedroom.

The cause of this death is unknown, but the lead detective of the case, Detective Tritter suspects that it may have been a suicide. Other authorities are not commenting on this case."


Author's Note:

Does this sound interesting? Don't worry Cuddy will still be in this fic even though she's dead. House will be having a lot of flashbacks about his life with her as the story goes on. He'll be trying to solve her murder though in the process of walking down memory lane. It's sad I know, but I just thought it would be interesting. Tell me if it sucks and I should just stop.