Ok, this is my newest story. This goes along with my story "Killer In The High School" and this book I'm reading. So I hope you all like it. Here is the Disclaimer. Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans or the book I'm reading.

Summary: Four teens are driving home from a performance and their car breaks down. So they go to a house to use a phone, but something strange is happening at this house and they can't leave. This story is told by Starfire so its her POV.

Main Characters:

Starfire: Kory Anders

Robin: Richard Grayson

Raven: Rachael Roth

Beast Boy: Garfield Logan

Side Characters:

Tyler Carson

Kyle Thompson

Carline Thompson

Unknown: This person isn't discovered till the last chapter, but is trying to get the kids scared.


Chapter One


I set in the passengers seat of Garfield's car. We had just gotten done with our drama performance. We had lost and everyone in the car was in a bad mood because we had lost. I turned my attention to the window, watching the rain pelt the window. I heard a sputtering sound from the car. I turned and looked at Garfield.

"Something's wrong with car. Kory look out the window and see if you can find a place where we can pull over." Garfield said. I rolled down my window to only have my face pelted with the harsh rain drops. I looked around outside and caught sight of a dim light.

"I see a light. Turn right now." I said. Luckily we made it up the drive before the car died. I could tell Garfield was mad about his car, but I ignored him and got out. The rain was already up to my ankles. I grabbed my suitcase and ran toward the porch. I waited there until the others got there. We were all soaked.

"Well are you going to knock on that door or will I have to?" Rachael said. I glared and was about to knock on the door, but the door opened to revel a man with a black beard.

"Can I help you?" The man said.

"Yeah, our car broke down and we need to use your phone to call the auto shop." Richard answered for us.

"Well come in, by the way I'm Kyle." The man said. We walked in without telling him our names. The house was humongous and was decorated neatly, but the T.V in the middle of the room was turned on so loud it was busting my ear drums. I saw someone enter from a room in the back of a dark hallway. She jet black hair that ended past her shoulders.

"Did that hitchhiker we picked up ever come back and get his coat?" The woman said.

"No, but we're going to be late to the party." Kyle said. The girl looked at us and gave a glare at Kyle.

"Who are they?" She asked.

"They need to use our phone, Carline because their car broke down." Kyle said. Carline nodded and said,

"Well when whoever picks you up, lock the door on the way out." With that they left. My eyebrows furrowed.

"Weird." Rachael said. I noticed a phone on a slide board.

"There's a phone." I said pointing toward the phone. Richard advanced toward it and picked it up. We walked over to a couch that was in front of the T.V. Garfield turned it down and turned the channel. Rachael set down next to him and I set on the other couch. I heard Richard put the phone down and he set next to me.

"They're on their way." Richard said. I nodded and rested my head back on the couch with my eyes closed. We listened silently to the T.V and the rain pelting hard on the house. I heard a thumping noise and my head shot up. I turned my attention to the hallway where Carline once had been standing. At the end of the hallway there was a door that was opened and the light had been burned out. I stood and looked closer. Richard and Garfield looked at me. Rachael looked scared.

"What was that?" Rachael said.

"I don't know." I said. I began to walk slowly toward the hallway, but I was pulled back by a hand. It was Rachael.

"Don't even think about it Kori." She said. I sighed and turned around to sit on the couch with the rest of them. One thing stuck in my mind.

"Someone is in this house and we have to find out who it is." We set on the couch, waiting for the auto shop person to come.


Okay guys I hope you all like it. I'm going to try something new with my reviews. I will not update till I get five reviews. So there it is. Sorry that it is so short. I promise to make the other chapters longer. Thanks!!