Summary: Shonen-ai, YukixKyo. Don't likey? THEN DON'T READ IT! Kyou discovers the one thing that will help him finally defeat his arch enemy. Love. Anime-based.

I have never written a Yaoi type fic before, but I'm going to try my best! Tell me what you think.


Kyou had finally figured it out. He had discovered Yuki's secret, a secret that meant his victory, hands down, no doubts. The secret was also the reason Yuki had never attempted to actually kill Kyou.

The reason? You ask.

Yuki loves Kyou.

Or rather the Rat loves the Cat. But the Rat was a jealous animal, and the stories, the tales of the zodiac that they were so used to hearing, left out the dangerous fact. God could not accept such a terrible thought, the thought of one of his creations loving someone other then His-self. SO, he made the Rat betray the Cat. If he did not, God had threatened to not allow the Rat into the Zodiac. There was, after all, only 12 allowed in to it.

That explains the betrayal but it was no excuse for it. Kyou, nay, the Cat, needed revenge. And he would get it, in a way only someone like Ayame or Shigure could think up.


Kyou walked through the dining room to the kitchen, his thoughts far off, and at the same time, quite near. Tohru was off with Momiji, doing hell only knows what, and Shigure was at Hatori's. This was the perfect opportunity to beat Yuki. Perfect time to fulfill the deal he had made with Akito. Perfect. But presently he was thirsty, thus was he drinking the milk (straight from the carton as usual).

He heard a door close from the dining room, and he set the carton down.


(Now Yuki's POV)

It had been one of those days today, a day in which one would not want to run into him. He was crabby and exhausted. Any one who knew him, would say that was a bad combination for the boy.

Finally he was home. The sounds of the obnoxious school board still ringing in his ears. Then just as he entered the dining room, who should appear but… "Stupid Cat! Get out of my way!" Yuki growled. "I'm not in the mood."

The response he got was not what he had expected though…

Kyou walked up to Yuki and kissed him. There is not much description needed for the action, but rather the reaction. Yuki trembled at the touch, his whole body reacting to Kyou's lips.