THIS IS A SPINOFF OF MY OTHER STORIES, TABULA RASA AND LIKE THE RAIN!!!! if you want to understand what's going on, i suggest you at least browse them first.

Yes, that's right, yet another story Neina, Hokuto and of course the YnM cast! But it gets a little crazy this round. Read and see for yourself!


Watari hummed merrily and practically danced down his lab table as he plucked an ingredient here and a beaker there for his latest attempt at his sex change potion. He was certain that it was right this time because the book the potion came from was actually from Neina Kurosaki's library, Spells and Potions of the Divine Goddesses. After thumbing through the thick dusty tome, he had almost had a stroke when he read the description of this particular potion.

'Used to break down and dissolve the dominant gender, and rebuild it in the image of the goddess.'

It went on, something about a warning, probably to keep it out of the reach of children and pets, but he didn't care. This is it! I just let it simmer for a while and then I'll be able to ogle my own cleavage! He began swaying his hips to his own victory song and swirling the last ingredient in one hand. He turned while doing the twist only to freeze when he saw Neina right behind him with a large smile on her face.

"Please, don't stop on my account, you're quite entertaining to watch," she said between chuckles.

Watari grinned back and continued on, eliciting more laughter from the other blond. "Just shakin' what my mama gave me!"

"I take it that's a new phrase I'm not familiar with?"

"Watch TV every once in a while, you'll pick it up as you go."

Neina shook her head then leaned to the side to look past him. "Uh oh, you're 'cooking' apparently. Should I get a tarp? Or a shield?"

"No need to worry, I've got this all under control! This one's going to work, I can feel it. It came from one of your books after all."

The corn silk blonde arched her eyebrows. "One of mine? Which one?"

"Something about Divine Goddesses. But don't worry, I followed the steps precisely and it should be ready any minute now. Good bye, dominant gender, hello image of the goddess!"

She rubbed her chin, eyes narrowing. "One of my books…goddesses…image of the goddess?" Her eyes widened as Watari poised the flask with the final ingredient over the simmering beaker. "Watari, Wait! Don't!"

Neina grabbed hold of his arm and pulled as hard as she could to stop him, but not before a single drop of that last ingredient hit the concoction. Swinging him around so that she was in front, she threw up her arm as the glass cracked and finally exploded in a shower of shards and dark blue fluid.

The blonde scientist stared dumbly at what had been his potion and then to his friend who was cradling her arm against her. Several large shards of glass were protruding from her shirt sleeve, blood mixing with the contents as it fell to the floor.

"Neina! Oh my god!" He reached for her arm only to have her inch away.

"No, don't touch it Watari, you'll be poisoned."

"What?! Poison?!! Oh god, you—"

"No, I'm fine. A little cut up, but fine." She began pulling the glass from her arm and shoulder, not even batting an eye as she placed them into a pile. "That potion you were making is a poison that affects only males. Since I'm naturally a woman, I'll be fine and can heal this as soon as I get all the glass out."

"A…a poison?"

"Yeah, that book was written by a bunch of crazy feminist witches. 'Breaking the dominant gender' is code for 'killing off the male population.' Like I said, crazy. Although admittedly I don't know what it would've done to a male shinigami." She breathed across the open wounds, sealing them with little spurts of green flames. "But it won't affect a female, so stop looking at me like that! I'm fine!"

Watari's eyes continued to water and glisten in sorrow and gratitude. "B-but you really could've been hurt! What if the glass hit your eye or punctured you jugular or—"

"Can we stop thinking about the many ways in which I could've just been maimed and focus on the 'yay, we're both alright'?"

"But I have to do something to repay you!" he wailed.

Neina smiled and rose off the floor. "Tell you what, buy me a new shirt and we'll call it even," she laughed. She waved goodbye as she left the lab to go change.

"That doesn't seem like enough…"


For a few days Watari watched her closely, hoping to see a better way to repay her. Every morning Neina and Hokuto came in, sometimes baring food to appease their work stressed friends and son. She did odd jobs, but nothing she couldn't handle. Lunch, more work, home with her husband…he stopped following them then, figuring it would be hard to pay her back if he ended up having a restraining order slapped on him.

It was one day later that Watari got his idea. Spying around the corner into the break room, he blinked to see her staring nostalgically into her photo album. Looking around to make sure they were alone—for dramatic effects—he walked up behind her.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

Neina looked up and smiled. "Yeah, just looking at some old pictures." Tracing the edges of baby Hisoka's face, she sighed and turned the page. "I missed so much…I didn't even get to see him when he was little."

Watari frowned and sat down next to her. "That must be tough."

She eyed him for a moment before facing him fully. "Watari, why do you want to be a woman so badly?"

He blinked, confused at the sudden change in topic. "Uh, well is suppose it's for the sake of scientific curiosity. I mean, as a man I can only study the female form so much and I can only go by what I see or what a woman tells me. I find experience is a much better teacher."

"And motherhood, do you want to experience that as well?"

The blonde scientist was actually struck speechless, as was Satan at the sudden change in weather down below. "I…haven't thought that far ahead," he admitted. It wasn't that much of a lie…not really. Though of course as a scientist he had examined all possible angles of the experiment, he had just never encountered someone who brought up that particular angle out of all of them.

Neina smiled and closed the book to rise. "Well, if you do ever get to experience that, or fatherhood really, you'll realize that missing an important moment in your child's life is like missing an important moment in your own. It feels…empty. I don't even have any pictures to look back on…" She shook herself from her growing disquiet and smiled. "But it's okay cause I'm here now, right? Right. And since I'm here I should be getting back to work."

"Alright, I'll talk to you later," he grinned, already formulating the perfect plan in his head. He almost started laughing his mad genius laugh when he noticed her still staring at him. "What?"

"Just wondering…if you did have a child, who would be the father?"

Watari actually flushed, his glasses fogging with the extent of his embarrassment. "I-well that is-uh…"

She laughed, waving her hand in dismissal. "I didn't mean you had to answer, Watari! I was just…curious, you know? But you also know," she said with an evil grin, "blonde hair and blue eyes always look cute on a child!" She laughed as she bolted out the door, not missing the scientist's jaw dropping and mortified blush.

That woman…knows nothing about genetics. The odds of our child having both blonde hair and blue eyes is—ahh! Why am I even thinking that?! Back to the plan, the plan! Yes, the plan…hee hee hee…


"No," Hisoka said for the umpteenth time, sitting across from the genki scientist in his lab. Said scientist pouted and leaned further to entreat him.

"Pleeeeeease, bon? Pretty please?"

"No," he said again, even sterner. The boy had been hanging around Tatsumi too long to be able to imitate that tone so perfectly.


"I don't care about your reasons, Watari-san, I will not drink it!"

He snorted and reclined back in his chair with his arms folded. "You know, I didn't have to ask your permission. I know which mug is yours."

Hisoka shuddered but kept his stone mask on. "I'll just bring a thermos then, cause I'm not doing it! I'm not one of your lab rats!"

"Lab gerbils, actually, but that's beside the point. Hisoka, this isn't for me, it's for Neina! She's never gotten to see you when you were young. It's just for a day, two at the most, and it will make her and Hokuto so happy! Please?" He pouted and the boy's eyebrow twitched in response.

"She told you this?"

"Not directly, but it was really, really implied. I mean, Tsuzuki could've picked up on it if he was there!"

"…it's safe?"

"Of course! It's basically the same potion Tsuzuki and I drank, but I managed to work in a timing system so that it will wear of naturally."

"And it's only for a day or two?"

"Yes, just enough that they can take some pictures of you and enjoy it! So will you do it? Make your mom and dad really happy?"

"I don't know…" the teen said, though it was obvious he was wavering. "I mean, when have these plans of yours ever actually worked?"

"You wound me!" he said, clutching his chest as if hit. "I'll have you know I've tested it extensively…on my lab gerbils, and its worked out fine! I already calculated the dosage according to your weight to be enough for a day and a half, and I made up more in case you enjoy being doted on by your parents…" he grinned at the boy's withering stare. "Of course, if you don't want to be a good son and make your parents happy, parents who already feel guilty enough they weren't there for you, who are trying their hardest to make sure your happy and would do anything for y—"

"Okay, okay! I'll drink the damn potion already."

Watari practically squealed as he jumped up and grabbed a beaker full of runny purple potion. "Great! Now, as I've calculated, one mouth full should be enough. And don't mind the taste, it always turns out a little spicy."

Hisoka sighed, resigning himself to the fate he agreed to, and eyed the liquid in his hands. Taking a deep breath, he readied himself to sip from it when—

"NO!!!" They both jumped, the blonde fumbling to keep a grip on the vial as Tsuzuki and Tatsumi barged through the door. "Don't do it, Hisoka! The mysteries of womanhood can be left alone!"

"Tsuzuki?! What're you--?" His partner suddenly lunged and snatched the beaker out of his hands to dangle it high above. "Hey!"

"Tsuzuki, give that back to him! He agreed to drink it!"

"No, I don't want him too! I like him the way he is!"

"But it's only temporary! Just long enough to make Neina and Hokuto happy!" Watari began chasing him around the room for the vial, with Tsuzuki dancing out of his reach every step of the way.

"I don't see how this would make them happy! They're just fine having a son!"

"What're you talking about, baka?" Hisoka growled.

"We just came to intervene, Kurosaki-kun. We heard Watari was trying to test a new potion on you and of course Tsuzuki panicked and ran off to save you. I'll admit, I was a bit worried too, after the last five times…"

"Hey, I told you I did not know that those chemicals produced a fire breathing compound when combined! No one did! And the chief's eyebrows have grown back nicely!" The scientist turned his attention back to his friend running backwards around the room, making another swipe at the beaker. "Tsuzuki, if you'd just listen—"

"No! You promised you wouldn't use Hisoka for an experiment!"

"It's not an experiment, I'm just…Tsuzuki, watch out!"

The warning came too late. Tsuzuki ran right into Watari's rolling chair. The chair swerved back with him and toppled him backwards. The potion went flying from his hands and into fate's which then dropped it on an empty Bunsen burner that happened to be on a low flame for the next stage of another experiment. The potion ignited into a cloud of lavender gas that spread quickly about the room.

The spicy tang of the gas invaded everyone's noses and mouths, except for 003 who'd flown out of the room to get help at the first sign of trouble. It was by her efforts that Neina and Hokuto came running down the hall to open the door and quickly jump back at the billows of gas.

"Watari?! Watari, are you in there?!" they yelled.

"N-Neina? Hok-kuto? Don't breathe it in!" Watari coughed. His voice was oddly high pitched but they couldn't see him or anyone else through the fog.

Sweeping her hand across, she summoned a blast of wind to force the cloud to recede. As it did both parents' mouths dropped open at the sight before them.

Four boys, looking to range from ages six to eight, sitting in pools of clothing. Two had glasses slightly askew on their faces. The blue-eyed one immediately attempted to correct them, only to stare dumbfounded at his small hands lost in the sleeves of a button up shirt. The golden eyed one was still coughing, tears budding in the corners of his eyes. The other two were blinking owlishly and looking around the room. When their green and purple orbs fell on one another they yelled and tried to back away, only to trip over the pants now around their ankles.

"You see this too, right?" Hokuto asked.

"Uh huh…not sure I believe it though," his wife replied. She walked over and knelt before her shrunken son. He stared back doe-eyed, worried at how she just sort of stared and blinked. "…Hisoka?" He nodded, pushing his banes back as the flopped into his face. She smiled and reached out to flick one lock back for him. "I hope you can forgive me for this."

"Huh?" his small voice squeaked.She suddenly pulled him into a fierce hug.

"You are just soooo cute!" she laughed, cuddling him close. Hisoka blushed and began struggling, but stopped when things began getting loud.

"Watari, what in Enma's name did you do?!" the blue-eyed boy—Tatsumi they decided—yelled, hand clamping over his mouth at the young voice that said his words.

"I was trying to tell both of you! That was a youth potion meant for Hisoka, and Hisoka alone!! If anything, this is all Tsuzuki's fault!!"

The little purple eyes began to tear up. "B-but I didn't kn-kno-ow!! I th-thought that-that…" He sniffled and began rubbing furiously at his face to scrub the tears.

Everyone winced. It was hard not to when something that adorable was crying. Paternal instincts kicking in, it was Hokuto that went over and petted the dark hair until he looked up. He smiled reassuringly and grinned when the boy's sobs trailed off into the occasional hiccup. "Okay, calm now? Good. Neina, I'll get this one and Tatsumi, you grab Watari."

"Roger." Before the children could protest they were scooped up and carted out into the hallway.

"Where the heck are we going?!" Hisoka spluttered.

"Keep your pants on…oh, right. Well, we need to go to the chief. I have a feeling he's going to want to know that half his office suddenly belongs in the day care!"


Okay, that good for first chapter I think!

Next time: lectures, clothes shopping and sleeping arrangements!

REVIEW and SUGGEST!! What would you like to see happen now that our four main shinigami are children? Tell me and i'll see what i can do!!