Disclaimer: I don't own anything. V for Vendetta characters are not mine.

Parallel Worlds

"It's time…"A voice said, as the sound of the metal leaver engaging metal could be heard. "Tell me Mr. Finch. Do you like music?"

An exhale of air. Deep from within and beyond hearing distance. He didn't hear Finch answer. Footsteps faded and the subway train doors closed. He had heard those doors many times before, but this time there was a sense of urgency to them. And the music, his music, sounded in his head and disappeared; replaced by the systematic sound of the train gaining momentum on its tracks.

Evey walked with Finch to the lift allowing him to push the red button to summon it. He hadn't seen a lift of this type in years and he hoped it would be safe. As the lift came to its destination and clanked in front of them, the doors slid open. Evey hesitated just enough to let Finch know she felt the same apprehension.

She seemed so lost in thought as if her whole world had died. It had. She lost the only people who mattered in her life, and yet she felt a powerful sense of strength like everything would be all right somehow. V gave that strength to her. An inner peace. That last inch.

The doors closed as the lift started to rise.

He rose to sit up right.

Finally coming to a standstill, the doors opened to a small hallway with another door at the end. Evey reached for the handle.

A gloved hand reached for a domino before kicking out the rear fire door of the rolling train. A leap before the train could gain speed, and he was airborne.

"Who was he?" Eric Finch asked as he watched the first explosions take place.

The mask fell off his face as he landed on the subway ground. Too late to turn back, he stood up and started to run picking up speed, not quite escaping some wind and heat from the first explosions, cape riding high behind him.

"He was Edmond D'Antes." Evey replied with a slight smile.

Finch looked at her from the corner of his eye in disbelief. Was she losing her mind?

"He was my father and my mother, my brother. He was my friend. He was you. He was me."

"Evey…" He stopped and gasped for air and slid down sideways against the cold, hard tunnel wall.

They watched the fireworks together in silence. Evey observed every momentous second overwhelmed with the significance of what V had done. What she had done. She blew up Parliament. The skyline would never look the same just as she would never be the same. There were bound to be consequences, there always were. Would this make things better, or was she right when she told V that things turn for the worse with change?

"Well, Ms. Hammond, we are going to have a lot to answer for."

We? Finch interrupted her thoughts and read her mind at the same time. And although he was older, she liked him a great deal already even though she didn't know him. His eyes reflected a thoughtfulness and sincerity she was not used to seeing anymore. She kept to herself when she was above ground, not having much contact with the outside world. Her only companion had been V and that constant expression. She would have given anything to see that expression again. Her heart ached. She needed to get home, wherever that was, and be alone. She thought of going to the Shadow Gallery but dismissed it. Too soon.

Finch took in a long sigh. The fire works subsided and the fire from the explosions smoldered. A large smoke trail cascaded and swirled into the night sky. Left over remains of a government far too long in power.

Finch finally broke a long silence and asked, "Are you feeling cold Ms. Hammond? Can I loan you my coat?"

"No, thank you. I'm fine. I think I just need to be going home." She answered and stared into the sky, glad to be brought back to the present.

"Can I take you there? It's dangerous this time of night Ms. Hammond."

"Thanks, but I'd rather walk."

"I wouldn't suggest that. It's past curf--" He rolled his eyes.

Turning her head to him, she smiled. "Okay. And please call me Evey."

"Fair enough. Let's go." He smiled back at her as best he could. She looked different since he last saw her. Though she shaved her head and appeared thinner, she was still extremely attractive. He would question her in further detail. He wanted to know everything that happened from her point of view. Not that it mattered much any longer, it wasn't as if he was going to arrest her or anything. Mainly just curiosity and she owed him at least that after all of the hunting and searching from the past year. No matter what she said, he still wanted to know the man behind the mask.

It started to drizzle. A car pulled in front of Evey and Finch as they stood on the curb waiting.

The driver. Evey didn't recognize him, but he glared at her as she slid into the back seat. Dark eyes, and dark slicked back hair. He then faced front. She saw the back of his head, but as soon as she closed the car door, and started speaking, she remembered the voice.

"Where to Chief?" Dominic asked without introducing himself to Evey.

Oblivious to the uncomfortable pause, Finch was more interested in what lay on the console.

"I only live a short way from here," Evey chimed in before the inspector had a chance to answer.

Finch lifted the mask in his hand to examine it. He took a deep breath and put it down. This night affected everyone. He needed to sit, have a glass of scotch and pass out.

The silence and uneasiness for the drive was enough to make Evey want to scream. As they stopped at a light, Evey opened the car door. "You can drop me off here, I'll walk the rest of the way." She got out of the car and slammed the door.

Dominic and Finch faced each other. Finch unbuckled his seat belt and opened the door.

"Chief, what are ya doing?" Dominic inquired.

"She's gonna disappear!" He shouted as he bolted and slammed the car door.

Dominic took in a deep breath and pulled over to wait, cursing to himself. He was tired of chasing her. He was tired of the guessing game. After a year of trying to find the weave of the spider's web, he had to be done with this. He wouldn't mind taking it out on some finger-men. That would suit him just fine. Their strength in numbers and arrogance made them so bloody over-confident.

Finch tried to match her speed to a fast walk behind her.

"Miss Hammond!"

She ignored him and kept walking.

"Miss Hammond!"

She walked faster.

"Evey!" He cried out. Finch tried to catch his breath, and privately denied the scotch had any effect on his body.

Evey halted and looked at the ground then turned around to face him.

"Let me walk with you a moment."

"Alright." She nodded.

"I didn't want you to go without finding out where I could reach you."

"Come on. My flat is right up here." She gestured to a storefront second floor apartment.

He followed her. His eyes scanned the brownstone-building front as she unlocked the door. Copying her pace up the stairs, Finch noted the air in the place smelled as if mold settled into the walls.

"Would you like to come in?" They came to a door after they walked down a small hallway.

Finch thought for a moment and felt a wave of embarrassment. He went through her belongings when she was a fugitive. "No, that won't be necessary Evey. It's been a long night. I just wanted to ask you if we could meet sometime for…for"

"What? You want to know about him? I have told you as much as I know inspector." He could hear her pain. The sting of her regret. "Please don't make this any more difficult," she said, "I just need some time."

"I understand. You can reach me at this number." He reached into his coat pocket and handed her a card. "If you need anything. Anything at all."

"I'll be in touch." She turned away. "Thank you inspector." She showed eyes that filled with tears.

He nodded away down the stairs.

Evey felt exhausted by the time she opened the door to her small flat; all she wanted to do was sleep. She tossed the keys on the dresser, dropped her bag, and collapsed on the bed.