Hey everyone! So here's the new story! I hope you guys like it! PLEASE review and let me know what you think... Reviews are MOST crucial for these first few chapters and I appreciate them SOO much! (Especially right now considering I'm trying to write chapter 8 of this thing and I have THE worst possible writers block lol)

But as you read, just REMEMBER. I love Brucas. I love you guys. I hate Pucas. And things will end awesomely... now whose ready to screw with some Pucas? Enjoy!!

Brooke Davis sat in her English class staring off in space. It was hard to believe; just 2 months ago she'd been staring at her teacher, whom she was sleeping with. He'd seemed so good looking at the time, but now, the more she looked at his smug smile and deformed face, the more she wanted to kick herself for ever doing anything with him.

She turned her head a little to get Nick out of her eye line, only to catch a nice little glance of her former back stabbing, whore of a best friend, Peyton Sawyer giving her former beautiful, yet ruggedly handsome boyfriend Lucas Scott, a kiss on the cheek. Ever since they'd started dating last month all Brooke could think about was what the look on Peyton's face would look like if she ripped those pretty little blonde locks out one by one. Or better yet… hair by hair. Brooke actually caught herself smiling as she thought of the idea of Peyton being bald, and contemplated putting Nair in her conditioner bottle for a split second. That was until Lucas gave her that look. The look he'd been giving her ever since she had broken up with him. The "lets try and be friends, even though you shattered my heart into a million pieces" look. She hadn't meant to break that boys heart, in fact she was pretty sure it broke hers more to break up with him. All Brooke wanted was a guy to fight for her. Not just any guy, she wanted Lucas. But Lucas was never very good at the whole fighting thing. Romantic and sweet as he was, he just didn't know how relationships were supposed to work. Of course she had to admit, he was learning with each one. But still, he hadn't mastered the basics of what to do when you love a girl.

After a few more minutes of pining for her former boy toy, Brooke decided to change her train of thought. She looked over at Nathan who was staring intently at his notebook. He just hadn't been the same since Haley had lost the baby. At least that's what everyone was saying. In Brooke's opinion Nathan hadn't been the same since he married Haley. Sure, he'd turned into this supposedly great, honorable, stand up guy. But he never seemed to be as happy as he once did.

Brooke scanned from Nathan to Haley. She couldn't tell if she was asleep or passed out on top of her books. Clearly Haley hadn't been getting much sleep lately, and not for fun kinky reasons. She, like Nathan had been having a really hard time lately. Brooke had tried to talk to her, but she just couldn't relate with what Haley was going through. The only thing she'd ever lost in her life was when she was 7 and a car hit her dog.

The way Brooke saw it they were all stuck in this stupid school too much and didn't have time to have lives outside of classes these days. If she weren't there all the time she could only imagine what she could get done! And she definitely wouldn't have to watch Lucas and Peyton make out anymore.

Just as Brooke was imagining how wonderful her life would be without that evil thing called Pucas, her thoughts were interrupted by something just as awful.

"One more thing, everyone remember the Ski trip is coming up on Friday. I think everyone who signed up will have a wonderful time, and remember if you write a paper about it and bring it in, its extra credit"

Brooke's heart sank as she listened to Nick or… Mr. Chavez explain about the ski trip. They'd had had to pay the deposit at the beginning of the school year and it was non-refundable. Brooke couldn't even remember why she wanted to go, that was until she looked over and saw Lucas whispering to Peyton. She had no idea how to ski and she hated the cold weather. The only reason she'd ever agreed to go was because Lucas wanted her to come with him so badly when they were together, figuring it would be a great way to spend some "quality" time together. Now she guessed he'd be spending that "quality" time with Peyton, and she'd be stuck watching.

As soon as class was over Brooke tried to get out of there as fast as she could. The thought of having to talk to Nick, or Lucas or anyone was too much to handle today. She just wanted to go home. Somewhere she just lay there, without being interrupted by anyone. Especially since Rachel was gone until 5:30 to the gym. Unfortunately, just like everything else in her life. Her day didn't go as planned.

"Hey" Lucas whispered knocking on the cracked door a little before walking in. He couldn't help but think how pretty Brooke looked lying there on the bed like that, with her arms wrapped around her pillow. Along with how sad she looked.

"Oh, its you"

"Its me, Rachel said you were up here"

"Remind me to hurt her later" Brooke muttered wishing for once Rachel would actually just go to the gym like she said she was.

"Brooke, why does this have to be hard?"

"It just does. What do you want?"

"I was just wondering if you were going on the trip" Lucas asked, deciding to jump directly to the point. Peyton was at her house waiting for him anyway.

"Lucas, I paid $3,000 to go. I'm going. I don't know how to Ski, and I hate the cold weather, but I'm going"

"I can teach you to ski"

"Lucas, stop" Brooke sighed, frustrated with how completely clueless Lucas was with this situation. She'd broken up with HIM and HE was dating HER former best friend. They weren't supposed to be speaking.


"Being so, nice. You don't want to be here talking to me, anymore then I want you here so just go"

"Fine. Brooke?" Lucas asked after a few seconds spent standing in the doorway. He hated leaving this like this with Brooke. He knew the fact that he was with Peyton wasn't easy on her, but he wanted more than anything to be her friend. Have her to talk to like they used to.


"Are we ever going to get through this?"

"What's the point? We only have a few more months we have to see each other anyway" Brooke said reminding Lucas they were graduating in 2 months. It wasn't like they had to see each other ever again after that.

"The point is Brooke, you're the one who broke up with me. And I'm really trying here, to have some sort of a relationship with you"

"Seriously, when are you going to stop pulling that you broke up with me line? You were the one kissing Peyton, and it looks like you got what you really wanted"

"Peyton kissed me. And at least Peyton tries to fight for us" Lucas muttered why he was even bothering, he wasn't sure. Brooke was right, they didn't have to be friends. They didn't even have to have any contact with each other. But there was something about her, something that made him miss her so much, even if he was with Peyton.

"She tries to fight for you? Let me ask you a question, in the dictionary of Lucas Scott, does fight mean, steal what she can't have? Because that's the only reason she's with you Lucas. Does she write you letters pouring out her soul to you? Does she wait by the phone for hours when your gone just hoping you'll call? Wondering if you're even thinking about her? I gave you everything I had, Lucas but being with you like that was making me hate you"

"Apparently breaking up didn't help with that. No matter what you think about us, or what you tell yourself. You were everything to me" Lucas said, then shut the door behind him. He couldn't do this anymore with Brooke and he didn't plan too. Clearly she wanted nothing to do with him and he was ok with that. At least that's what he told himself, and Peyton, and Haley and anyone else that asked if he really missed Brooke. But deep down, he did.

When Lucas got to Peyton's she was in her bedroom packing. He looked around the room that was the complete opposite of Brooke's girly room at Rachel's. Black and red walls with dogs and sad quotes written all over them. He wasn't sure how Peyton slept in here every night. Lucas had never really thought about these things until he had actually started dating Peyton. He'd never expected it to be that different from dating Brooke. But he'd clearly been wrong. Brooke had always been into the kissing and cuddling in bed, She'd loved holding hands and just walking together, and of course her kinky sex games. But Peyton, she wasn't into much kissing unless it was saying hey or bye. She was completely against PDA, and so far there hadn't been any sex. Of course that wasn't all Peyton's fault. She'd hinted about it for a couple weeks now, but Lucas had been avoiding it like the plague. It wasn't that he didn't want to be with Peyton, he was just worried about how it was going to be. The only girl he'd ever been with that he cared about was Brooke and he still couldn't imagine being with anyone else, even now that he was with Peyton. But for her sake, and hopefully to ease his guilt, maybe something would happen for them at the ski lodge.

"Ok Scott are you ready?" Peyton asked throwing her last sweater into her bag. She couldn't wait for this trip. A whole 10 days with Lucas all to herself, no school, or homework or anything like that. Just her boyfriend, her and skiing.

"We don't leave until tomorrow"

"Still, I'm excited. So, is Brooke actually coming?"

"Yea, I mean I guess" Lucas said trying to be as casual about it as possible. He knew Peyton wasn't going to be happy with the fact that Brooke was coming, and he didn't want to give her any impression that he might be either.

"This should be interesting"

"She needs the vacation as much as we do"

"Don't get so defensive" Peyton muttered, feeling the moment totally ruined. She hated Lucas got so defensive when the subject of Brooke was brought up. It was almost like he took Brooke's side over hers.


"I just meant we all haven't been in such tight quarters for a while now"

"She's having a hard time right now, so lets just not do anything to rub it in" Lucas said, giving Peyton a pleading look. Although he wasn't too worried, Peyton normally didn't like to kiss or anything like that around people anyway.

"Like she cared about me when you guys were dating"

"Peyton, she did! I just… its our fault she got so screwed over in this situation and I don't, I'm tired of hurting her"

"Maybe you should just stop worrying about her and focus on you, and us. Lucas we can't work if you spend all this time worrying more about you and her being friends, than us being a couple" Peyton muttered shaking her head slowly. It seemed like all she and Lucas had done since they got together last month was argue. I mean sure, there had been some good times. But lately it seemed like it had been a lot of fighting and ignoring what the real problems were.

"I don't, I just feel bad"

"Don't. She broke up with you remember?" It stung Peyton to say that last sentence. "She broke up with you". She wished so much that it had been the other way around. That Lucas had done the breaking up this time. Maybe it would have given her some piece of mind about their relationship, and take away any fears she had about Lucas only being with her because he couldn't have Brooke. Deep down she knew she and Lucas were meant to be together. They'd always had amazing chemistry and sparks, and she liked to think that Brooke had just been the obstacle that had been in the way so that she and Lucas could see what they really had. Unfortunately, Peyton still had this fear that maybe their meant to be obstacle, had become a little too important to Lucas.

The next morning, Tree Hill High was crawling with seniors waiting in line to get on the bus. Brooke watched as Peyton and Lucas got on together and found a seat. For once Brooke was actually glad she had Rachel, at least she wouldn't be alone for the bus ride and flight. When she really thought about it, Rachel wasn't a bad friend, even with her brutal honesty and catty remarks. She was probably the best friend Brooke had right now. She really took care of Brooke, especially lately with everything that had been going on. But no matter how close she and Rachel had grown as friends, no one could fill the void that Peyton had left when they'd stopped being friends.

Brooke walked onto the bus with Rachel and followed her to the very back so they could sit in their usual seats. Brooke was glad, this kept them nice and far from Lucas and Peyton. Maybe this way she wouldn't have to watch any of their gag worthy boring kisses or have to hear their crappy music. For a split second, Brooke was actually starting to think that maybe this trip was going to be ok. But of course, nothing ever went "ok" for Brooke.

"Hey you, Lollipop and Lightbulb. That's my seat" Whitey snapped, pointing to Lucas and Peyton.

"Coach, there aren't any open seats"

"The very back"

Brooke cringed as she heard Whitey telling Lucas and Peyton to come sit in the seat next to them. Why did this always happen to her? She really couldn't understand it. She wasn't any worse of a person than Peyton was, and here she was stuck with the crappy life.

"Well well, this is cozy" Rachel giggled, looking forward to what was getting ready to happen. She hadn't had any real entertainment since she'd tried to bang Nathan and she was looking forward to some laughs.

"Rachel, promise you wont say anything"

"Me? Never"

"I can't believe he sent us to the back" Lucas ½ laughed, but everyone could tell from his tone he was pretty pissed of.

"I thought you liked backseats Lucas, I mean from what Brooke tells me that's your favorite place to"


"Sorry, I just had to get it out of my system. I'm good now" Rachel smiled. Brooke didn't know it, but Rachel was actually doing her a favor, because at that very moment the only thing on Lucas Scott's mind was how much he wished he was sitting with Brooke, instead of Peyton. Unfortunately, like all moments it passed and he remembered that he did like Peyton, even if it wasn't love. Like was all you really needed in high school.

Brooke sat back in her seat and closed her eyes. Maybe she'd just sleep the whole way. That seemed like a good idea, after all she had nothing better to do. And for the first 10 minutes or so, it worked. She didn't have to hear any kissing or music or Rachel's whining. She thought for a minute that she was actually going to be able to get some decent sleep. Then, it started. Her worst nightmare. Of all the painful, heart wrenching things that could have possibly happened on that road trip, this one twisted the knife the worst.

"Come on Luke, its my turn to pick a song" Peyton whined, stealing away the ipod they were sharing. She loved how they had almost identical play lists right down to the most played songs. That was, right until she got up to his number 1 most played song.


"Plain white T's? Who are they?"

"No one, lets just listen to Dashboard, I know you love them" Lucas said, quickly trying to grab the ipod from her reach, but it was too late, she'd hit play already.

"No, I wanna hear. A Lonely September… Hmmm"

Lucas took a deep breath and hoped Brooke hadn't heard. She'd actually been the one to put that on his Ipod. The truth was, it was their song. Out of all the corny bad songs that Brooke could have chosen to be "their" song. She'd chosen that one. And as lame as he had thought it to be at first, the lyrics did fit them perfectly. He'd found himself listening to it a lot lately, remembering how Brooke used to giggle the whole way through the song and put every lyric with something that had happened with them. So how when he listened to it, it was like a video of them played in his head. Sometimes it was good and it made him smile, just to remember what it had felt like to be with her. Other times it pissed him off, and made him wonder why he'd ever even bothered. Either way, he always ended up hurting.

"What is this? Its terrible, Lucas you have been away from me too long. You're music taste has gone to hell. I mean listen to this

I'm sittin' here all by myself
just tryin' to think of something to do
Tryin' to think of something, anything
just to keep me from thinking of you"

"Hey, I know that one.

But you know it's not working out
'cause you're all that's on my mind
One thought of you is all it takes
to leave the rest of the world behind. Brooke listens to it all the time, and your right, it is crap." Rachel laughed, at least until she realized too what the song actually was.

"Lucas, I can't believe this. Its actually burning my ears if that's possible"

"Yea, its really not me"

This was one of those times that Brooke felt like crawling under her covers and crying. Could things get any worse? What next? Was Lucas going to pull out all her letters so that he and Peyton could have a good laugh about those too? He was such an asshole. Why did she always have to fall for the jerks? Right about then she was actually wishing she had some of Peyton's drugs with her. Things couldn't get worse.

"Ok. I am going to read out the room assignments now so that there is no question about it after we get on the plane and get there, got it? I better not hear any complaining from you all since you chose them. Now, Scott and Scott… meaning the 2 boys. Rachel Gatina and Bevin Maskey, Haley James Scott and Ashley Summers, Peyton Sawyer and Brooke Davis"

Brooke stopped listening at that point and swore to herself she was going to stop thinking things couldn't get worse. How could she have forgotten about that? Of course she'd picked Peyton. She wasn't allowed to room with a boy and at that point Peyton wasn't a boyfriend stealing, cheating, slutty, backstabbing, betraying, sneaking, lying crackwhore of a best friend. She could tell by the look on Peyton's face that she was just about as thrilled. Then it got worse.

"That's ok. Nathan will probably be with Haley so I can just stay with you. We wanted so time anyway"

"Oh, yea. Right"

A heart attack was sounding pretty good to Lucas right then. Between Peyton's pleading for sex, Rachel's evil glares and Brooke refusal to even look at him, he was sure a hospital visit was in his near future. And a heart attack seemed like an easier way to go rather than to have Peyton, Rachel or Brooke kill him.

If Brooke thought the bus ride had been bad, she couldn't have begun to imagine the plane ride. Just when she thought she was free from the Pucas wrath, all nice and comfortable in her window seat, listening to her 10-year-old Brittany Spears album, she heard the cursing.

"Damn it" Lucas mumbled under his breath. He'd completely forgotten that he and Brooke had booked their tickets at the same time, right beside each other.

"You've got to be kidding me"

"Were we that attached at the hip?"

"Just go ask Whitey if you can trade" Brooke sighed not bothering to take out her earphones. She sure as hell wasn't sitting with him on a 4-hour flight, especially if she had to spend the next 10 days rooming with Peyton. Part of her did hope Lucas and Peyton would end up having sex, and lots of it. That way she could have the room all to herself.

"Yea, actually Mr. Chavez was looking for another seat"


"No, I mean I can ask him" Lucas said, really not caring where he sat at this point. If he traded with Chavez he was just going to end up sitting next to that exchange student who did nothing but pick his nose and talk about all the naked women he'd never seen.

"Lucas, sit. I'll listen to my music, you listen to yours. We don't have to speak"

"Fine with me"

They both sat quietly, following the set rules for a good hour before one of them finally broke. Not surprisingly, it was of course Lucas. In the hour that had passed it had occurred to him that Brooke had serious issues with Mr. Chavez. She never answered questions in class, they never made eye contact, and she would have rather had Lucas sit with her than him. It all seemed kind of strange.

"So, Chavez must have really pissed you off to let me sit with you rather than him" Lucas said, wondering if she would even respond. It took her a minute, but in true Brooke Davis fashion, she did. He knew as well as she did that she couldn't resist the chance to talk if she had it.


"What did he give you a bad grade or something?"

"No" Brooke muttered not liking at all where this was going. She wasn't sure if he had somehow found out the truth about what had happened, or just in true Lucas style had noticed the tension.

"Because I can help you in his class"

"I'm doing fine in his class"

"Haley had this theory that he slept with his students but Peyton thinks she's crazy since he hasn't hit on her" This really hit Brooke hard. At first she'd been pretty sure that Lucas was just asking innocently, but now she had no idea. Either way, she decided to prove to him that she wasn't a hypocrite and tell him the truth. If she was lucky enough it might at least make him jealous.

"He does"

"What? Hit on Peyton?"

"Sleep with his students" Brooke ½ laughed. Lucas was so dumb sometimes it was cute.

"Really? I knew it. Who?"


"Seriously, was it that Shelley chick? She's some kind of closet slut I--, your serious" Lucas paused for a second to try and figure out if she was lying or not. Then again, Brooke didn't really ever lie about who she slept with, at least he didn't think she did.

"You can put your Ipod back in now"

"Brooke, when?"

"You don't deserve to hear this, but just so there's no confusion, it was after we broke up, but before I knew he was our teacher" Brooke said, making sure to clarify that she hadn't cheated on him or anything. That was the most important thing. She needed him to know that the both times they had dated she had been completely faithful, just so that it might hurt him that much more. Then maybe he could begin to know what kind of pain she had felt.

"Wow, are you, still?"

"Yes Lucas. That's why I have to hide my face in class and I'm stuck sitting with you"

"What happened?" Lucas asked after a long pause. At first he was just going to leave it alone, but the more he thought about it, what could it hurt? Brooke already hated him so asking couldn't do but so much more damage to their already destroyed relationship.

"Apparently blonde skinny bitches are more fun than I am ok? Hell, after all you should know that. Look can we just not talk about this anymore? And please don't give Peyton the satisfaction of knowing that's 2 guys who have cheated on me with blondes. Thanks."

"Peyton's not more fun than you"

"What?" Brooke asked. She had to admit, this had caught her off guard. Lucas was usually so protective of Peyton when he talked about her. It was like he'd try and prove she was better. So for him to say that was pretty much huge.

"I mean I like Peyton and all. She's great, hell I'm dating her but she's way too serious, if that makes you feel any better"

"It doesn't" Brooke said, turning her ipod back on full blast. When really, the truth was that it did. Having Lucas say that gave her that those little butterflies in her stomach. And while she'd never admit it to anyone, it gave her a little bit of hope, and made him hate him just a little bit less. It was at this moment that it occurred to Brooke that maybe this trip didn't have to be miserable at all. In fact, she was pretty sure she could make it a hell of a lot of fun for her, just by playing in what according to Peyton was "Fair".

A Lonely September – Plain White T's.

I'm sittin' here all by myself
just tryin' to think of something to do
Tryin' to think of something, anything
just to keep me from thinking of you
But you know it's not working out
'cause you're all that's on my mind
One thought of you is all it takes
to leave the rest of the world behind

Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did
And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did
And you didn't mean to love me back, but I know you did

I'm sittin' here tryin' to convince myself
that you're not the one for me
But the more I think, the less I believe it
and the more I want you here with me
You know the holidays are coming up
I don't want to spend them alone
Memories of Christmas time with you
will just kill me if I'm on my own

Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did
And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did
And you didn't mean to love me back

I know it's not the smartest thing to do
we just can't seem to get it right
But what I wouldn't give to have one more chance tonight
One more chance tonight

I'm sittin' here tryin' to entertain myself with this old guitar
But with all my inspiration gone it's not getting me very far
I look around my room and everything I see reminds me of you
Oh please, baby won't you take my hand
we've got nothing left to prove

Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did
And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did
And you didn't mean to love me back, but I know you did

And I didn't mean to meet you then
we were just kids
And I didn't mean to give you chills
the way that I kiss
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did
And you didn't mean to love me back but I know you did
Don't say you didn't love me back 'cause you know you did
No, you didn't mean to love me back
But you did