a/n: Aww, you guys, I'm glad you are still attached to the story. I really appreciate it. And now it took another two months for this one (Happy New Year, by the way). Gah, I'm horrible. So…next chapter time? (Italics are flashbacks)

Chapter Eight

Away Time

Three days, fourteen hours, and twenty-nine minutes until he would be back home. Rory didn't consider counting the seconds; she didn't want to seem too pathetic. It was Friday again and the rescheduled Friday Night Dinner was later tonight. Rory was pacing back and forth in the apartment staring at the phone, wondering whether or not she should call her grandparents and reschedule again since Jess was out of town.

Jess had called once since his departure and that was only to inform Rory that he had arrived in New York safely and that he was staying with an old friend. Since he left, she had preoccupied herself with writing an article about the Hartford transportation system. A lot of time was left for deciding whether or not she was going to take the job at the Times however Rory instead found something else to do…anything except that.

She had kept mostly to herself the last couple of days and she was getting restless. Today, she would go spend the day out and about in Stars Hollow. Looking out the window, Rory was pleased to find that it was a nice day. Rays of light were streaming through the thin glass and reflecting off the hardwood floor that Rory had spent all of yesterday cleaning. Before she changed her mind, Rory tied up the laces on her shoes and headed out the door.


Six Months Ago…


"What?" Jess asked, his voice low, as he pulled Rory closer to him.

"I don't want to get up."

"Then don't. Stay here."

Rory looked up him and pouted. "I have to go back to Stars Hollow. I didn't even tell Mom I was coming down here this weekend."

Jess smirked at her. "It's expected."

She rolled her eyes. "I'd rather my mother not expect us to do that."

He grinned and moved toward her lips. She turned her head. "What now?" Jess asked exasperated.

"Morning breath." She covered her mouth with her hand.

"I'll get over it." He shook his head and removed her hand from her mouth.


Walking outside the apartment, Rory debated what to do first. She could visit her mom; maybe go to the bookstore or read a book in the gazebo. Everything seemed monotonous and overdone; like she'd done them over a thousand times and each day was a repetition of one lodged deep in memory. She sighed deeply and turned the corner to head to Luke's. It had been days since she had a good cup of coffee.

Miss Patty was standing at the street corner in front of Doose's. Rory helplessly hoped that she wouldn't see her as she walked passed. Of course it didn't work.

"Rory, darling. I haven't seen you in days. What've you been up to?"

"Oh not much. I was busy writing an article so I haven't had the chance to get out much," Rory lied.

"I see. I haven't seen much of Jess either. Have you two been keeping each other company?" She winked at Rory.

Rory blushed, "Um no. He went to New York for the week."

"Really? I had no idea. What is he doing down there?"

"Um, he's visiting a friend," Rory squirmed.

"Oh…so Lorelai told me you got a job offer at the New York Times!"


"Are you going to take it? Babette and I are dying to know."

"Uh…I don't know yet."

Miss Patty looked off into the distance. "Is that Kirk in a toga? Excuse me Honey; I just have to go see this!"

Rory laughed. "Bye Miss Patty."

Rory walked the short block to Luke's and entered the room.


"Okay, now I really have to leave." Rory cuddled next to Jess, her armed draped casually over his naked torso.

"If I tell you to stay again, will you?"

Rory kissed his chest. "Doubtful."

"Well…if I persuaded you an hour ago..."

Rory put on a sour expression. "Conceited boy…"

Jess sat up slightly, rubbing his head. "What time is it?"

"I don't know…ten something?"

He sat up further, leaving Rory curled under the sheets. "Shit. Why didn't you tell me? I was supposed to meet some guy about his book half an hour ago."

Rory shrugged and lazily traced patterns on the mattress. "You were the one distracting me. If you hadn't, I would have left and you wouldn't have missed your appointment."

Jess got out of bed and slipped on the discarded boxers he found on the floor. "So, it was either you leaving or me getting potentially fired?"

Rory smiled. "Pretty much."

He walked over to the bed and leaned in for a quick peck. "I guess it was worth it then. Shower?"


The diner was quiet. This was expected as it was the awkward time between the breakfast and lunch rushes. As Rory walked in, Luke was wiping down the front counter, Caesar was singing some tune in the kitchen, and Lane was taking her break sitting at one of the tables where Zach had brought Steve and Kwan.

Lane was the first to notice Rory's entrance. "Rory, hey!"

"Hey Lane!" Rory walked toward the table where the young parents were each holding one of the twins. "Hi Zach."

"Rory." Zach looked at Rory skeptically.

Rory leaned toward Lane. "What's his problem?"

"He had this dream the other night that crazy townies were trying to steal the twins. You were one of the them."

Rory furrowed her brow, confused. "Oh, alright." She turned toward Zach with her hands in the air. "Don't worry Zach, I'm not going to take them."

Zach continued to stare at her oddly, "Alright, but I'm still watching you."

"Alright then…I'm going to get some coffee. I'll talk to you guys later."

Rory walked to the counter and sat down on one of the stools. Luke had just finished wiping the counter. "Hi Luke, can I get a coffee to go please? I'm going to go visit Mom at the inn."

"Yeah sure." He grabbed a disposable cup and filled with coffee. "So, your Mom told me you got an offer for a big newspaper company in New York."


He placed the lid on the cup and handed it to Rory. "You don't sound too excited."

"I don't know whether or not I should take it."

"Yeah…Jess mentioned something about that."

Rory perked up. "You talked to him?"

Luke smiled. "He stopped by on the way out of town. Said he was giving you time to think."

She smiled sadly. "A lot of good that's doing…" She stood up, "Thanks for the coffee Luke."

Luke nodded and watched her walk toward the door. He spoke just as she opened it, "He just wants what's best for you."

Rory turned around, "I know."


Rory and Jess stood outside her car. "So, do you have everything?" He asked.

"Hmm…seeing as I didn't bring anything. I guess I do." She smiled at him.

Jess scratched his chin, "Need anything for the trip?"

Rory pretended to think about it, "Probably."



"Huh," he smirked. "Can't help you there."

"This long distance thing sucks."

"I know." He cupped her face in his palm.

"We should do something about it…" Rory edged.

"Hmm…like what?" He mumbled before taking her bottom lip in-between his, kissing her softly.

She moved her head to talk as he took his advances to her neck, "I don't know…maybe we should move in together?"

He stopped and took a step away from her.


"Hey Michel, is Mom around?"

"I don't know," Michel spoke in a thick accent, "I suppose that depends on whether or not she feels like annoying me or not."

Rory rolled her eyes. "Michel…where is she?"

He scoffed. "She's in the kitchen with Sookie rambling about something or another that apparently doesn't concern me."

Rory grinned, "Did they kick you out of the kitchen again?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Michel blinked slowly, walked around the counter, and into the dining room.

Rory chuckled, "Nice talking to you Michel!"


"What?" Jess raised an eyebrow.

"It was just an idea…we don't have to," Rory fidgeted.

"Well…do…do you want to?" He began to stutter.

"I just think it would be nice to see you more than once every two or three weeks."

"What about our jobs? Yours is there…mine's here."

Rory shrugged, "It was just an idea. I know we're not ready for it now. But I thought it could possibly be an option."


"And now you're all flustered and uncomfortable. Just forget I said anything and I'll just go now." She kissed him on the cheek, "Call me?"

Jess nodded and watched her get inside her car.


When Rory walked into the Dragonfly kitchen, Sookie was swinging a spatula at one of the cooks. Lorelai was standing by the prep table popping strawberries into her mouth.

"Hey Sookie. Hi Mom," Rory greeted.

"Hey Rory!" Sookie exclaimed from the other side of the kitchen.

Lorelai swallowed the strawberry she was eating and walked over to her daughter, pulling her into a bear hug. "There's my little shut-in."

"Since when am I a shut-in?"

"Um, well, this is the first time you've left the house in four days and you haven't answered your phone."

"I was working on an article," Rory fidgeted. "You could have come over."

Lorelai jokingly shrugged, "Been busy."

Rory shook her head, "Do you have time for lunch? I want to talk to you about something."

Lorelai glanced over to the clock on the kitchen wall. "Alright. Mind if we just stay here? Sookie looked like she was making some fabulous lasagna earlier."

"Yeah. That'd be fine."


Jess watched as Rory's car made it to the stop sign at the end of the block, red break lights bright. He was having a hard time comprehending…she wanted to move in with him? He hadn't even considered the possibility seriously until now. She would probably want to move somewhere close to Stars Hollow and he wondered whether or not he could do that. He really had no problem with the town now; his recent visits there had been successful.

His eyes continued to trace the outline of her silver Prius as it turned the corner, heading toward the freeway entrance. People walking on the sidewalk briefly glanced at him, following his gaze to the nothingness that remained at the end of the street. Jess caught a middle-aged woman's stare and turned to look at her. She almost looked startled and he wondered what kind of expression he had on.

Snapping out of his reverie he walked back inside Truncheon and grabbed the nearest phone dialing quickly.


"Okay." His voice came out a slight octave above a whisper.

"What?" Rory asked confused. "Who is this?" She didn't bother checking the Caller I.D.

"It's Jess."

"Oh. What's 'okay'?"

A moment passed. "…We can move in together."

"But what about your job…or mine?"

"Keep yours, I'll figure out mine."

"Really?" She smiled into the receiver.

"Yeah. Really…"


The meal was warm and as delicious as ever, yet Rory was just trailing it around on her plate with her fork in a seemingly dazed state. Lorelai looked at her worried. "What's wrong, Sweets?"

Rory caught her mother's gaze. "I think I decided what I'm going to do about the job offer."

Lorelai perked up suddenly, "What?"

"…But I'm going to tell Jess first."

Lorelai pouted. "Since when do boys come before Mommy?"

Rory smiled at her, "It's just a life changing decision and he's the one that's going to be with me, so—"

"You're taking it!" Lorelai interjected.

Rory glared at her, "I didn't say that."

"You said 'life changing' and 'going with me'. That's a clear sign pointing to you moving away and er…something life changing."

Rory rolled her eyes. "Mom…"

"Fine…you don't have to say it out loud. Just nod if you're taking it."

Rory grinned and nodded.


Three days, nineteen hours, and thirteen minutes. Rory smiled at the thought while entering the apartment. She walked to the bedroom and turned on the light. She jumped in surprise as she saw Jess lying asleep on the bed. Approaching him curiously, she began to shake him.

Groggy, he looked up at her. "Hey."

"What are you doing here?"


Rory laughed. "I see that, you're not supposed to be here for another three days."

"I thought your grandparents' dinner was tonight."

She smiled. "You remembered."

He smirked at her. "I wouldn't want you to cancel on them. Scary people." His eyes widened in mock fear.

Rory sat down on the bed edge of the bed. "So…I decided."

He sat up. "Oh. yeah?"

She nodded, "I'm going to take it."

Jess tilted his head forward. "Really?"

"Yes," Rory announced indignantly.

"You sure?"




"I just want to make sure you're sure."

"Well, stop. It's decided."

He grinned. "Good…so we're moving to New York."

Rory smiled, "We're moving to New York…"


A/N: Review? The next chapter will probably be the last…