Title: Too Old
Genre: General, Drabble
Rating: G
Pairing: 10th Doctor/Rose friendship
Content Warning: None
Disclaimer: I do not own any publicly recognizable characters or Doctor Who

Author's Note: Just something that popped into my head.

"I'm getting too old for this."

She had heard a million people say that before. All different ages, all different walks of life, all different places: old, young, rich, poor, at the shops, on the telly. But it had never sounded stranger than it did coming from a nine hundred-year-old Time Lord who didn't look a day over thirty-five, wore white plimsolls with his brown pinstripes, and acted like a five-year-old on a chronic sugar high.

Rose shot the Doctor an odd look.


"Try again when you turn a thousand."

The Doctor looked introspective. "I've never had a birthday…"