By Nick Garland


Don't own these characters. Sorry to disappoint but Mr. Commercial Quesada rules the roost at Marvel…


"What was this all about, Steve?" Natasha asked, as they lay in bed together that night. It was hardly S.H.I.E.L.D protocol to do so, but nor was mass murder, "Why did you have to kill them all?"

"Don't you get it, Natasha?" Rogers smiled amusedly, "Stark was never a traitor. That wasn't it at all. But if Uncle Sam wanted no more heroes, there could never be any more heroes. And that meant a violent lesson. I did this for my country, Natasha… I will do anything to purge Mother America of the scum who plague it. And that includes you, you Russian whore!"

The general pulled a shotgun from under the covers and put it against Natasha's breast.

"Steve! Are you insane? You're not a patriot any more… you're just…"

"Don't you understand, Natasha? The doctors said I was insane, that I have become a killer, as bad as the Green Goblin or Bullseye, justifying my actions by claiming to be a patriot."

"Yes! It is true! You need help, Steven!"

"No, Russkie, my country needs me."

The gun went off. The Soviet bitch was dead. Another piece of the corruption in America destroyed. Steve Rogers rose. It was time… time for the purge.

Matt awoke. He was underground. He was alive??? Tony Stark stood over him, backed by a cluster of dead heroes: Quicksilver, Iron Fist, Cage… Deadpool?

"You were right about one thing, Matty," Smirked Stark, "A li'l explosion never killed anyone. You ready for the real fight now?"