
Red is the color of all things intense and puissant. It is the pure violence of war and the unpredictable force of love. It is the loyalty between two people that transcends all barriers, even that of the pits of Tartarus. It demands attention and craves submission. It is life. It is courage. It is sacrifice. It is passion. Perhaps that is why the blood of human runs crimson.

The color red is not a simple admiration or acknowledge of the array of colors that have splashed the world, but a pure force in itself, unyielding in symbolism. It is desire. It is heat. The glowing hotness of an unrequited love only to have lovers stand side by side in the eternal blackness of death, ever emitting the ruby jewel of the strongest of emotions.

It is the color of aggression and danger. To play with fire while remaining unknown to the edge of peril that one faces. It is to see and to see past, never knowing that one has looked directly in the eyes of fury and destruction only to walk away on borrowed time. Time that ends when the scarlet of insane vengeance arrives on the doorstep, forcing itself into the sanctuary of the home.

It is pure passion of love. The excitement of the first time, the first person, the first tantalizing memory of wasted time and a heated dance of a turbulent love affair. The hidden place of the most unmarred of love. Of absolute trust and confidence. Red is the color of blood sacrifice. The ultimate sacrifice. Of love, of joy, of everything one holds dear for a purpose that one does not know. Emotions that stir the blood and force it to run for a different reason than simply living. Or call a stop to the flow of the cells for the attempt to regain what was lost in the span of existence and human ignorance.

Red is the tangled web of a confusion and chaos from the most powerful of amorousness to the painful agony of separation and loss to the uninhibited ecstasy of unity. Joyous. Beautiful. Tormenting. Necessary.

In death he feels alive. Jubilated. The first time. The last time. The first love. The last love. One second. One day. Eternity.


Author's Note:

Thanks to all who reviewed. I really enjoyed writing this story and I hope you enjoyed it as well. I know the epilogue is very different, but this idea was in my head demanding to be written down so I, humble servant of the insane thought processes that trudge through my skull, obeyed. Hope you liked it!