A/N: Its short but its something. I don't want my loyal readers thinking I've forgotten about them. This was partially writen already for awhile now and I just wanted to get it out there so you guys don't abandon me. I will admit I completely forgot where this chapter was going and I can't find any of my notes but here it is. This story is written for you guys and I'll be picking it back up real soon. I want to get further into the story for you guys.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gilmore Girls and I'm not getting anything from this story.

Chapter 17:

Uncomfortable Silence

It had been a less than fun filled day and Lorelai was more than happy to see it end. Normally her work day ended before dusk but due to a series of catastrophic events at the inn, she was held at work longer than usual by several hours.

Lorelai headed up the stone path leading to her porch. She nearly stumbled halfway to the steps. 'Ugh, all I need is a hot bath and a vat of coffee and I'll be golden.' She made an overly dramatic show heading up the stairs. Like a victim of polio climbing Everest. She hadn't made it to the top step before she heard the familiar holler of Babette.

"Lorelai…sugar, wait!" she had to stop herself from giggling at the sight of Babette running from porch to porch, "Sugar…"

"Babette are you alright?" At this point Babette had slowed down to a steady walk while hunched over in the midst of what looked like a severe asthma attack. "What's the matter?"

Babette was gesturing wildly and attempting to speak but no discernable sound was coming out of her mouth. Lorelai had no idea what her commonly kooky neighbor was trying to convey but she could tell it had her in a state.

"Babette, calm down. Now what is the matter?"

"The…they…they're in the house, honey."


"The two of them, they are in there. They've been in there together all day. Rory and Jess have been in your house alone all day."

Lorelai now knew what a heart infarction felt like. 'Please don't let them have had sex in my bed,' She pushed the door open letting it bang against the wall making an ugly noise.


She was at her darling daughter's bedroom door within a moment. Unfortunately for Lorelai that moment was filled with all the potential images that she may find on the other side of the door. She already felt green when she noticed that the door was closed.

The door made a very similar sound as the front when it hit the wall inside Rory's bedroom. Lorelai was fully prepared to start screaming at what she found inside her darling daughter's bedroom but rather than finding two teenagers scrambling to cover up their interrupted passion she was greeted by a well made bed in an empty bedroom.

She stared at the undisturbed bed for a moment when she heard what sounded like talking.

"Mom, mom are you alright?"

She stepped back out of the room and looked towards living room. In all her rush to catch Jess defiling her daughter, she had not even noticed the two sitting on the couch, fully clothed.

The two had been comfortably reading in silence when they were quite abruptly startled by the slamming of the front door and Lorelai's unprovoked yelling. Rory, who had been snuggled into the side of Jess' warm body, nearly jumped three feet at the commotion. She suddenly feared the something very bad had happened and the sight of a frazzled Babette poking her head in from the entrance did not help calm her.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Jess' hand on her arm was the only thing keeping her from freaking out. Lorelai walked slowly back towards them. Her face was entirely blank and she seemed to be at a loss for words. Jess couldn't stop the thought that this had to have some sort of historical precedence.

"Mom, what is it?"

"Nothing…I'm sorry, nothings wrong. It's just been a really long day. Sorry."

"Jesus, Mom! You scared the crap out of me. Don't do that." She wasn't mad just flustered. Her body seemed to un-tense from being on high alert. She sat back into her position at Jess' side.

"Ok honey, if I'm not needed here, I'm gonna head back home. I'll talk to you tomorrow," Babette knew that she had unintentionally put Lorelai in an awkward situation. She didn't wait for a response as she hurried out of the house, closing the door behind her.

The distraction seemed to ease some of the tension in the room. Lorelai never could let an awkward silence go with out filling it.

"So what have you two been up to?"