Sonata for the Death and the Strawberry

Atagoki: Well, I had this planned for a little later, but I decided that I would write it now. I hope you enjoy.

Title: Sonata for the Death and the Strawberry

By: Dawn Shard

Rating: T, for language, sensuality, and alcohol references

Chapter 1:

"Dancing? We're taking dancing lessons? Why the hell would we do that?" A student shouted at the teacher.

The teacher slammed a ruler on the table to silence the out bursting students. "Urusai! Your opinions are all disregarded from this point on. Now, why dancing lessons? For one, I heard a majority of students took Spanish after taking English--"

"But what about those who decided to take--"

A loud rap hit the table again. "I don't care. Scientists say that dancing relieves stress and it's important for you to know. What happens when you're at an important business meeting and---you know what? Screw this. You're taking dancing lessons. If you refuse to without medical reasons, like having a broken leg, then you fail my class. How does that sound? Good? Great. Now, everyone pick their dancing partner and stand over here. This will be your dancing partner for ever and ever, even after we're dead. So I suggest you pick wisely. Understand? Great. Now, go."

Ichigo noticed Keigo crowding around Rukia, his face too close to hers.

"Whaddya say, Kuchiki-san? You wanna be my dancing partner?!" He asked, and Rukia took a step back, uncertain of what to say.

"Um..." She began in her innocent voice, trying to get the words.

"Urusai, Keigo. She obviously doesn't want to be your dancing partner, the way you're all in her face. Back off." Ichigo barked, pushing him by the face to the ground.

A group of students crowded around him the moment the words escaped his lips. "Kurosaki-kun, do you like her or something?" Chizuru asked, raising her eyebrows.

SHIT! That wasn't how I planned it going, Ichigo screamed in his head. Damn it...what do I say...

"Of course not!" Rukia interrupted, with her fake voice and smiling innocently. "Kurosaki-kun and I are only really good friends! And I had already asked him to be my dancing partner. Do you accept Ichigo?"

NO! NO! I DO NOT ACCEPT, he shouted in his head. "Sure, why not?"

Damn it, Ichigo! The hell was that?! Now they're going to think you do like her. Rukia, you stupid bitch!

"God damn it, what the hell was that Rukia? Now everyone will think we're dating!" Ichigo shouted, flinging his bag across the hall.
Rukia hopped up on the bed and began to examine her nails, rolling her eyes. "Aren't you being just a bit dramatic? You're turning into your father, for crying out loud."

"AM NOT!" He retorted, smacking her on the back of the head.

"Ow! You stupid bastard!" She yelled. Rukia leaped from the bed and pushed him into a wall and kicked him in the knee.

As the door to the closet opened, a piercing scream filled the room. "NEE-SAN!!"

Rukia brought her leg up and kicked him to the wall, then began stepping on his head until he gave up his perverted attempts for the moment. She sighed and pulled out her homework, then reclined on the bed on her stomach and began to flip the pages.

"What the hell are you doing? That's MY bed for doing MY homework on." Ichigo snapped, grabbing her by the leg and pulling her off.

"Ow! You stupid bastard! That hurt. And you have a desk for homework. Do it there. I want to lie down. My--"

"My ass. You do it on the desk. If I'm going to be your 'dancing partner,' you'll do as I say."

Rukia opened her mouth. "But--"

"Not listening."

Rukia murmured something under her breath.

"What was that?" He snapped, reclining on the bed.

"I said 'fuck you.'"

"Aw...well, the feeling is mutual, Rukia. I'm glad we could express it."

Ichigo drummed his pencil on the desk, lost in thought until a wadded piece of paper hit his head. He snapped his head to see Rukia waving and scribbling something on the paper. He turned his head back around. A few seconds later as the teacher turned her back to the board, another wad of paper hit his head. He looked back at her. "What the hell, you stupid bitch?" Ichigo mouthed, then saw her motioning for him to open the paper.

He un-wadded it and smoothed it out, seeing what it read. In big and bold black characters, it said "I need money for lunch! And I lost my Chappy towel and pencil. Do you know where it is?"

Ichigo hit himself in the forehead and gave her a huge look when the teacher turned her body back to the board. "Rukia, what the hell? Now?!" He mouthed, pointing to the paper and wadding it up again, throwing it back at her head.

She grabbed the large eraser on her desk and threw at him, hitting him in the ear and mouthing back. "Yes now! I need money! How do you propose I eat?"

"Kurosaki! Kuchiki! Stop having lover's spats and pay attention or I will double your homework, understand?" The teacher spoke, slamming a ruler on her desk and the class giggled and snickered at the mention of lover's spats.

"Yes, Senpai. It won't happen again, Senpai." The muttered in unison.

"And, one-two-three, one-two-three--NO NO NO!" The instructor began, than interrupted herself. "Where is the passion? The drama? The love? The romance? The hate? The anger? If you're going to take this instruction, bring all your emotions here and just spill them out. It makes one hell of a dance!"

The class groaned at the thought of 'brining their emotions.' Yet, again, they tried. To which, Ishida and Orihime were pointed out.

"Now take a good look here! These two obviously forget bring all their emotions to the table in their dances. Only friendship and flowing. Now, we shall try the waltz to better suit their emo--" She began, yet was abruptly cut off.

"What?! Waltz? NO!" A teenager shouted.

She sighed and nodded. "Fine, we can do was that dance? Oh yes! Mambo! Let's do that."

Rukia and Ichigo exchanged glances and mouthed to one another "Mambo?"

Rukia collapsed onto the bed, still in her school uniform and all sweaty. She let out a sigh of relief. "I can't believe humans do this for a living! It's pure torture!"

Ichigo made a face, but collapsed beside her and looked at her. "Yeah. Fighting a Menos Grande is like a picnic compared to this. Professional dancers are out of their mind. Well, I'm going to shower. And get your sweaty ass off my bed."

She leaped up and into the bathroom, pulling off her shoes and socks and diving into the room, to slam the door in Ichigo's face and cause his nose to hit it head on. "OW! Rukia, damn it. You probably broke my nose."

His eyes began to tear up, an involuntary reaction as he soon learned, and fell back to the floor in surprise. The door squeaked open and he saw Rukia, her shirt unbuttoned and he could see the tank top she wore underneath it clearly. She looked truly sympathetic. And he felt somewhat perverted by looking to see her chest rise and fall.

"Sumimasen, Ichigo." She said meekly, then grabbed a small towel and wet it with cool water. "Here, let me help you."

He began to let himself up, but Rukia grabbed his arm and put him on the bed. "Lie on your back and move your hands. I promise, no cheap shots, all right?" She offered, sitting beside him and dabbing away the blood gently as he reluctantly moved his hands and reclined.

"Ow, that hurts!" He hissed, pushing her hand away.

"Don't be a baby, Ichigo. It's only a small nosebleed. You've been through worse, baka." She smacked his hand and then dabbed it again. "Just lie there and I'll go take a shower. When I get out, I'm sure it will be all better, all right?"

Atagoki: Omfg...the fluff. This is just usually going to center around their relationship, outside kicking the ass they do. I may throw a few Hollows in to give it a little oomph, but other than that. And yes, the dancing lessons are just something for them to argue over. I hope you enjoy it and if you like this, you may like my other story, Rainstorm.

Read and review to let me know what you think. For those anonymous reviewers, anonymous reviews are turned on and the more reviews I get, the faster the chapters go up. See ya for the next chapter.