Lost But Not Forgotten

Summary: Love is sometimes lost in time, but it is never forgotten. I'm Kori Anders and this is my story of how I found my love. Join me in the drama, romance, action, amd heartbreak as i go through my senior year.

Hello! I'm back with another story! Hope you enjoy it!




Beast Boy/Gar-17




Anyone else I'll let you know.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans.

Note: This is told in Kori's POV.

Chapter 1: New Kid

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful girl who met the prince of her dreams and they lived happily ever after, the end. Yeah I wish that was my life, but sadly it wasn't as easy as that to find my prince charming. My name is Kori Anders and this is my story, listen to it if you want to. You can here all the drama, action, romance, and heart breaks that go on through the days and this is how it started.

The alarm went of in the dark room. I groaned as I rolled over and slammed my hand down on the button shutting it off. My sister opened the door and flicked on the lights, making the room bright. I yelped and pulled the covers over my eyes.

"Damn! Why do you always have to do that?"

Kimi smirked and pushed her dark hair behind her ear.

"Come on little sis time for school."

"I'm not going!" Came my muffled cry from under the covers. Kimi rolled her eyes and yanked the covers away from me.


"Hurry up and get ready, you don't want to be late on your first day."

"Yes I do." I muttered.



Kimi kept her eyes on me, but then walked off. I let out a deep breath and hopped in the shower. I brushed my long wet hair and quickly dried with my hair dryer. I then walked back into my room and stared at the school uniform I was going to have to wear.

"Ugh. They call this wearable?"

I slipped into the blue plaid skirt and white buttoned up shirt.I placed tthe tie neatly around my neck, then I pulled up the matching knee high socks and the ugly black shoes. I looked myself up and down the mirror with disgust. School uniforms were so……….well there was no word to describe it. I took one last look and scrambled out of the door. My sister had already left for a new job interview. New town, new house, new school and new people. Too many news for me. I grabbed a bite of toast then grabbed my purple backpack and was out the door.

The walk to school was short, but I took my time so hopefully I would get there late. Wrong. Didn't work. I walked up the lawn and passed the school sign that read Jump City High School. Different groups of people we scattered around the yard. There were jocks, cheerleaders, skateboarders, Goths, nerds and other people in between.

Where will I fit in?

I pushed the thoughts aside for now and hopelessly pushed my way though the mass of teens. I finally made my way to the front of the building and to another sign that said Office. I pushed open the door to the cool air conditioned room and walked to the front desk where a short white haired women was typing away on the computer. She must not have noticed me because she didn't look up or say a word. I opened my mouth to say something, but……..

"May I help you?"

Wrong again. I closed my mouth again and fumbled through my brain for the right words, but only two came out.

"Um hi."

Hi now there's a start.

The women smiled gently at me and could tell it was my first day.

"You must be Kori Anders."

I smiled back and nodded. She handed me a schedule and explained where everything was. She then handed me a locker number and sent me on my way. I shuffled out the door and walked to my locker finding it in ten minutes. I stuffed my binders in there and looked at my schedule. Science, French, Math, History, Lunch, Computer Class, Free Period, then English. Yep this was going to be a blast, well at least I was a senior. The first bell suddenly rung and I stuffed my books into my bag and made my way to first period.

I was the first one there and I handed the slip to the teacher. He was young in his late twenties with short brown hair and brown eyes. He was tall and his name plate read Mr. Sears. He smiled a half smile and pointed to a desk in the back. I thanked him and made my way to the desk as other kids piled in.

"Morning class."

"Morning Mr. Sears." The class groaned, as it was like 7:00 in the morning.

"We have a new student today."

They all turned to look at me and I tried to hide my now red face. He made me introduce myself and tell them something I liked to do. After introductions Mr. Sears went into a lecture about rocks and minerals. I sighed and heard some giggling and turned to see a blond girl with light blue eyes talking with her friends. Her name I think was Kitten as her friends called her and they were talking about some guy, but I couldn't catch his name. They looked at me and I quickly turned away blushing. She tapped me on the shoulder and I slowly turned around.

"Hey aren't you the new girl?"


"Oh like what's you name?"

"Um…weren't you listening to the introduction?"

She gave me a blank stare. Wrong for the third time today.

"I'll take that as a no."

She held her look.

"I'm Kori."

I held out my hand to shake with her, but she just turned away.

"Um nice meeting you too."

I turned away and tried to pay attention, but that proved wrong again. It was long and boring and went on. The bell rang making me jump slightly, I picked up my books and was off to French. The next few classes proved the same. Introductions and a long boring class period. The bell rang ending History and teens hurried off to lunch. I followed them into the huge room. Teens running around like crazy. I opened my bag and sat at an empty table and pulled out my sandwich. I looked over and could see a short boy with fair skin and blond hair jumping up in the air trying to grab his books from some other person.

"Come on Gar jump!"

The kid name Gar tried again, but fell when he landed. They all laughed and I felt kind a bad for him. Before I knew what I was doing I stood up and yelled at him.

"Hey leave him alone!"

The group turned to look at me, but one person caught my eye.

"Richard Grayson." I hissed under my breath.

He dropped the kids books and walked over to me.

"Oh shit."

I stumbled back against the wall and he gazed at me. His eyes were still the same ocean blue, wonder if he remembers me?

"Do I know you?"

He looked into my eyes.

"Those eyes. Those beautiful emerald eyes." He whispered to himself.

His African American friend raised an eyebrow.

"You know her Richard?"

Richard turned to look at his friends and that boy from before looked at me also.

"Oh yeah Kori Anders."

I was right for the first time today, but that wasn't exactly a good thing.

"So you do know her."

Richard nodded. The group laughed.

"Old girlfriend or something."

Richard turned around and snapped at his friends.

"No and shut up Vic."

The boy name Victor just smirked at Richard. He the turned back to me. I stared into his eyes, unafraid. He smacked my books sending them to the floor and got real close to my face.

"Stay away from me and no one gets hurt. I run this school so watch your back."

I stared, my expression calm.

"What ever you say…..Robin."

His eyes widened as I used his old nickname. He then turned with a puzzled look on his face and stalked off to his table with his friends falling close behind. I smiled proud of myself, then frowned.

What have I done?

I leaned down and started picking up my books and the boy I helped out earlier came over and helped me.

"That was really brave of you, not many people stand up to Richard like that."


"No I should be thanking you. I'm Garfield, but you can call me Gar."

He held out his hand and I shook it. I looked up at his forest green eyes and smiled.

"Um do you want to sit with me?" I asked.

His face brightened.

"Me? I'd love too!"

We walked over to the empty table in the back of the room and sat down.

"So who is Richard's other friends." Gar looked up from his pizza and over to their table.

"Well his best friends is Victor Stone, he's a jock and his cheerleader girlfriend is Karen." He pointed to an African American girl with her hair pulled into a tight bun.

"And that's Xavier Red." He pointed to the one the other side of Richard. He had shaggy brown hair and dreamy grey eyes. He was gorgeous.

"So why were they picking on you?"

"Oh, they always pick on me because I'm smaller than everyone here. Did you know Richard before you came here?"

I looked over at their table and could see them laughing together.



He went back to eating his pizza and I just stared at Richard. Damn he was hot. His spiky black hair and ocean blue eyes. You could see his muscles under his white school shirt and he smiled that perfect smile that made her heart melt. A tear rolled down her cheek and she whispered to herself.

"You broke your promise Richard."


I was startled to see Gar looking at me weird.

"Oh nothing."

He shrugged it off and peered at the clock checking the time.

"So what do you have next?"

I quickly grabbed my schedule and looked through it.

"Computer Class."

He smiled.

"Me too! We can go together."


For the rest of lunch I just stared at Richard unable to think of anything else.


Richard stole a glance at Kori. Damn she was beautiful. Her long fiery red hair, beautiful emerald eyes and a kind gentle face.


He looked away and faced his friends.


"Who were you looking at?"

"No one."

They all snickered.


He looked back at her while Victor told the rest of the table how he scored the winning goal in the game last Saturday.

Why can't I stop thinking about her?

He looked away when she turned to meet his gaze and he hide a slight blush. Yep this year was going to be a crazy one.


Little Kori screamed in delight as little Richard pushed her on the swings.

"Higher Robin!"

"Okay Star!"

They used their little nicknames they had given each other and after a few minutes the swing came to a stop. The little friends sat down on the grass out of breath.

"That was fun!"

"Sure was."

Little Kori turned to little Richard.

"Robin will we be friends forever?"

He turned to meet here emerald eyes.



"Promise." He said and held out his hand.

She quickly kissed his cheek and ran back to the little Day Care center. He wiped the kiss away and yelled.

"Ewwwwww………girl kisses!"

She giggle and he ran to catch up with her. She kept the promise in her heart hoping he wouldn't break it, but how long would it last?

Okay there's chapter 1! Hope you like it so far and sorry I didn't add Raven in this chapter, but don't worry I'll add her in the next one. If your kind a confused about how they know each other don't worry I'll explain everything in the chapters to come. More action, romance and drama in the next chapters and the chapters to come!

Peace Out!
