I think we may have picked a bad time - woah! - for a surprise visit!

No, this is a most wondrous time! Look, that is Master Monk Guan! And there is Master Dashi!

What do we have here?

Chase Young!

What if they had decided that it was a bad time, and had picked another time instead?

Another Time: Eleven Misplaced attempts to change the future.


"Sands of Time!"

"What do we-" Chase Young started to say, but the boy and Dragon had already vanished. Head shaking and making a note to ask about it later, he returned to his friends.

It was a short fight, compared to the others, but only because Wuya ceased her attack early. She'd simply abandoned the attempt when she reached the temple wall, using her magic to fly away.

Dashi hadn't met their eyes, and, suspecting something amiss, Chase and Guan had quickly begun the journey back to their home.

It was much later, too late to ask questions, when Chase remembered the boy-who-had-vanished.


Omi appeared under a shrubbery, and drew back as a pair of pale, freckled legs ran past.

"Master Dashi! I did it, all by myself!" the girl cried, holding up a smouldering pile of ash. "And it didn't burn me this time!"

"Hey, good job, Rosie!"

"When is this?" Omi whispered to Dojo.

The dragon shrugged. "The early five-thirties, I think. That's the young Dragon of Fire - and if I remember correctly she couldn't control her element at all until way after Chase Young turned evil."

"So, now we are too late?"

"Looks that way."

"Sands of Time!"

"Say, did anyone hear something just then?"


The ground shook as spires rose up, aimed at Dashi but missing every time. "How do we keep starting down in the centre of these things?" Omi exclaimed, stepping backward until he reached cover. Neither of the two combatants noticed him or Dojo, raging on too hotly in their battle.

"Don't ask me!" Dojo covered his ears as a sonic boom crashed around them, making the building behind Wuya crumble even more. "I don't remember hearing about this..."

"Sands of Time!"

The sounds of battle faded from their ears, leaving a scream: "Do you still think your little cause is worth it, Dashi?"


"What did she mean?" Omi asked Dojo when they were standing safely in swampland. He didn't answer, but another voice cut in.

"Where did you come from?"

Omi turned, Dojo on his shoulder. Then he yelled, pointed, and named the apparition: "Wuya!"

She wrinkled her nose, shifting the holding-sling. "My reputation precedes me still, I..." Spying the hourglass, she narrowed her eyes. "Dashi sent you," she stated. "Well, you tell him we aren't coming back, so to stop sending people!"


She bent down to show the baby in the sling ("See, he's fine!"), but before Omi could see it Dojo had called:

"Sands of Time!"


"Why did you do that?!" Omi cried indignantly.

A harsh voice that was becoming very familiar whispered into his ear. "You're not very good at this, are you, time-traveller?"

Dojo gulped and fled into Omi's robes. Omi spun around.

"I am not a Time-Traveller?"

"Ridiculous. It's the fourth time I've seen you over twenty-five years, and you still haven't aged."

"Didn't you have a baby a moment ago?"

Wuya's face fell. Sadness was a strange look for her.

"Hey, kid," Dojo whispered. "Who says you only need Chase to turn good?"


"Primo opportunity-o. Just saying."

"No! My quest was to save Chase Young! Sands of Time!"

Wuya smirked. "Turn good?"


Chase Young laughed as he jumped Master Monk Guan, who evaded the strike with a grin. Omi watched in awe.

Guan paused, just barely blocking another swipe from Chase. "There's someone here," he said. "I sense Xiaolin magic."

"Not Da-"

"Greetings from the future!" Dojo called, interrupting, and added, "I've always wanted to say that."

"We're here to stop you from becoming Evil!" Omi announced.

The pair exchanged a look. "Neither of us are evil," Guan stated.

"Nor have any plans to become so."

"Not yet, but..." Omi launched into an explanation, and Chase's cheeks became darker and darker. Finally, he exploded.

"Did I consent to these alterations?!"


Omi blinked, only to find he was not where he had been a moment before.

"That could have gone better," Dojo commented. "Did you just wordlessly activate the Sands of Time?"

"Sands of Time? Isn't that one of your thingamabobs?"

The owner of the voice was sitting on a wall, swinging her legs. Beside her sat a surprised-looking teenage Dashi.

"How did you know I was working on a Time-Travelling Wu?" he asked, only glancing at the newcomers.

The young Wuya chuckled and twirled the end of her hair around a finger. "If you will leave your notes lying around..."

Omi grumbled irritably. "Sands of Time!"


"Do you think that maybe we should go back and make a plan or something? Everytime we move something new happens." Dojo paused. "But here seems safe enough..."

"If I had not accidentally moved us again when we were speaking the Time before last Time..." grieved Omi, head in his hands. "I fear I have made everything worse."

"I'm thinking we should have asked first," Dojo agreed. "After all, there's a reason why no-one wants to cross Chase Young."

Omi sighed. "One more try?"

"If you don't land us next to Wuya again."

Omi held the Shen Gong Wu over his head. "Sands of Time!"


Omi appeared in the clearing just as Chase Young drained the bowl of Lao Mang Long soup, and could only watch helplessly as the man he hoped to save became a beast for the first time.


The cry was unheard.

"Now, don't you want to take the revenge that you so sorely desire?" Bean chuckled. "Don't you want to see those that wronged you suffer?"

"Yes..." the lizard-man hissed.

"So then, what're your plans, Chase?" the Bean continued. "Who first?"

The tail lashed. "Don't be so familiar," came the growl. "And Shea and the Witch go first."

"Not Guan?"

"Leave Guan alone."

Dojo elbowed Omi. "Go back ten minutes!"


"So glad to see that you finally came around," Bean said with his anachronistic accent. Omi peered past the shrub that they'd appeared in, just in time to see Chase Young walk into the clearing. He held the highly decorative bowl like it was very delicate, a ponderous look on his face.

Slowly, Chase removed the lid. Omi crouched, ready.


The bowl flew through the air and smashed, covering Bean with the hideous potion.

"You!" Chase roared and lunged, recognising the small monk who'd kicked him.

"Time to go!" Dojo yelled, and activated the hourglass.

"Never fear," Bean chuckled, and pulled out an identical bowl.


It was nighttime at the Xiaolin Temple, and a boy waited impatiently in the dark. "Hey, are you Omi?" he called suddenly, sensing an arrival.

There was the sound of a sharply indrawn breath. "Raimundo?" an unfamiliar voice asked.

"Wuya asked me to come and fly you back to the temple," the boy explained as Omi came closer. "She said you'd have a lot of questions."

Omi gasped at the tattoo under Raimundo's left eye, but the boy was tired of waiting.

"C'mon!" he called, then grabbed Omi's hand and dragged him into the air. "I'd like to get some sleep before morning!"


A/N: Yes, this is going to be a series of AUs spawned from the changes made by Omi as he bounced around looking for Chase Young, and perhaps some more from the changes made after that. It's also utter crack, so be warned.