Ok, this is my first Naruto fic...I think I did a good job on it, not great, but it's good enough for my sucky skills at writing. Any-who-ha-day-um...just thought I'd see if you like the first chapter before I post the rest of it.

Author:Yaoigurl06 beta: none yet Warnings: MPreg in other chapters...Slight lemon...its more like a lemon lime twist(ever have one,drink i mean, theyre really good)...ummm questionable consent in later chatpers...i think thats it, PLEASE DONT FORGET TO TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!!!

Naruto stood on the balcony of Sakura's home. He could still hear the sounds of her New Year's party, but his mind was far from the celebrations. He was thinking of several things. First, was how no one at the party talked willingly to him. They only spoke to him if Sakura, Sasuke, or Hinata included him in the conversations. And the only reason Sakura talks to him is because they are on the same team. She acts as if she is only putting up with him. Abiding her time until she is free of him.

He hated feeling like no one cared for him. He knew there was the handful of people who did. Iurka-sensei and Kakashi-sensei both cared for him like fathers.The Hokage looked out for him like a wise grandmother did. And Hinata who had a crush on him. She really wasn't his type. But even if he did like her back, they weren't aloud to be more then friends. Her father promised her to Neji, even though they are cousins.

Naruto listened to the silence of the night. It was peaceful out on the balcony, until he heard foot steps. Hopefully they would just walk away, like they always do when they see him. He really didn't feel like talking to anyone. But no such luck. Who ever it was, they were standing right behind him, burning a hole into of his head with their eyes. Naruto turned to see Sasuke staring at him with the same blank expression he always wore.

"Naruto? Are you alright? You seem sad. That's not like you."

"What do you care? As long as you have everyone falling all over you, you couldn't care if I threw myself off this ledge."

Sasuke looked down at his feet. "That's not true. Believe it or not, I do care what happens to you."

Naruto scoffed. "Yeah, right. And why would you care about happens to me?"

Sasuke walked up right in front of Naruto and looked him in the eye. "Remember our first day in class as Junior Ninja?"

"Yeah? What about it?" Naruto wasn't sure he liked the way Sasuke was looking at him, but he went along with the topic of conversation.

"When you were perched on my desk, glaring at me for something Sakura said. Then that boy knocked you over and we accidentally kissed. Do you remember?"

"Yeah, I remember."

"For the longest time after that, I kept replaying the scene in my head. The way it felt to be kissed by you. I know you like girls and all, but I need to say this. Everyday since then, I have fallen more and more in love with you. And I love you with all my heart."

Naruto went ghost white. "...Sasuke...I...I...don't..."

"Please, don't say anything. I know you don't love me back, but it was something I had to say. Naruto, before I go can I ask just one favor from you?"

"What? What do you want from me?" Naruto felt uneasy about this whole conversation. he liked Sasuke, maybe even loved him. But they could never be together. No one would accept it. And everyone would hate him even more if he the class heart throb gay. He didn't care that they hated him, he was use to it, but he was afraid of how they might turn on Sasuke if he didn't like girls anymore.

"Can I kiss you...for real?"

Naruto's heart skipped a beat. "I don't know if that's a good idea. What if someone saw?"

"Since when do you care what people think of you?"

"I don't. But I don't want to see how people would turn on you if they thought I turned you gay."

"I don't care!" Before Naruto could react, Sasuke had grabbed the back of his head and brought their lips together. At first the kiss was rough and forced, then it turned warm and soft. As much as Naruto wanted to fight it, he just couldn't. The way Sasuke was holding him, and kissing him. He pushed all thoughts of fighting to the back of his mind and focus on what was happening.

The second Sasuke's lips touched his, something deep in side him snapped free and a flood of sensational passion slammed into him like a brick wall. Naruto couldn't believe this was happening. His dream had come true, someone cared about him. No, that was an understatement. Someone loved him, and that someone was who he wanted to love as well.

Sasuke nipped and sucked at Naruto's bottom lip, asking for entrance. After a moment of hesitation, Naruto granted him access into his mouth. Sasuke moaned as he explored Naruto's mouth, taking what was offered so willingly to him. It was warm and tasted sweet, like candy. Sasuke was in heaven. Now that he had Naruto in his arms, he never wanted to let him go.

"Have you seen Sasuke?" Sakura was starting to worry. If she didn't find Sasuke soon, then all her plans will have been for nothing. Sakura can be devious when it came to getting what she wanted, and what she wanted was Sasuke.

The whole point of the party was to get closer to the boy. It had been working up until twenty minutes ago when Sasuke went missing. She looked every where for him, but no one seem to see where he ran off to. She needed to find him within the next half hour.

A week ago she over heard two women in town talking about something called The New Years Legend. At first she didn't listen, but the more they talked about it, the more it intrigued her.


"I'm telling you, it's all true. It worked for my parents. It can work for you to and it's easy."

"I don't know. It doesn't sound like it could work."

"It does work! Look all you have to do is make sure you and the one you love kiss under the full moon at midnight on New Years and you'll be together forever."

"Are you sure? I mean, it really works, right?"

"Yes, it works. My parents did it and they're still together and every much in love."

"Well, alright. I'll try it."


That was when this plan of Sakura's was formed. All night she stayed at Sasuke's side. Where he went, she went. Up until he said he was going to the bathroom. He excused himself from the group they were sitting with. Sakura watched him walk down the hall and to the right. Then she turned back to the conversation at hand.

She must have lost track of time, and now she couldn't find where he went. No one saw where he went or when he went there. Just great, on top of that, Naruto was missing as well. If he was pulling a prank tonight, she'd kill him for it later. But right now she needed to find Sasuke before midnight. Just as Sakura was about to go look in the hall, she heard voices out on the balcony.

"...Thought I turned you gay."

"I don't care!"

Sakura recognized the voices as Naruto and Sasuke, but what were they talking about? Who turned who gay? And what did this have to do with Sasuke? Sakura was one hundred percent sure Sasuke was straight. There was no way he was gay. It had to Naruto who was gay. She always knew he'd turn out all wrong. He never had anyone tell him that two males couldn't be together. It was just wrong.

At least now Sakura had a way to get rid of Naruto for good. There was no way the village would allow him to stay now. The villagers were against gay couples. Now maybe she and Sasuke can be together without Naruto coming between them all the time. He was always showing up just as Sakura had gotten Sasuke alone.

After a moment of silence, she heard a soft moan. Curiosity got the better of her. She walked out onto the balcony, only to freeze in horror. It couldn't be true. There was no way. The site before her had to be an illusion created by Naruto. That's it. He had to have made an illusion. She couldn't believe that Naruto was kissing Sasuke. It must be a trick. Naruto must have tricked Sasuke into kissing him.

Sakura summoned all her courage just to be able to speak. "What the hell do you think your Doing!?! Get the fuck off him, Naruto!" She lunged forward and pulled Naruto away from Sasuke. Before either of the boys could think, Sakura punched Naruto across the face.

Naruto only looked up at Sakura, then to Sasuke. He looked sad. It wasn't fair. All he ever wanted was to be loved by someone, but Sakura wouldn't let that happen. She looked ready to kill him.

Two tears trickled from his eyes. "I told you this would happen." Before anyone could rebuttal, Naruto stood and ran from the balcony.

Sasuke made to follow, but was stopped by Sakura putting a hand on his shoulder. "Let him go. He shouldn't have kissed you like that. I'll just tell the Hokage what he did."

Sasuke slapped her hand away. "Let's get a few things straight. One, I kissed him. Two, you'll tell no one what you saw. And Three, Don't you EVER hit Naruto again." With that he ran out door after Naruto.

Hinata watched everything unfold from a hidden spot by the balcony doors. She felt slightly responsible for everything that's happened. She had been watching Naruto all night, as always. But this time it was for different reasons. While watching the blonde boy, she noticed she wasn't the only one watching him. Sasuke kept an eye on him. His gaze never left Naruto. It gave her an idea.


When Sasuke came back from the bathroom, she noticed he was looking for Naruto. This was it. She was going to set some pretty big wheels in motion. She liked Naruto, but she was engaged to be married. So, since she couldn't have him, she was going to help him find love. And Sasuke was that love.

She softly walked up behind Sasuke. "Looking for someone?"

Sasuke turned to see Hinata walking towards him. "I was just looking for Naruto. I wanted to ask him something."

"Do you mind if I ask what you wanted to ask him?"

Sasuke was taken aback by Hinata's blunt question. "That's a little personal, don't you think?"

"Oh? Were you going to ask him out or something?" She smiled softly at Sasuke's wide eyes." I know you like him."

His shoulders sagged alittle."I don't just like him. I..I..love him."

Hinata giggled, turned slightly pink, and looked down at her feet." I know. And I think you should tell him."

"No way. He would reject me. I just know it."

"How do you know unless you try."

"But if I don't try, I can't get my heart ripped out and stomped on."

"I don't think Naruto would do that. If he doesn't love you back, he'll let you down gently."

Sasuke sighed softly." Fine, I'll try to tell him when I find him."

"He's out on the balcony."

"You were keeping taps on him?"

"Him and you."


"I want to help you. You both need someone to love. Thought I'd give you a little push in the right direction."

Sasuke smiled." Well thank you, for everything."

Hinata smiled back. "Your welcome. Now go get your man."


Naruto ran all the way to his favorite spot in the whole village. It was a small, grassy hill. From this hill you could see the whole village. Tonight was a full moon. It shown beautifully. He loved the full moon.

Just as he got comfortable, he felt the presence of another. He knew it was Sasuke; he just didn't want to notice him.

The Uchiha walked up to Naruto and sat down next to him. For the longest moment they just sat there in silence. Finally Sasuke turned to Naruto.

"I'm sorry for what she did. She had no right to hit you."

Naruto looked down at his hands. "Yes, she did. Sakura loves you and just wants to protect you, that's all."

"But I don't love her, I love you." Sasuke tried to hold Naruto's hand, but the other boy just pulled away.

"You can't love me. I'm a guy and so are you. The village wouldn't like it. You're supposed to give them an Uchiha heir. You wouldn't be able to have children if you were with me."

Naruto's words angered Sasuke a little. "Don't I get a say in who I love? If I can't be with the one I love, then I don't want to have children with some woman I can't even stand. I want to be with you and no one else."


"No! If that's the only reason you won't be with me..."

"It's not. There's more to it then that."

"Like what?"

Naruto sighed. "You asked me if I remembered the accident in class, well do you remember what happened?"

"Of course. I told you I can't stop thinking about it."

"Well, do you remember what happened after? Do you remember what Sakura and the other girls did to me?"


"They beat the hell out of me. What do you think they would do if they found out we were in love?"

Naruto's last two words rang in Sasuke's head. Naruto loved him to. He smiled the most genuine smile.

The smiled didn't go unnoticed by Naruto. "Why are you smiling?"

"You said 'What do you think they would do if they found out WE were in love?' That means you love me too."

"Just because it's true, doesn't mean its right."

"Naruto, look at me, please." Naruto turned his head to look Sasuke in the eye. "I love you and you love me. That's all that should matter. No one else." With that, He kissed Naruto. He kissed him so suddenly that it took Naruto a moment to realize waht was happening. Sasuke pushed Naruto down to lie on the grass with his body over the other boys.

That night both boys gave into the love and passion they held for each other. Sasuke made love to Naruto. It was sweet and slow. The blonde could feel how much the Uchiha loved him. He never wanted to let Sasuke go. But he knew this could only happen once. He knew the others wouldn't leave them to be together. He would have to leave the Village tomorrow. But those thoughts could wait until after.

Neither one noticed that the second their lips touched, the world saw a new year.