Naruto: The Last Kyuubi

A/N: This is a story based off of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Hence, the title. And in this story, Neji's father is the first born.

Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender or Naruto.


"Let me through!" Princess Hinata cried at the guards that refused to budge and let Hinata get to her uncle's office.

"He's my uncle, now let me through!" Princess said again. Just then, Neji walked up.

Prince Neji was pretty much Princess Hinata's best and only friend. You see, Hinata was home-schooled, and rarely let out of the house, and when she was, she could not travel past the garden.

"What seems to be the problem here?" Prince Neji asked Hinata. He cared deeply for her, but in an older brother kind of way.

"The guards won't let me pass. Uncle is having another secret battle meeting, and I think that if one day I'm going to help a prince run a country, I need to know as much as possible." Princess Hinata declared.

Prince Neji chuckled. "You are reaching marriage age, aren't you? It seems that just yesterday you and I were little kids learning how to throw a ball." Then he sighed. "I guess you are right. Just make sure that you do not speak out. These people are so stiff that they can be logs. Now, come."

Hinata smiled at Neji's joke. He always knew how to cheer her up.

Neji told the guards to step aside, and they did. The prince and princess stepped through the door and into the room, where they found a seat. They were just in time. The meeting was about to begin.

Hinata's uncle, the first born, stood next to Hinata's father, who was always there to help her uncle when he was in need.

The meeting began. Nothing interesting really. Then they came to a subject that made Princess Hinata sit up and listen.

"Now, about the invasion. I suggest that we lead an army of new troops to the front of the Sound Village and-"

Hinata spoke. "How can you do that! Do you really except a few newbies to fight off a whole army of armed ninjas?"

Her uncle sneered. "Of coarse not, Princess. We are going to have a sneak attack from the rear. What better bait than fresh meat?"

"You can't-"


Prince Neji stood and escorted Princess Hinata out of the room, whispering curses under his breath. When they were out of earshot of the guards, Neji spoke.

"I told you not to speak out! And now look at what trouble you've gotten yourself into!" He scolded.

Hinata looked Neji straight in the eye, and he realized that she was crying.

"H-Hinata…I'm so sorry I-"

Hinata didn't listen and ran down the hall to her room. Neji followed, but he reached Princess Hinata's door just as he heard it lock shut with a small click.

Neji banged on the door. "Princess! Please let me in! Please, I am very sorry! Hina, Please!"

Princess Hinata's eyes widened when he heard him call her her nickname. He only used that name in her when he was dead serious. Hinata opened the door, and Prince Neji stumbled in.

Hinata embraced him in a tight hug, muttered that she was sorry, and kissed him gently on the cheek.

"I'm the one who should be apologizing." Neji said. "I didn't, in any way, mean to hurt your feelings."

"I believe you." Hinata whispered.

Suddenly, a servant girl appeared and gave Hinata a scroll. she quickly opened it and read. She burst into tears.

"Hinata, what's wrong?" Prince Neji gasped. Hinata, still crying, handed Neji the scroll. He read it. And almost wanted to cry himself.

The servant girl stood and waited for Hinata to follow her. Shakily, Princess Hinata stood, and followed the little girl.

Soon they reached a room that Hinata was told to never enter. But now she finally got a chance to see what was inside.

An audience was waiting, and Hinata saw her uncle in the center of the room. In his hands he had common Ninja weapons. (Kunai, etc.) Hinata stood facing her uncle, and Neji regretfully took a seat in the audience. You see, Hinata and her uncle were about to have a fight that was quite close to agniki.

A/N: End of chapter one. If you don't know what an agniki is, see episode The Storm of Avatar.