He leaned on the hood of the car waiting for his sister. He hadn't seen her since she went looking for Troy and it was difficult not to worry. She came into view, with her head held high. Her face revealed a high amount of self confidence in herself. Ryan couldn't help but smile, she looked nothing like the frail frightened girl he had left.

"What's that goofy smile before?" Sharpay asked with a self assured voice.

"You look beautiful," he couldn't help but say. He always admired her, but her attitude despite what she was going through brought that level to new heights.

She rolled her eyes. "As if I had another look."

She started the car. His "goofy" smile didn't drop. He knew he should ask what happened with Troy, but he didn't want to spoil the moment. Because for the time being everything seemed like it had been, before the fact that Sharpay was carrying a child.

Her voice a little too cheery in Ryan's opinion considering the subject, "Troy is going to pick me up at three to go to the woman's clinic."

"That's good." Ryan said quietly. He was glad that Troy was willing help, but he still didn't trust the guy; he only got the woman he loved pregnaut.

"So he's gonna take care of the baby?" Ryan asked clarifying the situation.

Sharpay looked in her rearview mirror. "And me," she added.

Ryan's eyebrow arched in question. "He's going to break up with Gabriella?"

Sharpay's bottom lip pouted. "Well he plans on telling her about our baby, but he...didn't say that exactly."

"But you want him to. You want him to dump Gabriella so you, him, and the baby can become a perfect happy family!" Ryan spoke crossing his arms.

"Would that be so horrible?" Sharpay asked, her tone on the bitchy side.

"Yeah because where does that leave Gabriella?" he asked. Where does that leave me?

"Maybe she can find a guy who wont two time her." she snapped.

"What about you? Maybe you need to find a guy who loves you," Ryan retorted.

"You don't know how Troy feels about me." she defended him.

"I have a pretty good guess!" Ryan shouted.

"God Ryan just shut up." Sharpay said almost unable to concentrate on driving.

"You know Im right." Ryan said quietly hoping to get through to her.

Sharpay pulled into their driveway. She killed the engine, but made no effort to leave.

Ryan sighed. "I just wish you'd understand what's really going on. I know you have these ideas about Troy, but I--"

"I know I shouldn't love him, but I do okay. I do. And maybe there's a reason I am going to carry his kid." she sighed wearily.

"What do you mean gonna?" Ryan asked with annoyed confusion. "Aren't you already?"

"Well Im not 100 sure Im pregnaut I just took the test when I was three days late. I probably shuld have waited seven. But I wanted to know asap." she explained just as annoyed not even giving him a glance.

"Sharpay you want this don't you? Now that you know it will keep you close with Troy?" he asked in disbelief.

"God shut up! Who wants to be pregnaut at sixteen? Butt out!"

The car sped into the driveway and the brakes squeaked as she slammed her foot on it. She grabbed her things and got out in a blink.