The smell of the ocean was hanging in the air as a thick fog and the heavy winds were hitting Will's face, making his half-long darkbrown hair sway back and forth, clouding his vision a little. The squirking of the big mast cut through the noise from the wind. Again will tried to squirm out of the hard grip, which was almost twisting his shoulders out of their sockets. He gasped for air as the grip was tightened even more, and his face turned into a grimace of pain. The two big sailors behind him merely laughed, some droplets of spit hitting Will's left ear.

"So, Mr. Turner...!", Barbosa burst out, caressing a ripe green apple in one of his hands. Jack, his monkey, let out a little screech almost as if it was laughing at Will's misfortune. Will's darkbrown eyes immediately met Barbosa's with an almost chilling lightning look of rage and frustration - however Barbosa didn't even seem to notice.

"Where is the medallion?", Barbosa asked as he stepped a little closer to Will, his weight making the deck squirk a little. Will bit his lip in pain as the two sailors forced him to his knees, but he never broke eye contact with Captain Barbosa. Will then took a big breath of air and spat at the deck in front of the captain's feet:

" I will never tell you!", Will hissed as the two sailors suddenly pulled him back up on his feet. Turner felt a lightning bolt of pain as a fist collided with two if his ribs in the right side, and he lost control of his legs as he collapsed in the grasp of the muscular pirates. Gasping for air Will stared at Barbosa again without saying as much as a word or sound. He would not let this bastard break him.

"Oh, I think you will tell me, Mr. Turner... see, I have a little surprise for you", the captain said and revealed his rotten teeth in a sinister smile. Will was about to open his mouth and hiss some obsceneties at Barbosa when he suddenly heard a familiar voice from below deck. Turner froze completely.

"Elizabeth...!", he said under his breath and turned his head towards the terrifying sound. From below deck appeared three pirates carrying Elizabeth Swan, screaming and kicking, in a big deep-purple dress, which Will had never seen before.

"Elizabeth!!", Will yelled and met her frightened eyes as he started to squirm and kick, trying helplessly to get out of the brutal grasp.

"Will...!", Elizabeth screamed as the pirates put her down in a not so gentle fashion, holding her tight from behind to make sure that she didn't run off trying to help her beloved Turner. The lovers' intense eye contact was abruptly broken as Barbosa started laughing, spit dripping from his bearded chin. He then casually strolled across the deck of the Black Pearl and stopped just in front of the young Will Turner.

"See...? Surprise!", the captain yelled into Will's face and started laughing again. Will's eyes narrowed:

"I will send you to the depths of Davy Jones' Locker if you harm her!", he hissed, but was interrupted as Barbosa grabbed his chin, forcing his head upwards, studying his delicate face:

"Do you really think you're in the position to pose threats, dear Mr. Turner?", he whispered in Will's ear as he slid a ragged finger nail along Turner's marked jaw line.

"Now... the medallion?", he whispered and smiled a wicked smile as he kept caressing Will's face.

Turner tried to turn his head, but a rough hand grabbed a hold of his hair from behind, keeping him locked in this position. Will gasped in pain and squeezed his eyes shut as the pain in his scalp spread like rings in the water. In the background he could hear Elizabeth screaming at Barbosa and his henchmen to stop.

"It's... around my neck... just don't.. harm her...!", Will gasped and let out a small hiss as the captain tore open his white cotton shirt, revealing Turner's smooth chest and stomach. Barbosa smiled as he watched how the young man's chest was heaving rapidly. And around his neck was the stolen aztec gold... shining brightly in the Caribbean sunlight. With a 'snap' Barbosa tore the necklace off and handed it to Jack – the monkey sprinted up the mast and settled by the first sail, uttering weird noises as it played with the medallion. Barbosa then stuck his face as close to Will's as it could get:

"Thank you, Mr. Turner", the captain said and Will wrinkled his nose as the stench of rotten breath hit his face.

"You got what you want... now let her go!", Will said and whimpered slightly as the hand behind him let go of his hair and brutally shoved his head downwards, making him stare at the wet, wooden deck. A laughter spread amongst the pirates.

"Sorry. Can't do that, mate. See I promised the crew a little something for their trouble...", Barbosa said in a low tone of voice as he looked over his shoulder at Elizabeth, who was still being held tightly by the three pirates.

"What?", she burst out and stared at Barbosa, then Will.

"What??!", Will said confused and forced his head upwards in order to stare at the captain, who was just standing there with a broad smile on his lips. Will's eyes grew big:

"You mean... no... NO!", he screamed as he realized what Barbosa was talking about and with a loud groan he flung his head backwards, hitting one of his captors right in the nose, making him let go of one of his arms. Spinning around on his heels Will faced the other pirate whose eyes grew big in surprise as Turner's fist hit his cheekbone, sending him flying backwards into the large mast of the Black Pearl. Within a split second Will had grabbed his sword and was thundering towards Barbosa who, for once, had stopped smiling.

"Savages!!!", Turner screamed as his raised the sword, ready to stab it into the black heart of the captain... however he was met by around 20 sword tips from all sides. Barbosa was now standing behind a protective line of pirates, all with their swords raised and ready – again with a smile on his face.

"How unfortunate...", Barbosa merely said and tilted his head a bit, just looking at Will. Will however didn't lower his sword:

"You can't kill me... you need me... now let her go before I slaughter your crew!", he hissed and made a gesture with the sword, just to underline his point. The captain burst out in a mocking laughter:

"Oh, dear Mr. Turner... of course we won't kill you. BUT... we can kill someone else, ey?", he said and nodded his head towards the stunned Miss Swan, who now had two sword tips under her chin, staring at Will.

"You wouldn't...", Will whispered as he stared from Barbosa to Elizabeth.

"Lay down your sword... and she shall be spared", the captain said and crossed his arms.

"Don't do it, Will...!", Elizabeth burst out. Turner lowered his glance...:

"I have to...", he whispered as he let the sword fall. A chaos of yelling broke out on the deck as the sword hit the wooden planks and before he knew it Will was attacked from all sides, two pirates holding each of his arms. Dragging him forward they presented him almost as a trophy to Barbosa. Will didn't even look at him... nor at Elizabeth... he just stared at the deck... his body felt numb... weak... useless. He felt useless. Utterly useless. He had betrayed Elizabeth and his father's good name. But he had to find a way to save... his chain of thoughts was broken by Barbosa's voice:

"Now... that little scene, although amusing as it was, didn't flatter me...", he said and looked at the crew, who were all standing there, just looking at their captain, awaiting his orders.

"Whip him", Barbosa said and turned his back to Turner.

"NO...!", Elizabeth broke out and started kicking the shins of the pirates holding her – however a backhand to her cheek made her whimper and stop resisting. The rest of the crew roared, almost in celebration, as the four men dragged the kicking Will back to the mast. He had regained some of his strength – Will only had one thing in mind – to save Elizabeth from these savages. However a horde of pirates grabbed his arms and forced them upwards, almost halfway around the massive mast, tying his hands around it with a long piece of rough rope. Will managed to kick some of the crew, almost escaping the tight rope around one of his hands, but he was quickly overpowered.

"Let go of me!!", he yelled and squirmed desperately to get out of the rope... but it was too late. His wrists were tightly bound with sailor knots – not even Will Turner could squirm out of those. The mob of pirates suddenly stood back and everything fell silent... except Elizabeth's quiet protests in the background. Will turned his head towards the only noise he could make out – footsteps. A huge pirate with a black beard and a worn uniform of some sort was walking towards him, rubbing his hands while smiling. Will just stared at him:

"Leave me alone", he said even though he knew that it wouldn't help anything. He just hoped it wouldn't hurt too much. But honestly... if they just allowed Elizabeth to go back to Port Royal he didn't care what happened to him.

Now the pirate reached him from behind and Will felt a broad hand on his shoulder. The hand travelled down his collarbone and further down his stomach. He raised an eyebrow:

"What are you doing...", he started, but was interrupted by the deep voice of the pirate:

"Hush, young one"

The hand continued and reached Will's belly button, feeling the muscles around it and his flat stomach. Will tried to turn his head as he felt the hand go down further, reaching his belt, but another hand grabbed his hair and pulled his head backwards.

"Let go of me...!!! Don't touch me!", Will spat out as he started squirming again. However the man behind him just started pressing him up against the mast while unbuckling his belt and groaning lightly in his ear. Will could feel something hard in the pirate's pants, rubbing against him from behind. This couldn't be happening! The hand continued downward, into Will's pants:

"No... no...!", Will whispered, almost out of breath. Then suddenly:

"Ey, Walt! Save that for later, mate", someone yelled in the background and immediately the hand retreated from Will's trousers. Will found himself shaking and he leaned his forehead against the mast, small droplets of sweat trickling down his skin, which had formed goose bumps. However he was pulled backwards as the pirate named Walt tore off the remains of Turner's white shirt. Luckily Will's pants stayed up... anything else would have been too humiliating.

"Ready for a whipping?", Walt yelled as he was handed the long bullwhip from another grinning pirate.

"YEAH!", the choire sounded behind Will and he closed his eyes, read for the first hit.

As the thin strap of leather swirped across Will's naked back he didn't move an inch, he just squeezed his eyes shut and bared his teeth in pain. He could feel something warm run down his loins. Second hit. Third. Will opened his mouth soundlessly and pressed his forehead against the cool wood of the mast. The fourth hit swirped diagonally across his naked skin and this time a sound escaped Will's lips and his eyes opened involuntarily, staring at the small stains of blood on the lower part of the mast. Was it his? Or someone else's? However he could smell the scent of fresh blood… his own. His mind was spinning and small white dots started appearing in his vision by the fifth lash. He let out a guttural sound when the whip hit him for the sixth time and in the background he could both hear Elizabeth screaming at them to stop and the crew just laughing.

"Are you too stupid to scream, boy?", someone yelled at him and Will bit down hard on his own lip, drawing blood. The seventh lash hit him, seemingly harder than any of the previous – and Will gasped loudly, loosing the feeling in his legs, which made him almost collapse… however he regained control and forced himself to stand back up, taking the lashes as his father probably would have done. The eighth lash hit him hard across the small of his back – and suddenly all noises disappeared… the laughing… the wind's wailing… the quirking of the mast… the waves breaking… even Elizabeth's voice.

"Stop…", Will said, but no sound came out. Everything fell completely silent. He could only hear a weird buzzing inside his head. The ninth lash hit him on his right shoulder blade, sending him to his knees. He tried to get back up, but his legs wouldn't obey his thoughts. When the tenth and final lash hit him his vision seemed to blacken… however he was not unconscious even though he lost the grip around the mast, sliding down to the deck, lying in a weird, foetus-like position. He sensed someone undoing the tight knots around his wrists… then he was lifted up by the arms, which sent a shrilling lightning of pain down his back as his skin was stretched.

Elizabeth was still yelling somewhere by the entrance to the lower deck and she just stared when two of the pirates, including Walt, carried Will towards her, his legs dragging across the planks. Turner's head was dangling, almost covered completely by his dark brown hair. As the pirates carried him towards the small case of stairs that lead below deck Elizabeth managed to reach out and touch Will's face – Will felt a friendly and familiar touch and with great effort he opened his teary eyes and looked at her through strands of his hair.

"Elizabeth…", he whispered as she was forced back and the pirates took him below.

COPYRIGHT 2007 - any feedback is welcome. For ideas or constructive critisism, feel free to mail me.