AN: This is mostly an outline for a story; please tell me if it is worth expanding. If you wish to write a story using this please drop me a line. I most like will agree, but only if I'm asked and can read it before it is posted.

Harry Potter/Gunslinger Girls

What if the Dursley's went too far in their treatment of Harry and abandoned him in Italy during their vacation? What if Harry was chosen by the Social Welfare Agency (SWA) to become a member of Section 2? What would happen when wizard went searching for Harry? How would they react to finding that he was a member of the SWA and worked as an assassin? Would Harry be willing to go to Hogwarts after being found or what little he can remember about life before the Agency? What would happen if he refused and Dumbledore would not take no for an answer?

Harry was very badly injured by his Uncle before being found, he was discovered by some of the most ruthless criminals in the city who had warrants for their arrest, but despite that they call the authorities because even they were disgusted by the harm done to him. Harry was brought in dieing and would not have lived beyond the end of the week save for the fact he was chosen by Elsa to be her 'partner'. Harry refused/was unable to talk about his past and forgot it during his 'conditioning', though it was to a lesser extent than most of the other girls. Harry was the first boy chosen and was picked by the first female handler, Elsa Marino. The people at the agency believed Harry to be 4 years old even though he was 7, so he was treated as a 4 yr old. Harry went to school along with other more unusual training.

Harry was given a new name to go with his new life and it was Michel, like the archangel. Instead of referring to his handler as his Fratello she was his Sorella (sister), as were all the girls at the agency while all the men were his Fratellos. Michel's Sorella had black hair the same color and hazel eyes, she looked a lot like him and they could pass as family. The similarity also extended to Claes, who often worked with them due to her lack of a handler, to give the illusion of a family more strength. Because of this familiarity, Elsa often acted as Claes handler in situations where it was required.

Elsa's decision to choose Michel was initially questioned by the leaders of the SWA, but she was sure about choosing him, even though he was very young. She managed to convince them to accept her choice as there were situations where a boy would be a better operative than a girl or where it would be better to have a boy and a girl work in tandem to complete the mission.

Harry grew up working as an assassin for the SWA from the assumed age of 5 side by side with Claes both under their Sorella and independently from her. There were times they masqueraded as a family in other countries and when traveling in their hunt of the targets. Being so small, Michel often served as the scout because he could do the 'help me I'm only a little lost boy' and get out without suspicion of his true nature.