A/N: And in no time, the thirth chapter!!! uf... traducing it is really difficult so please, as always... REVIEW!! XD

Chapter 3


9:19 PM, November, five in the night, where Watari's corpse was lying in unknown whereabouts, Where all the data base of L got erased by the dead one but also sent a message and for the whole net a sign traversed crossing kilometers in seconds towards a department. One left a long time ago, big, emptied and darkly where the echoes would resound if they were to exist. And in the depth of this one, was the only evidence that someone eventually lived there before. A computer full of powder on the floor of wood automatically switch on thanks to the sign and in the front, a small chronometer was indicating a few numbers. It was a regressive account.

20d 18h 31m 30s

It has been one week since the deadly incident. But a person who was resting in bed did not know it; he was feeling so weak and sleepy that he couldn't recover conscience. But he was dreaming, more than a dream it was a nightmare about his distant past and memories came to him…

Those eyes … gold eyes. L was compiling all the information that he possessed in his memory of already so much time ago about these hostile eyes. He didn't thought about them since "that" case got close. A case that left him an insipid flavor in the mouth, an empty sensation similar to the lost of a piece of a puzzle. There was something that he did not manage to see in that moment ¿For lack of experience? Maybe, or it might be because of a secret as dark as the Death Note. Anyway, he still could feel vividly the chilling sensation behind his neck that accompanied him for that whole year.


In 1995. In England, there's been a strange and great polemic of murders in big scale of girls no older than 11 years. L Lawliet with fifteen years old took head on the investigation of this mystery as one of his first cases but the peculiarity of this one incited him to create the pseudonym of "Danuve".

Danuve and Watari traveled to a small village located in Northumberland called Ceylon where they rent a cabin, place where were located the bodies of several victims. In no time, came the sheriff of the village to delivery for Danuve documents about the case by the FBI. Watari immediately went to the kitchen to prepare a tray full of delicacies and sweets for the young man whereas he did not wait for Watari and began to open the document with anxieties and his unexpressive eyes meet the report with intensely attention.

"The bodies of the girls were found in different sectors of Northumberland , each one in different states of decomposition given by the environmental conditions, some were found in creeks, others semi buried and other dropped in open field but all with a similar condition; they had the aspect of dry mummies. But the forensic report was contradicting the apparent date of death to one of five days ago and all the die at the same day, there were no signs of sexual abuse, their physical features were similar because red-haired was found among them, left without any garment or belonging and the most shocking thing it was the evident mutilation of their eyes, this was a key point since it is possible to analyze the beliefs or the psychological profile of the assassin or the assassins."

Among the papers, there was some photography of different victims. The body of a girl thrown among of a few bushes who had the same described characteristics ¿which is the need to dismember the eyes? Danuve supposed that it was because they wanted to conceal something with relation to them. Probably it was a secret sect with religious purposes ¿witches' hunt maybe? No, it was not a sufficient reason to be red-haired.

As a detective little renamed in those days didn't posses the total support of the police, only from Watari and some agents of the FBI in his disposition, so he didn't have any more option than going to investigate with his little investigation group to all the relative sectors interrogating many inhabitants of Northumberland personally. Nothing managed to verify on the girls more none had ID, they were never registered in any citadel, curiously no denunciation existed on the part of parents of the minors' disappearance with these characteristics, and neither were witnesses who knew them alive. It was as if they did not exist.


How much does he is in bed? It was costing a lot of work for him to think, he was not completely lucid ¿Would he be in a hospital? If it is like that, it would explain why he feels drugged; surely he was connected to some type of whey. But he was returning to reality yet slowly but little by little he felt that he could move his hands even so with a strange sensation of muscular drowsiness … but it was dispelling passed the minutes, L began doing effort to open his eyes when he felt something rough and humid that was rubbing constantly in his straight cheek. He opened them. The light of the Sun was producing pain to him and his sight was quite blurry, L wink a few times and recovered the focus and saw a cat licking his face.

L got scared for the unexpected feline visit and he reacted shaking his arms to frighten it, the cat jumps up to the top of the bed meowing. L continued observing it and recognized it as a brown Persian cat, and then he analyze the room with his dark eyes and realizes he wasn't wrong, it was the room of a hospital, but then ¿How is it that there is a cat there? Wait a moment … first of all... why "he" was there? What happened? L tried to remember but only find a white space in his head and the effort was hurting him. L knew he was too anxious and with all his thoughts in disorder was not suitable to use his deductive power in 100 , L hug his knees and rested his chin on them, and try to regularize himself by using a breathing meditation, centering only in it.

The door was opened and entered a beautiful girl of reddish hairs with doctor's dressing-gown and curiously has put on sun-lenses, L looks at her with very opened eyes reflecting his distrust to the strange one.

- Hello … it was time that you wake up, you have been in coma for almost a week. You were beginning to worry me -says the doctor with a thrilled voice while taking out from him the needle of his left forearm.

L does not answer.

The cat goes down the bed and jumps towards Sarah meowing; she gathers her and sits down in the edge of the bed. She already had noticed the actual state of confusion in L. After all, it is a normal reaction on people to feel disoriented after being so many days with strong drugs and in unconsciousness state, Thing that has caused in several occasions the patients to become aggressive, but she was sure that L wouldn't become like that.

- Isn't she pretty? I called her Chisa. I had left her here in order to make you feel company to you while I was not here.

- Are you my doctor? - The young man asks changing the topic.

- Yes, now I need to know how you feel

- Who are you? Where am I? What happened to me?

It called Sarah's attention that he didn't recall anything of that night. Thought probably it's because of the shock consequences or that the resuscitation has left neuronal sequels. If its the last thing... then she should start to worry.

-Answer me first.

- Not until you answer my questions.

- Well, let's do this, you let me to do my work and after that I'll answer everything you want to know - Sarah proposed hoping that he would agree since she felt the urgency to check him.

- … I already said it, not until you answer mine. Don't make me repeat myself - L butcher his answer without expressing any emotion.

Sarah expected neither this response, nor cero expressions, anything. She felt disappointed and this irritated her.

- Very well. I will. I am doctor "Sarah Collins", you are in a private hospital in a room where only I have the access authorization. You suffered a heart attack to the myocardium and later you were moved by your companions here … eh … are you ok?-L looks completely in shock.-Kira … Kira tried to kill me … But if it is like that …. How it is possible that I'm still alive!?

- ...Maybe it was not Kira, in your blood examination says you have excess of sugar, you know? - Sarah joked but still irritated.-Watari, he must know, I have to speak with Watari ¿where are my things, my cellular phone? - He asked getting up from bed.

- No! Sit down and calm down … - she holds him from the shoulders to stop his advance towards the door. She knew that it would not be easy to conceal the information. - There is something that you have to know … Watari …. I mean, Mr. Quillsh Wammy died.

L felt that the world was falling above him and allowed his knees not bear any more his own weight falling to the floor. Hundreds and hundreds of questions rained in his mind and he did not know where to begin.

- No, something doesn't fit … is not possible. Yagami-san … I …, I have to speak with him -Sarah could not avoid feel sorry for him on having seen it like this, he looks so lost but she didn't have option.

-L … no, Lawliet - She called him by his real name catching his confused attention; she approached to face L closely- All your team believes that you died. This was indeed the desires of Mr. Wammy.

Long minutes passed and both remained silently L immersed in his thoughts and Sarah waiting for any reaction and from the window saw how the Sun began to hide. L got up of the floor and rested in the bed.

- How did he die? - He finally asked.

- A heart assault …

- then this mean I lost … Kira won and now … I - The cat approached him in search of his attention meowing and L noticed his eyes were full of tears forgetting completely that he was not alone and a great distress and impotence got hold of him, but didn't find the reason of why. He knew it was something important, its instincts said it but could not remember and it was driving him to despair. L let out a few freaking guffaws since it was funny for him that the famous detective "L" was weeping, but ¿When was the last time? … ah, yes. Once when he was very small was crying silently for not being accepted by his companions of the orphanage for being weird and Watari went to console him with his tender smile. Quillsh Wammy, the only paternal image he knew and now completely vanished; and the worst thing of all; he feel guilty for committed a serious mistake because this would not have happened, he should just died and everything could be ok. He was weak and for him the weak can cry.

- This is unpleasant …. Please leave me alone - he pronounced saying no more. Hugging his knees again and hiding his face on them.

Sarah got frustrate and takes off her lenses revealing her wild amber eyes to L.

- Do you remember me? It's me, Alessia. -She confessed.

L was impressed he felt certain fascination for her eyes but he didn't want to reflect it. Yes, now he recognizes her, it was not easy to forget those eyes and less in the circumstances in which knew them. But thought about his current situation ¿Would be prudent to say to her yes?

-No, I don't know you, sorry –Answer with no emotions and hide his face again.

Alessia thought how stupid she was for confessing and felt remorse for having told him the terrible news but she couldn't do anything for him, besides ¿Who was she to console him? Her admired Elle Lawliet didn't recognize her. Now she was a complete stranger. Silently Alessia retired from the room leaving Chisa with L. but it was not the moment to sit down and complain there were some unfinished business and one of them is to be present at a funeral.