Hey Guys

Hey Guys!! This is just a warning that yes I am FINALLY going to update soon, as of now I am writing everything at the same time. Both of my stories: Hold Me Tight and My regret are being written as of now and I am also writing a new fan fiction called forever and it is under NANA. :D Love you all and thank you for putting up with me and for having the patience to wait for the next chapters love you all again.

P.S : I think I would want to update after every 10 reviews from the last chapter so that I would not update too quick or too slow :D

For Hold Me Tight readers: I love you all and believe it or not this fic is ALMOST about to end. Maybe 3 or 2 or 4 more chapters :D

For My Regret readers: I love you all so much especially for reading this even after I took so long to write this and to update. I also found out that more people are starting to read "Sweet Angel" because they wanted to read "My Regret" so I am very happy and thank you. :D

For Sweet Angel readers: I love you all for still reading this.

For Creatures of the Light and the Dark readers: Thank you for reading this fic and I am not sure about a sequel since no one seems to be paying much attention to this fic compared to "Sweet Angel" but still Thank you and love you all.

Lots of love

Kiara Angel

Dark Kiara Angel

Dark Angel Kiara