Here is a what-if story: If Morelli had asked Stephanie to the prom his senior year… forgetting about the incident at the bakery…

Hope you enjoy! (Sorry, no Ranger!)

This is a three-part series.

I don't own anything. Just borrowing.


A Taste of the Forbidden Fruit

I can resist anything except temptation. –Oscar Wilde

Part 1

"Oh my gosh, Joe Morelli asked you to his prom?"

I nodded eagerly, watching Mary Lou fan herself. She looked as though she was going to fall off the edge of the lunch table onto the cafeteria floor and make a scene.

"Shh, I don't want to the whole school to know."

"So what if anyone knows, they'll find out soon anyways. When? Why?"

"What do you mean by why? Am I not good enough for him?"

"It's just-just um,…"

"Just spit it out," I commanded rather impatiently. I knew Mary Lou well and she never stuttered.

She lowered her voice an octave and said, "He's experienced."

"And I'm not?" I retorted, feigning hurt by the comment, as I clutched my heart in a dramatic way.


Thanks, thanks for making me feel horrible about something I should be proud of, my virginity. I gave Mary Lou my pissy face and snapped back, "It's not like you and Lenny have done anything yet."

"We're taking it slow," she said defensively, "Plus my mom would throw a fit and run off the Atlantic City if she ever found out that Lenny and I were doing anything."

"Are you saying that you have?"

"No," she said with a scowl on her face, "Besides that, you are such a lucky girl."

"Lucky? I wouldn't say that."

"So, tell me everything."

"Okay, so I was coming out of the girl's bathroom after Mr. Wentmore's boring class, and he was standing in front of my locker. My heart was pounding so loud that I was afraid that he would hear. I just thought he was going to ask if we had any homework in art, which is stupid because you know there never is, but he probably just wanted to start a convers…"

"Get to the point!" Mary Lou snarled.

"Okay, sorry. So, he was standing there in all his glory, as he wiped his hands across his buzz-cut hair, which I have to say looks good on him. I almost melted right there, but I reminded myself that Morelli was a womanizer. I gave him a finger-wave, he gave me one back, and he got right to the point. He said, 'Stephanie, will you go to the prom with me?'"

I paused for effect to see Mary Lou's expression. She was on the verge of drooling and panting. My heart skipped a beat too as a recalled the scene.

"I was sort of stunned and curious at the same time. The first thought that came to mind was if this was some prank to get an underclassman to go with him. When I didn't respond, he said, 'I thought that maybe we could go together and have a good time.' I thought, if it was just 'having a good time', I could go. After-all, he had guts to ask me with all the girls in the hallway shooting daggers out of their eyes at him and me. We could both benefit, I would have a good time, and he would have a date. As simple as that. No strings attached."

"Hmm, I think he has other plans."

"What makes you so sure about that?" I retorted.

"You're a virgin, and, well, he's the forbidden fruit, the temptation."

"I'm careful!"

"I know, I just want you to be careful. You're my best friend, and I have you back if anything happens. We're the Bond girls, remember?" I couldn't forget that title we gave ourselves in middle school when we solved the mystery of the missing lunch money. (The janitor found it in his office, and the lunch lady admitted that she left it there by accident… hmm… scandalous), "I promise you I will beat him with a stick if he tries anything with you. Plus, I would trade spots with you anytime."


He giggled like a few teen girls.


I got home that afternoon, and debated how I should tell my mom. I decided first, to visit Grandma Mazur. She always knew what to do. Plus, she had years of experience with men, as she had told me.

I walked down the block to the yellow prim one-story house. The lawn was picture perfect, trimmed pink azalea bushes, and the verdant growth of the bulbs barely above ground. I knocked on the door and held Grandpa shuffling into the foyer.

"Who is it?" he grumbled in his raspy voice.

"Me, Stephanie."

He opened the door and greeted me with a bear hug. "Long time no see."

"I've been busy."

Grandpa always called himself "the sane one", and I never doubted that as Grandma bounced out from the kitchen in bell-bottomed jeans with iron-on daisies at the bottom. She had her hair teased up in a 'thing' that looked like it was supposed to be a ponytail, but instead looked like a stiff rat's tail that swung right to left like a grandfather clock pendulum. It could make someone very dizzy. It could potentially kill, like Medusa.

"Grandma, word of advice, take off the wig."

We had that special bond, and she instantly removed the wig. "Abby Marconi and I found it at the thrift store. They have tons of good deals there. I'll pair it with my jumper suit for next week trip to the mall. So what's up girl?"

"Umm," I said shifting my weight from one foot to anther, nudging my head toward Grandpa. Grandma got the point and enticed him into the kitchen with milk and cookies. She offered me her freshly baked oatmeal cookies as we settled in the den.

"Grandma, I have to ask your opinion about the prom."

"Who asked you?" she responded quickly.

"Joe Morelli."

Her eyes lit like a cat's as it stalked its prey.

"The JOE Morelli."

"Yes, who else?"

"Well, you know word is out that he is a womanizer."

Second time I've been reminded.

"I know his reputation, but he said we're only going to have a good time. Nothing funky."

"If you say so, but I think he's just trying to get into your skirt."


"Just giving you my two-cent."

"I don't know how to break it to mom."

She contemplated as she fixed her rainbow-colored tie-dyed headband.

"Tell it to her straight. 'Mom, I'm going with Joseph Morelli to the prom.' She'll understand."

"You sure about that?"

"The one thing that I know about my daughter is that she would never say no to something that her daughter really wanted to do, and you want that bad, right? You'll go even without her permission, right?"

"Right," I smiled back.

"Go get 'em tiger, and don't let Morelli get to you."

I got up from the saggy loveseat and gave Grandma a hug, "Thanks a lot."

"You're welcome, honey."

"Bingo this weekend?"


I let myself out as Grandma went upstairs to change her outfit for an afternoon with the girls' at the beauty salon.

I smiled to myself all the way home. I was going to prom with Morelli. Me Stephanie Plum going with the Joe Morelli! Two weeks and it would be show-time!

I almost crashed into a fire hydrant that afternoon.


Two weeks later

It was five o'clock when I shimmed into my navy silk number, with an empire waist where the light silk fabric spilled across my stomach to the ground, a small little train that I hoped I won't trip over. The wide straps crossed in the back and the dress didn't show too much skin in the back or in the front. Thank goodness. I didn't want Morelli touching my burning skin or staring down my cleavage (if you could call it that). I didn't want to give him any ideas, remember. I kept reminding myself that we were going together as each other's dates, not as boyfriend-girlfriend.

I still wondered why he chose me, out of all the girls at school. I hoped that it wasn't a pity date. I would crack his head if it was.

Besides being really anxious, I felt like a princess! I twirled for my mom and Mary Lou. They both had tears in their eyes, as though their daughter was being wedded off to some foreigner who was going to whisk her off into the night on his stallion. Yeah, like I would ever let anyone do that.

"Do I look good?" I asked Mary Loud as she help me put on makeup.

"Hold still, and yes, you look gorgeous."

Should I straighten my hair, I mean I don't…"

"No, Stephanie, you shouldn't have to change yourself to satisfy someone else, plus it looks lovely. It's who you are."

"I guess."

Mary Lou finished with the mascara and took a step back.

"All I put on was mascara and lip gloss. Nothing else. You are naturally beautiful."

I stood up and gave Mary Lou a hug.

"Thank you so much, now it's my turn to help you with your makeup."

She squirmed her head away, "I don't think so. I have my special ritual."

Sure, or maybe you're afraid of what I will do to you. Meet the bride of Frankenstein.

She did her business and left with her makeup bag.

I brought her to the door. "Thanks. See you tonight with Lenny. Don't try anything kinky on the way there," I admonished with a stern brow.

She gave me an eye-roll and left.


I sat on the couch and flipped on the television. I was too jittery to eat, something that almost never happened to me.

I tapped my thin heeled pumps on the hardwood floor.

I droned out my worries watching the food channel. My weakness: 7 layer chocolate cake. Any cake for that matter.

I check the clock again: 6:13.

Morelli would be here in seventeen minutes if he was on-time. Hopefully.

My dad sat down next to me, took the remote, and turned the television off.

"I hear you're going with Joseph Morelli."

"Yes," I squeaked, afraid that he was going to say something about him being a "womanizer", but he didn't.

"Stephanie, I love you very much, and I want you to be careful with him. Have a good time, and don't do anything rash. Okay honey?"

Aside from saying, "pass the salt", my dad didn't say much, and I cherished that, but at that point I felt really grateful. It was his blessing.

Before I had time to get teary-eyed, the doorbell rang. 6:20.

Early, eh?

My mom opened the door, and like every teenage television show, Morelli walked in tall and handsome (which he definitely was, even if he wore nothing but a plaid kilt).

My jaw dropped and I had to check for drool, which he was definitely worthy of. My mom captured the shot of me with our camera. I reminded myself that I was going to have to personally rid that roll of film.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Plum."

My mom replied, "Hello Joseph." Small talk, this was good. I prayed that she won't bring up anything about him being a womanizer or me being a virgin. That would ruin the mood of things.

"I'm great, thanks."

He looked toward me behind her and gave me an once-over. I felt self-conscious under his eye, but he gave me a smile and said, "You look beautiful."

"You don't look to shabby yourself, Joe." He actually looked delectable in his dark grey blazer and slacks, but a navy silk shirt under. Hmm, how did he know?

Mary Lou!

I was lost in his mesmerizing eyes that seemed to draw me into him. He had a sparkle in each, and the lines around his eyes were soft as he watched me.

"We'll leave you two kids to yourselves."

"Thanks dad." And they went into the kitchen, but I was sure that they were listening intently.

His smile turned into a wide grin as he walked over to me and revealed from behind his back two small black boxes. He opened it slowly and took out a pink orchid corsage. It was simple yet so… perfect. I told myself that his sisters probably bought it for him. He wasn't that type of guy.

Or was he? I really had to look beyond the face, didn't I?

"Do I have the honors of putting this on my gorgeous bride?"

I have him an eye-roll said, "Of course, but if you pin me, I'll sock you."

He laughed, before his face expression turned serious, something I rarely saw.

He moved close to me and the temperature rose twenty degrees. My blood was boiling as he contemplated where to put it on me.

"Here," he said, lifting the strap of my gown and putting on the corsage, "Perfect." I nearly jumped two feet when his fingers brushed against my heated skin.

He handed me over the other black box and allowed me to do the honors. I pinned in on his right lapel and brought him over to the couch. Being bold, I asked him, "So, what's our plan for tonight?"

"It's all up to you."

"Really?" I asked, rather too cheerfully. I wasn't supposed to act so… childish. Here I was going to the prom with Joseph Morelli. The Joseph Morelli.

"Pino's," I blurted out. Rash. Impulsive. That was me, but I had an explanation.

I knew that he didn't have much a budget to work on, working as an auto mechanic trainee at the body shop on Willow Street. I wasn't one to impose.

"You got it."

"Then what?" I asked.

"The prom at eight, and back here whenever you'd like."


My dad come out of the kitchen and sat down next to me, across from Morelli.

"So Joe, do you have any plans after high school?"

"Well Mr. Plum, I've thought around joining the navy or army for a year or two, and then settling down in Trenton and getting a job, maybe a police officer… you know, working the streets."

"Sounds like a great future for a man like you," then he got right to the point.

"Can I trust you to keep Stephanie safe?"


"Bring her back before midnight?"

Midnight? My dad just said midnight? My curfew was usually nine, so this was definitely a privilege. I turned over and gave my dad a big hug, and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you so much, dad."

"Have fun, Stephanie."

"I will."

I got up from the couch and extended my hand to Morelli, "Let's go."


We got into his faded red pick-up truck and pulled away from my house. The first five minutes were silent until Morelli spoke up.

"I wish you'd give me the attention you just gave your dad."

I frowned, "What do you mean, exactly?" Here was Mr. Womanizer telling me that I didn't give him any time of day. Well, duh, he had enough from all the girls fawning over him in the hallways, outside the boys' bathroom, in the school parking lot, cafeteria. I was just another girl, 'lucky' enough to go out with him. Nothing special. Just another name to add to a list.

"I've been trying to get your attention for a while now. Ever since we started art together," he continued.

"Oh sure."

"No really."

I ended the conversation right there. Mary Lou had warned me about this last week. She had told me the "top ten things" guys say to get you to strip and do the unthinkable.

I turned away and looked to the rows of houses along the street. We passed Grandma's house and I think I saw Grandma's silhouette in the bay window. She was probably watching her seven o'clock news.

I smiled to myself. I loved her so much.

Morelli looked over to me and asked, "What?"


"Humpff," he said, as he sharply steered to the side of the street.

"What?" I asked, apprehensive, eyes wide.

"Let me say it to you straight, I'm not one to keep my feelings hidden. If you have something to say, just say it. I asked you out because I really like you. There is something that draws me to you, and we're both dressed up, so we might as well have fun. I don't bite."

I was stunned. That was more than ten words that Morelli had just said to me. This was a time to celebrate! No Stephanie, snap back to reality, he just confessed that he liked you!

I was wary. I didn't want myself to be 'deeply attracted' to Morelli because he would probably drop me like a heap of buffalo dung when I said 'no' to his advances. I would probably be the first.

I shrugged my shoulders in my mind. Hey, we're both here to have fun, eh?

"Sorry I was such an ass. We're here to have fun, so let's do it."

"Good," he responded, as he started the car again. He moved his hand over to mine and offered it. I tentatively put mine in his, and he caressed the back with his thumb. He brought it to his lips and kissed the back of it. Then he turned to me and smiled.

I smiled back.

We parked the pick-up truck and strutted to the entrance of Pino's. My dad's cohorts. Grandpa's retirement buddies. Everyone from the 'Burg hung out here.

Damn it!

Before I could retreat from no man's land (the entrance), heads turned, everyone agape and shocked, probably thinking that I was his next deflower-ee. His prey. Victim. Whatever you wanted to call it. He had a reputation of being a bad boy. But I wasn't any other girl. I wasn't going to attempt to change him, and make him a saint. Once a forbidden fruit, always a forbidden fruit.

I was here to have fun! Amen.

"Let's sit in the corner," I offered.

"They're staring at us like we're food," Morelli whispered in my hair.

I whispered back, "The females are looking at you like you're dessert, and the males are looking at me like I'm your dessert."

"Sure. Will you be?"

I didn't respond to that slight innuendo.


I knew what I wanted for dinner and waited for him to decide.

The waitress came over and Morelli made an effort to look away from her boobs. Step one to recovery: admit your temptation.

He said, "I'll have two meatball subs, two diet cokes, and a slice of your cake today please."

"No problem," the waitress responded, as I saw her lick her lower lip. Everyone was out for Morelli. Pre-teens, teens, college students, desperate middle-aged housewives and old people, for goodness sake! Who did he think he is!

And to not be ashamed! Lizard brain!

I guess it wasn't his fault though. Being sexy and all.

"How did you know that was what I wanted?"


I narrowed my eyes, and tightened my lips.

"Alright, alright. I saw you here twice with Mary Lou, and that was the only thing you got. I love the meatball subs too, so I remembered."

So much for intuition.

"So, was what you told my dad really what you plan to do after high school?"



"Maybe later. How 'bout you, little Miss Perfect."

"I am not, look at my grades! I'm a B-average student with the occasional A."

He raised his eyebrow, and crossed his back, leaning into the booth seat.

"Fine, half of my grades are As. I try hard; I am not naturally smart. Plus, art boosted my GPA."

"You didn't answer my question yet."

I thought you a while. In truth, I didn't really think about where I planned to go after junior high. I took things as they came, for what they were and nothing more or less.

His long legs grazed my shaking one, and I jumped an inch off the seat, "Sorry. It's just… I've never been on a real date."

"And you've been on fake ones?"

"Yes, I went on a date with Mooner and Dougie."

"The stoners from art?"

"If you would like to refer to them as that, yes."

He shook his head and said, "Stephanie Plum, you really are a bundle of surprises."

"Is that a good thing?"

"A very good thing."

I beamed, and brought my hands to the table. I put my chin in my palms and watched him. His features were rugged, yet extremely Italian sexy. He was lean with planes and angles all over, from what I could see. The suit fit him well, tight in all the right places, as I hadn't failed to look when he came to the passenger side door to help me out of the car.

As much as I was naïve, I hadn't failed to look. Actually, Mary Lou had reminded my before she left to 'check'. Let's just say it wasn't small.

"You checking me out?"

The cocky bastard.

"So what if I am?"

"You have my permission."


The food arrived, and I unconsciously licked my lips like a hungry wolf. As much I was nervous about being in the presence of Morelli, it didn't affect my appetite. Not one bit. Yum, my body hummed, but my mind told me to take it slow. I didn't want Morelli to see me eating like a pig. So un-lady-like.

I drooled as I brought the plate in-front of me, I could scarf it down in four minutes tops, but only in-front of Mary Lou and Grandma Mazur.

"Go ahead, I've seen the way you eat, there's nothing to be afraid of."

Afraid of? I seemed to be repeating everything he said. Was it because I was paying attention, or because I was surprised he knew so much about me. And I thought he was just a jock.

He continued, "I think it's cute, the way you moan when you take a bite of the meatball sub. It almost gives me an orgasm."

I blushed a pink color.

We are in silence, looking at each other under lowered eyes, and turning away when we noticed the other person watching.

Morelli was almost human.

He didn't show any of those arrogant characteristics I saw so often at school. I asked him directly, "Are you this nice at school?" I was a very curious girl. Always had been, and always would be.

"I can be, when I'm in the presence of a beautiful girl with curly brown hair and blue eyes."

This time, I blushed a deep crimson red, from head to toe. I looked away.

I mentally slapped my forehead. I was coming under his invincible charm. Oh no! M-u-s-t s-t-o-p! I was the meek, giving peasant girl, and he was the stalwart, sexually-deprived prince. Nooooo!

I can't!

"What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing," I said quickly.

"Come on cupcake."

That brought about a topic.

"Since when did I become a cupcake?"

"You're creamy and sweet on the outside, and strong-willed and tough on the inside."

"Oh really, I always thought it was always vice-versa."

"Maybe it is, we'll have to see."

I didn't understand what he meant until he gave me a wink. Boys!

Just as I finished the last delicious bite of the sub, and licked the last remains of marinara sauce off my lips, a jumbo slice of 7-tiered chocolate cake arrived. It was covered in tons of chocolate icing and sprinkles, and a big juicy strawberry on top. What I had been craving ever since watching the creation on the food channel before he came to pick me up. My stomach fluttered as the hallelujah chorus started playing behind me.

I moaned in my mind.

Or did I?

Morelli moaned back. "Exactly what I was talking about before."

He put the cake in the center of the table and said, "We're sharing."

Nu-huh. I was not engaging in a 'Lady and the Tramp' situation when somehow our lips were going to meet, the spotlight would turn on as he kissed me. Nu-huh. I was NOT giving in to the forbidden fruit. No way.

He brought the spoon up to my moist lips… and… I licked it clean.

I had given in.

So much for my pride and will. I had allowed Morelli to seduce me with chocolate cake. But hey, I could blame it on my hormones, as I often did with other things.


"Delicious," I responded with my mouth dripping with chocolate.

"I take it you're a chocoholic."

"No, more of the occasional eater."

He smiled with all his beautiful pearl-white teeth as he brought a napkin up to my lips to wipe away the chocolate that had stained the whole mouth area. I was probably a mess, and I didn't bring any back-up lip gloss in my little clutch.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"No problem cupcake."

"So this cupcake thing is going to stick for the rest of the night?"


He picked up the strawberry and put it at the entrance of my mouth.

"You need your fruit."

I opened wide, and took a big bite. Yum. Mom would have been proud.

He finished the rest of the ruby strawberry in one bite, the juices sliding down the sides of his chin.

I grabbed a napkin, and leaned over the table to stop it from dripping down his neck and ruining his shirt. Anyone looking from behind me would have thought I was giving him a little showing. It wasn't intentional.

I saved the shirt!

He caught my hand in both of his as I tried to sit back down again, and he said in a guttural tone, "I can't help staring into your beautiful eyes."

Number four on Mary Lou's list of "guy's lines" to get you to do the unthinkable, but this time is sounded sincere. Really sincere that I wanted to kiss him full on the lips. Those luscious lips of his that I had dreamed about over and over in my dreams.

I had to admit, I had become number two-hundred forty-four on Morelli's fan's list.

I had a big-time crush.

I had given in to the forbidden fruit.

Me, little old Stephanie Plum.

I just hoped, no prayed that I wouldn't be left with a broken heart.

Would I have to break his before the night was over to ensure that mine wouldn't be first? Or did he not even care about mine?

I had always lived in a fantasy realm, and I hoped it just wouldn't kick me in the ass this time.

I would find out if he truly had feelings for me in the next four and a half hours.


So, what will ensue? I'd love to hear feedback, and the more responses, the faster I'll update. Thanks for reading.