Here is a what-if story: If Morelli had asked Stephanie to the prom his senior year… forgetting about the incident at the bakery…

Pre-A/N: The almost one-year long wait is over thanks to Ranger's Only Girl. Thank you dear for giving me that little push to update, girl! So, sorry I left anyone who was expecting a quick update at a cliffhanger. Hope you enjoy! (Sorry, still no Ranger!)

This is a three-part series.

I don't own anything. Just borrowing.

Rated for language.


This was the perfect dream. The perfect vision of how I wanted a 'date' to go. Morelli had fulfilled the role beyond my expectations.

We turned to corner, and parked in front of my house.

Morelli said softly, "Here we are cupcake."

"Yeah," I murmured.

He put his hands on my waist and helped me off. His arms encircled me. My head was lowered as I watched him through my lashes. He placed a kiss on my left cheek.

I guess it's time to say good-bye," I whispered, my cheeks flushed from the wind.


"We don't have to, you know."

"We don't?" I said, I little too excitedly.

"Nope," he said, with a big Cheshire cat grin on his face, "I have somewhere else to show you, I'll pick you up at one tonight."

And he was gone.

What was I in store for?

A Taste of the Forbidden Fruit

Part 3

I stepped into the foyer, dumbfounded. My dad was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of steaming coffee.

"How did it go?"

"Fine." Actually, better that 'fine.' I'm in love. "Goodnight dad." I wonder if he noticed the silly grin plastered on my face.

I walked up the stairs, my head still buzzing. I took off my gown and changed into some grey sweats. I dived into my bed and screamed into my pillow. Morelli was coming to my house at one to pick me up!! After ten minutes of giggling like a toddler who had stolen a whole jar of sugary chocolate chip cookies and ate them all in one sitting, I went into the bathroom to clean myself up.

At a quarter to one, I waited next to the shed beside our house. The air was brisk and chilly, much to my liking, because my skin felt like it was on fire. Luckily this late at night, most of the Burg was quiet except for the occasional hoot of an owl. The residents wanted to wake up bright and early in the morning to start work. We were hardworking, determined early birds. The moon had hidden itself somewhere. With a streetlight a few houses down, I could see the stars in the sky from my lawn. They seemed to wink at me. It was odd, but they gave me courage. I had started the date afraid that Morelli would do or say something that offended me, that the date would be ruined. Instead, he was charming, witty, thoughtful and sweet.

I waited for a car light, but none came. I hoped he didn't forget. I could feel my cheeks burn with intense anger. If he blew me off, all hell was going to break lose. He could have cut the date, and it would have been perfect, but if he wanted to go through the extra effort of saying he wanted to meet me at one, he should at least have the gut to come, or at least call me and tell me that he couldn't make it. It was horrible to just leave a girl hanging!

My hands and toes were cold. I finally went inside. The clock read: 1:22. Whatever.

I went into my room, locked my door, and collapsed on the bed. I didn't even bother to take off my tattered moccasins, which were moist with night dew.

Stupid men, was my last though before I drifted to sleep.


The room was completely dark when I woke. I heard some loud and cacophonous against what seemed to be a windowpane. I always had many dreams – strange, strange dreams that had green gnomes and tank-sized white rabbits. I heard it again. It was definitely real this time.

I got out of bed and padded over to the window. I lifted the blinds silently. My eyes adjusted.

Sure enough, it was real. There was Morelli with a tennis ball in his hand. He motioned for me to open the window. I did.

"What do you want?" I said, irritated.

He looked perfectly relaxed, one hand in his jean pocket. I, on the other hand, was a burning bundle of passionate, angry emotions.

"Come down."

"Why?" I questioned stubbornly.

"I owe you an apology and a two-thirty adventure."

"I can't. I have a curfew. I'm sorry." I was about the close the window and blast any chance of ever speaking to Wonder Greek God again. That fucker. I thinks he can just 'play' with me. Well, I'm not a fucking rag doll.


Please. Morelli did not just say please.

Being the sweet, forgiving girl that I was, I jogged down stairs, as quick as a bunny, and went out the door from the kitchen.

"What did you want to tell me?" I said to Morelli, who was standing in the same spot.

Some people didn't give up. He must have got that mentality from playing sports. He approached me. I stepped back. I felt like creating an 'X' with my index fingers and saying, "Stay away!" But I knew I was overpowered, plus the fact that I was curious to know what he wanted to say. His expression was calm. After another beat of silence, he leaned in and gave me a kiss on my cheek. His lips were soft and feather-like while the stubble was coarse and tantalizing. Oh goodness; one kiss was going to send me into spasms. I was going to collapse on the ground in a matter of

He embraced me; he put his arms around me and pressed me into his hard chest. My body wasn't just burning; it was going to burst into smithereens! He smelled musky and masculine with that spoonful of clean Dove soap. It was so refreshing.

I could hear his heart pounding steadily. Thump, thump, thump.

His voice was husky when he said, "I'm sorry Steph. I meant to come at one, but I had to put the bike back. When I got home, my grandma Bella grilled me. She watched me get settled into my room. Since I don't have a lock, I couldn't possibly just leave, because she checks up on me like I'm an un-potty-trained five year old."

It was cute to see him ramble. He was definitely trying to win her affection, or at least forgiveness.

"Will you give me a second chance?"

Stephanie looked at him. He was almost vulnerable. He was almost begging on his knees. Okay, don't get too carried away.

"Okay. I forgive you. So, I'll see you on Monday." Things will return back to normal. I will cease to exist. You will be the hottest thing ever to touch Trenton. Girls will frolic and prance around you like you are God. You will love the attention. You will pick and play and dump. I will watch you with lustful eyes. I will see you across the cafeteria, your brilliantly white teeth blinding my adolescent eyes. If I want to talk to you, or even squeeze in a "Hello," I will have to be subject to your posse and fan-club. Poor me.

I started to turn, before I showed Morelli any emotion, but he grabbed my arm and twirled me to face him. "Hey, yonight."


"I want to take you to my favorite spot."

"I thought you already took me to your special spot. The forest-y place to see the moon."

"That was a pretty place, but not my favorite."

"Where or what is this?"

"Can't tell you; it would ruin the experience." Now, he was coy and devilish. All he needed now was a little fang tooth.

I gave him a raised eyebrow, and I tapped my foot softly on the grass, but loud enough for him to hear.

"My favorite place is on Moon Street. Happy now?"

"I'm not going there!" I said. I wanted to retreat. That was a dangerous place. But he pressed his hardness into me.

"I want you to. I guarantee you will like it."

He moved his mouth to the side of my face. He sucked on my earlobe before tracing his tongue down the shell of my cold ear. He kissed down my neck, making soft, squishy noises. I whimpered. His hands slid down to my hips. He held me firm, yet loose. I could leave, run away, if I wanted to.

But I didn't want to. I wanted to be in Joseph Morelli's arms.

He finally stopped. He croaked, "Will you trust me?" He twirled my thick brown hair around his fingers, rubbing it as though it were spun silk.

I couldn't see his eyes, but I could tell by the seriousness of his voice that he wasn't going to let me down.

"Let's see what you got." I said. If this was going to be the last time I spent with Morelli before he went off to the army, by golly, I wanted to enjoy myself and have good memories.

"Good." He took my hand and pulled me to the sidewalk. "Where's your car?"

"Down a little ways. I couldn't possibly park in front of your car. What happens if a crazed Plum family member rushed out and beat me with a bat?"

"Oh you wimp!"

I slapped him playfully on the back. He feigned hurt.

Like a gentleman, he opened the passenger side door for me. I said thank you, and we made a U-turn toward the city. I wondered what in the city could be so fun.

It could be anything. Morelli was Mr. Mystery. He did not seem like the nature type, but he was. He didn't seem like the type who would fix a battered motorcycle, but he did. He didn't seem like the kind who would ask an unpopular, kooky junior to prom, but he did. He didn't seem like the type who feed birds at the pond, but he did.

He was sweet, but not overly fawning. I loved every moment of this dream.

We got to Moon Street. I recognized the graffiti and rundown buildings. This place was known for petty thief and lots of vandalism. I was never one to judge based on class, but I uttered, "Are you sure it's safe here?"

"I'm sure. Nothing is going to happen to you. The people are harmless. It isn't Stark Street. The people here are just poor, but most are decent and honorable."

"Okay." I said.

We pulled into an alley, and Morelli left the car to unlock the underground garage. He lifted it, and hopped back into the car. "Miss me?"

"Yeah," I said sarcastically. I actually did, in that moment of fear in the car alone.

We parked. I saw a homeless man, with a bright white Santa Claus beard, in the corner of the garage.

"Hey Jack," Morelli said affably, waving. I waved too. "Nice evening, Jack."

"Sure is."

We went up a set of cement stairs to a heavy-looking door. I stood close to Morelli.

"What is this place?"

"You'll see."

My patience only lasts so long. Then I start getting rabid. I suppressed my raccoon behavior; I was starting to look like one too. I had black rings around my eyes. If the family was going out tomorrow, I was going to need some drastic makeup.

"Here we are."

Morelli didn't flick on lights. "Any lights?" I asked.

"We don't want to attract attention."

"Are we doing something illegal? Because if we are, I am leaving. I don't want this on my record, for trespassing, breaking-and-entering, or for stealing. For heaven's sake, I don't want to; I don't – "

I felt a warm masculine hand cover my mouth. "Shut up."

"I don wanta git in twrouble." I said, muffled. Hopeless. I made some pitiful sounds. Still hopeless.

We were in a bakery, from what I could tell, with the streetlight outside illuminating the store.

"I work here. At Daisy's Donuts."

"Wait. I thought you said you walked at the motors shop?" Morelli… donuts… what a hoot. That was like me pumping gas at a gas station. It just didn't… fit; ya know?

"I have two jobs."

"A senior holding two jobs, playing sports, going to school… very nice. I didn't think you had it in you."

"What does that mean?"

"You are always so cool at school. I didn't imagine Sexy Mr. Mystery was working at a prim little bakery in a bad part of Trenton."

"Thank you for calling me 'sexy' but I could not find a job near my house. Everyone seemed to think I was bad, that I was going to have sex with the female customers or something. I love this bakery. The customers are great."

I giggled. No, Stephanie Plum did not just giggle!! Oh yes she did.

Morelli looked at me, shocked. "That was a really cute laugh; very girly. Can I hear it again?"

"No." I said, with my eyes narrowed. "I swear, if word gets around that I did that, I will blackmail you."

He zipped his lips with his fingers. "I promise."

"Do lots of girls come around to see you?"

Yes. Does that make you jealous?"

"Uh, not at all."

"Older women too."


"Hey, that's not nice."

"Sorry, it's just, let me get this off my chest. Why is everyone fucking in love with you?"

"I'm adorable."

"Ugh." Cocky bastard.

"Now, before the night ends, we have a job to do."

Yes, Donut Master. "Work?" Wasn't this a semi-date? Who worked on a semi-date?

"We are going to make donuts."

Yeeeeessssssss, Donut Master.

"Huh?" I said, for the second time tonight.

"Don't act dumbstruck. I've seen you in the cafeteria chomping down on a rainbow-sprinkled donut."

He's seen me? Joe Morelli noticed me? Eating? Ugh. That must have been a nasty sight. Flying corn and chicken tenders. That's the way I fly.

"So?" I asked, red blossoming across my cheeks.

"I think you have a cute way of eating. The way you close you close your eyes. I can hear you moan if I focus. It looks like you are having an orgasm."



Little ol' me?

I was concentrating so hard on breathing, and coming down to Earth, I almost didn't hear him say, "I know how much you love donuts."

He rolled up the sleeves of his hooded sweater. I followed him. He went into a back room. I followed him. He flicked on the lights. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the light. It was big room. The walls were stark white. It looked like the chocolate factory I went to on a 4th grade class trip… Grandma Mazur… big pant pockets (side and back)… taking too many chocolate samples… don't want to think about that

It was very modern, so different from everyone on Moon Street. He pulled out large bags of ingredients. It looked like bags of cement before it went into the big machine.

"So, I take it this is a flourishing business?"

"Yep." He said, pouring yeast and sugar into a big glass bowl (it was the size of a bucket for apple-bobbing on Halloween) and dissolving it with warm water.

"We're going to add all-purpose flour and cake flour. We have to let it sit for thirty minutes to let it foam up. Why don't I show you around?"


He took us to a stairwell. "The owner of Daisy's Donuts owns the whole building. There's a salon on the second floor, and two empty studios on the third and fourth floor."

He walked up the dark stairwell.

I'm gonna trip and make a fool of myself. I'm gonna trip and make a fool of myself. I'm gonna trip and make a fool of myself. I'm gonna trip and make a fool of myself. I'm gonna trip and make a fool of myself. I'm gonna trip and make a fool of myself.

I didn't, thank goodness.

He didn't turn on the lights, but I could see the white tiled floors and swivel-y chairs by the light outside. I sat in a chair and said to Morelli, jokingly, "I would like to get a bob."

"Bob, as in the name?" He said, confused.

"It's a kind of haircut, silly."

I swirled myself in the chair. I didn't feel tired. I felt rejuvenated when Morelli apologized. I was glad he came back. Of course I would forgive him. Who wouldn't? He was adorable.

He sat down on a chair too. We swiveled until we were both dizzy. "I feel like I'm going to puke."

"That's not exactly what one says on a date."


"Are you really?" He asked, concerned.

"Yes, I'm sorry."

"No, are you really going to puke?"

"No." And then I made unladylike retching sounds.

"That is so, you. Acting so utterly silly."

"Fine, I'll stop." I said in a clipped tone. He had just called me silly. Silly meant immature and childish. He thought I was a freakin' child. Did he seriously think of me as just a doll to play with? Maybe he had had enough of cheerleaders and hot girls and wanted to change it up. Maybe I was just a game; a stinkin' pawn. Maybe I was a bet? I had pressed the lever, making the chair rise two feet. I didn't even bother to press the lever down. I hopped off and exited the salon. I couldn't stand that he thought I was silly. The word silly was used to describe rabbits, elementary-school children, not a seventeen year old girl!

I stumbled on the third to last step, but luckily I didn't fall. I was in the back room of the kitchen. The lights were still on. I found a big enough cupboard to fit a person. I sat inside. I didn't hear any footsteps.

"Why are you overreacting?"

"You called me silly!"

"Silly: psshhh. I like you Stephanie Plum; a lot. I like that you are silly, and crazy, and willing to take risks, and emotional, and irrational, and absolutely wonderful. You make my adrenaline rush and my heart pound crazily. I've learned so much about you; you excite me – my mind and my body. I didn't mean to offend you. Sorry."

He didn't stutter.



I stared back at him. I was stunned. He liked me. Honest to God.

"Seriously?" Are you fucking serious? This is phenomenal. This is a bookmark, a landmark, in my (nonexistent) book of love. I had a look of surprise on my face.

"Yes. You are a bundle of joy."

"Hey, isn't that used to describe a baby."

"Okay, okay, but I'm not using it in that context, Steph."


"Come out."

"Okay." I reached for his outstretched hand. What a kind gesture.

We returned to the donuts. After we finished mixing the batter (with cocoa powder… yum), we put it away again.

"When am I going to get to taste Daisy's Donuts? I'm dying to compare them to Tastykake's."

"I assure you they are almost as good."

I looked at the clock in the room; it was four in the morning. Time flew.

"It's getting late."

"Don't worry, I'll get you home before seven."


"Do your parents wake up at eight, like mine?"


"You'll be fine."

"If they ask any questions, or find out that you've been with me, just blame it all on me."

"Sounds like a plan." Though I still felt apprehensive.

We chatted about everything, from hot rod cars to childhood scars to dream vacation spots to international relations with Russia. I learned so much about Morelli. He wasn't just a pretty-boy jock. He was ambitious. He was virtuous. He was thoughtful.

He was wanton too.

He made sexual remarks. It didn't bother me though. I knew about that lovely little fascination of his, coming into this adventure. We sat close to each other, on the metal counter. Something changed in his face. He was no longer playful. He looked smokin' dangerous. And it turned me on.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked.

"Have you ever asked before?"


I felt his hand at the back of my neck.

When he kissed me, the world fell away. Hot and passionate turned soft and light. Morelli was very talented. His chocolate brown eyes made me melt. And this was my first time. Should I put my hand on his shoulder? Or on his waist? No, is it on his thigh? Didn't I read somewhere that guy's get stiff when girl's put their hand on his thigh? I kept my hand in his shoulder. Push and pull. Suckle and taste.

His mouth tasted like mint toothpaste. Yum.

I hope mine didn't taste like… eggs. Or worse, cheese.

He released his mouth from mine and said, "You taste yummy. Strawberries."

Oh yeah. I had strawberries while I was moping at home, before you finally came.

"Glad you approve." I muttered.

Morelli put his hand tentatively on my breast. I stiffen, but he doesn't pull away. He did have "fast hands." Reputation or not, I liked him. A lot.

I would even be the "tunnel" for him.


Not tonight.

I wanted this to be special.

Something was going on in his pants. I didn't want to think about that. I held him close to me. I felt the heat from his body. I wanted it. I wanted it like a moth to fire. It would probably leave me confused and crazed and craving for more, but whatever. I lived for the moment. Consequences didn't upset me, didn't even make me flinch.

With a single fluid motion, he was on top of me. I was trapped between his long legs and his hands, on either side of my head. I wasn't alarmed, I just heaved, as though I had a humongous-ass butterfly in my throat.


I nodded eagerly, watching his soft pink lips. He lowered his head slowly, until it was a centimeter away from mine. For a moment, they just breathed softly, anticipating. My chest moved up and down, like the tides during a full moon.

We kissed again. It was deep and soft. It was meaningful and hasty. It was a whole bunch of contradictions.

He unzipped my sweatshirt.

Oops, I didn't wear a bra.

Oh well.

"I like," he whispered against my skin. I shivered under his hot breath. Her tank top was flimsy. He could see her taut nipples. He touched one. It puckered to a point. He smiled. No, grinned slyly.

He pushed her top up and kissed the nipple. Then, he lavished the same attention on its sister. I moaned.

"Don't do that again. You're making very unable to control myself."


"Stop – teasing – me." He said between kisses.

Hot, wet mouths. Heated bodies. Tangled fingers. Made for a good half hour.

"It's time to set the fryer."

Ten minutes later, we had a large batch of chocolate donuts. "Icing?" Morelli asked.

"Sure. But I'll just eat one first to see if it's good."

Unconvinced, he said, "Sure."

Morelli took out the icing. I squeezed a dollop on the bridge of his nose. He followed suit. Before we knew it, we were covered in chocolate icing. Morelli took out some of my favorite rainbow sprinkles and sprinkled some on me.

I growled and took a handful and have him a generous sprinkling. "You look like a donut."

He kissed me. "You taste like one. Mmm-mmm."


It was 7: 14 when I was dropped off at the corner of my street. We had cleaned up the kitchen floor and ourselves. I was still in a bubble of contentment. I wondered when I was going to float back down to my home planet. He kissed me again. I was so familiar with his lips now.

"See you at school, Stephanie Plum."

"You too, Morelli." I ran on the sidewalk, my eyes peeled for any movement. If anyone saw me, I was going to have to kill them, or find some blackmail. If my mom got wind of this, she was going to drink herself into oblivion and we were going to eat frozen dinners three times a day.

I sighed happily when I crawled into my room from the tomato vine holder thing. I collapsed on my bed.

Love was bright, beautiful, and blissful. If I had a diary, I would have written every detail down to the hue of his eyes when he apologized to me for calling me silly.

I had fallen in love with Joseph Morelli in a period of less than a day.

The forbidden fruit was very, very tasty. I craved more.


She hoped that he still remembered when they returned to school.




A/N: Did everyone like the switch of roles; Morelli working at the bakery? I hope it was enjoyable. This is my first completed story. Yay! I'd love to hear your thoughts.