A/N: Heey everyone! This is my first Fanfic in English. (It is in Spanish) I hope it doesn't have a "lot" of errors please correct me if I'm wrong!!! And Review too pleaseee XD GIVE IT A CHANCE!

Chapter 1

One November, five

From the other side of the monitor a W was showing in a white fund, a dry blow was listened.

- ¿What's wrong Watari? ... - asks a young man of clumsy aspect whom respond by the name Ryuuzaki. There is no response.

- Watari …? - He asks this time feeling afraid to the credibility of his instincts.

Yagami Light gave up a smile betraying his more dark intentions while nobody was looking at him.

From the other side, Watari throw in the soil of his secret office and with his straight hand was pressing strongly his chest. It was evident; he was having a heart attack. He knew that, he was going to die and had to act quickly. With his last forces manages to reach the keyboard of the computer and in the last attempt, presses a button in the back part of this one and with this, a last breath gave an end to his story.

In the room of an old department a cellular begins to vibrate in a table close to the window that gives opposite to the building of Ryuuzaki and is taken by a feminine hand answering the call. On the small screen it was showing a text message saying:

"All Data Deletion"

It was the last thing that showed Ryuuzaki's monitor for surprise of all. Ryuuzaki felt a great threat rising on his back, his hands were rigid on his knees; Ryuuzakis black eyes were full of darkness and were looking directly to nothing.

-"All Data Deletion" What does that means? - Ask Light with curiosity.

- I instructed Watari to delete all the information he currently holds if anything unexpected should happened to him… - Ryuuzaki answered. While he was hardly trying to explain to himself what the hell happened, since it seemed Kira killed Watari. Amane Misa didn't have the opportunity to look at his face … And Yagami Light … would he had done something minutes before? No, it wasn't possible. He didn't let anybody know Watari's real name. But probably it was …

Suddenly other policemen realized that Rem, the Shinigami between them was not among them anymore.

- Everyone... - called Ryuuzaki taking off the teaspoon of the coffee between his thin fingers - the reaper … - his voice was suddenly blocked by a strong and sharp pain that affected suddenly his chest not being able to finish what he was thinking, not being able to drink the extra-sweet coffee he liked so much. Everything felt paralyzed, Ryuuzaki´s body was completely tense, could not breathe, the pain was incredible, he start to fall down of the chair. His conscience was losing force. Yagami Light caught him before striking against the floor. All of them were shouting his name but for Ryuuzaki it sounded more like an echo resounding in the distance without meaning. But Light's face was overflowing with immense satisfaction, and this one was holding Ryuuzaki among his arms, it was clear for Ryuuzaki, it was the only thing that his dead-looking eyes could focus before his vision becomes blurry and could think one last thing in those seconds; He was right, Yagami Light "is" Kira. But …

His eyes yielded and only found darkness and a mortal silence. More the silence lasted little, big shouts came from Light resounding in the lounge alarming all the ex-officials.

With false emotion Light lowered off of his arms the body of the one that since a couple of seconds ago has had been his rival - !We are next! Watari, Ryuuzaki and now us...! - Light over-excited shouts producing panic among his companions. They all waited terrified that death embraces them also.

… 30 seconds.

The wait was chaotic.

50 seconds…

One minute…

… Nothing.

They looked between them looking for an answer and the tension diminished little by little.

- We … we must call an ambulance - said Mogi that was the first one in reacting.

- B…but Ryuuzaki doesn't have any ID - Aizawa answered.

- Such a thing shouldn't be a problem. I'll go with him - The ex-chief Yagami Soichiro prepared to realize the task.

They all helped to load the body covering it with blankets, they went down up to the foyer, a few police officers tried to approach them disturbed by the evident inert body but Light answered them before they ask; that they were moving it to the hospital.

Already out in the parking, they put Ryuuzaki's body inside the car in the back seats. Once already inside the vehicle Souchiro ran at full speed taking the principal highway, he would come in less than 10 minutes to the most nearby hospital only if he maintain a speed of 120 km.

In no time he could see the building of the hospital. But then, in the rear-view mirror saw a white-light truck making signs with the high lights. Souchiro was wondering ¿Who were them? He got anxious when his cellular began to ring, he it took and saw that it was a private number and answered the call.

- ¿Who is it? - The ex-chief of police asked.

- ¿Yagami Souchiro? I am Sarah Collins; I'm in the white-light truck behind you. Please, stop your vehicle in the closest exit; we know that you have "L´s" body in your car. We have come to claim it - It was required with a dry tone voice.

Yagami surprised by her knowledge and for what it is required from this woman decides to refute him.

- How can you assure me what you say is true? I am not that stupid.

- It is good to be a distrustful being but not to the limit of falling down in stubbornness - the woman answered to top of jeer and before Souchiro could answer her insolence, she interrupts him. - This already was foreseen by Mr. Watari and did certain arrangements for the worst case if it happened, if something was happening to him, also it would happen to L, this were the instructions and we were going to know it outright.

Yagami Souchiro did not know what to do or what to think, it was evident that she knew the details of the situation. something that makes her a suspect but ¿how might someone external know it? He was confused and his silence granted this information to the mysterious woman who understood his doubt.

- "All Data Deletion" it was the key phrase announcing his deaths and by consequence it sent us information of the members of the investigation group; if you wonder wherefrom I obtained your number. Now, please stop the car. Respect L´s desires.

Yagami chose to obey, his emotions won against his rationality, after all he did not have how to believe that it might be dangerous. He parked a few meters after the exit of the highway, the white light truck stops after him and Yagami goes out of the vehicle and meets face to face a woman. He felt as if the heart stopped for a second on having seen her. She was beautiful and very young, Sarah was dressing a black exact triad showing her neckline, slender, with a long intense red-haired, smooth hair covering her slightly voluptuous breasts and a white skin similar to milk. But she was using dark lenses. Displeasure felt Yagami to think that her eyes would remain in mystery.

-Tell me … Miss Collins ¿What's the reason for so many precautions? The boy is already dead and I might take it to the hospital and avoid perfectly major explanations.

- Could be, but because of the Kira case the hospitals are very capable for the strange heart assaults, so if a body appears for such reasons and without ID ( I know that too) they will call the police and … the truth is that the "L´s" organization wants to save all these inconveniences and the bureaucratic complicated steps, do you understand me? - the burlesque tone with the one was speaking to Souchiro began to make him feel annoyed - now if you excuse me - the woman does a sign with her fingers and three men dressed as paramedic stoop from the light truck with a stretcher, open the door of Yagami's vehicle and extract Ryuuzaki's body.

- What do you think Alfredo? -She asks one of the men who were checking the body.

- Definitively it's the one we were looking for.

Confirmation of death; near 20 minutes... -The man begins to write in a medical card - ...between 8:20 PM and 8:30 … On November, five, 2004 … probably because of a heart attack to the myocardium.

- Ok, we will confirm it later with the autopsy - declared the young woman.

Yagami's face was showing hopelessness with the commentary of the doctor and could not avoid imagine how that body would be completely cut, he felt nauseas and lowered his view while the paramedics were introducing Ryuuzaki's body inside the light truck. The woman was observing this and asks him.

- Are you ok?

- … he was only a child; he still had so much to live for.

The woman looks at him with certain fear - I believe that you are a good person Mr. Yagami, and because of that I will ask you a favor about not to mention to anybody what happened here to support the absolute anonymity … promptly I will call you and inform you when and where he will be buried. With your permission, I now say goodbye - saying this, she rises to the light truck leaving the solitary policeman with his melancholic thoughts.

It was 10:13 PM and inside the barrack of Ryuuzaki they were all waiting Yagami Souchiro to come back with news. But they were passing their time thinking about the reasons of why they didn't get killed. Only Light was kept in a serene silence.

The silence breaks with the entry of the ex-chief with a tiring face and full of sorrow, he was not capable to look at the eyes of his companions or of his own son to confirm what they already knew. He doubted a bit regard to the request of keeping the secret about this group of persons but he realized it didn't matter now, after all …

- … Ryuuzaki is dead.

A/N: Ok... now I need to know if you like it so I can continue with the translation