Disclaimer-I don't own anything from the Tolkien books-

© 2007-I own the plot, Oni-Kai Starwinter, Desaja, Lunar Unrest, and the Demon Moon Rat Saio-And the name Saioautukiomuti-

-Warning-Slight gore-Necromancy prices, and Demonic nature-This chapter is to focus mainly as an explanation-Chapter five will have action, and more in the line of LOTRs chars-

-Oh look, made a forth sequel-Sort'a…-



By, Sonsasu

Chapter Four



A soft sigh escaped Oni-Kai as she slid from the seat, her storm gray eyes never once leaving Desaja's.

"What an annoyance…I suppose we should end this game…"

Glancing down at Saio she smiled faintly and jerked her head towards the elves. He blinked his scarlet eyes once then hopped down and trotted alongside Oni-Kai. Looks of shock followed the two as they made their way to stand beside Elrond, Elladan and Elrohir. Oni-Kai whispered a single word of power upon stopping beside them.


Like a small zap of burning electricity racing underneath their skin, the Elves of the Last Homely House all felt the pain of a powerful drugging spell being removed. The demon child's shrill laughter echoed upon the high arched walls of the Hall of Fire, along with the sickening sounds of bones being broken and remade. Without her main spell to cloud the senses Oni-Kai's true self was revealed in less than a heartbeat. In fact the entire forest began to emit loud warnings of dread about the evil edan child…

Those who'd been sitting at the table now shot up from their seats, even the musicians had stopped playing to stare at the horror they saw. Oni-Kai was no longer a child in appearance but a true demon host…


Her lidless scarlet snake eyes roved over the elves and as she smiled causing some to draw back. Every single tooth was long and filed down to a point. Oni-Kai's once deathly pale skin now resembled the color of a grayish drowned victim with transparent scales. Black and blue veins could be seen pulsing beneath paper-thin scales. A soft chuckle escaped her as she lifted a taloned hand to brush back her black spiked hair…

"Impressive is it not? This is the price one must suffer with when summoning different breeds of demons at such a tender age…" Oni-Kai said her soft raspy voice reverberating upon itself….


"I can smell your confusion, so allow me to enlighten all of you." Oni-Kai said while her snake tongue darted out tasting the bitter candy of their emotions.

"Many would appreciate that…demonic host." The tall golden haired Glorfindel growled, his hand twitching for a sword that wasn't there.

Oni-Kai hid her grimace; the chances of her surviving a fight here were too slim for her liking… So she did the only thing she could do, she shrugged and smiled.

"Necromancy…is an art that I have mastered. And because of this, I was able to pass under even the most ancient gazes."

"Necromancy is a foul thing that engulfs the soul in shadow. Any would be able to sense such." Glorfindel stated.

Oni-Kai snorted and somehow narrowed her lidless glittering eyes, "Yes I know that, but it takes an even greater master to hide the damage to your soul and body."

Glancing from the corner of her silted eye, she spotted the very fair Celebrian. "But that doesn't explain how I slid past everyone for so long now does it?"

A sickly sweet smile spread along her face as images formed in her mind. "Humans breed constantly, thus I requested Saio to steal six female infants for me…fresh from the mother's womb no less. For I can think of no other thing more pure then a newborn, they are like blank pages of parchment just waiting for a scribe… I bled the first dry for my blood circle and then used the second as the main sacrifice to call for power. After that, I literally tore apart the other four to gain use of their souls…"

Glancing around the room Oni-Kai saw looks of disgust and horror, provoking her further. "I molded the third to act as a shield for myself... The other three were required for Saio, his presence was just too large to contain with only one…"

Her smile turned cruel and she gazed only at Elrond's wife. "I dare you to use your senses, feel the agony they endure. Can you hear the screams they make even now! And if I didn't know better…I'd think they were still begging for me to stop..."

"Enough!" Celebrian yelled, her pale delicate hand covering her mouth.

Oni-Kai blinked and allowed her smile to fade, "My sincerest apologies, I forgot how sensitive elves are to children. Oh, yes, before I forget. The other spell that was broken…it was in your food." New looks of horror were directed to the table, causing Oni-Kai to bust out laughing again.

Glancing down at the calm Elrond and the very angry twins Oni-Kai's face assumed an almost detached look. "When Elladan and Elrohir brought me here I underestimated the strength of the older Eldars. I believed that the souls would hinder your inner sight fairly well. Unfortunately, I ran into someone who was able to…sense Saio's presence, though only faintly." Oni-Kai shrugged again and shifted her scarlet gaze over to the dark haired Erestor who stood next to Glorfindel.

"I have you to thank for bringing my attention to the flaw in my power…"

The black haired counselor stiffened and took a threatening step forward from his seat. Where Glorfindel had no sword, Erestor did however possess a dagger… He was no idle little bookworm; the damn Noldo could easily hold his own against most warriors. Even though it would take him time to get near her, Oni-Kai took a step back.

"Relax! You had no direct hand in assisting me. It was nothing more then a second glance you gave to Saio. But it was enough to alert us…"

"After playing the shy mortal for three days, Saio suggested that I approach your cook… It drove me near insane trying to convince Khelek with the impression of an eager child's willingness to help. Eventually I was able to charm him enough to help in cooking the meals. This gave me the chance to place hairs of my demon in current…"

Oni-Kai's head swung around as armed warriors began to file in from every open doorway.

"After all…everyone here has to eat eventually…so every elf in Imladris was under the spell."

Oni-Kai watched with a slight feeling of dread as Elrond and the twins rose up…

"Warriors behind you, warriors at your flanks, and warriors at your front… You never could help provoking things that were beyond you… Iska kai en' i' rauko nosse." Desaja murmured through Oni-Kai's mind.


Okay, this chapter was just for an explanation of a few things


Pale nothing of the demon kin--Iska kai en' i' rauko nosse

I'll come back later to change the poor elvish and rewrite a few things that I don't think is right