By: Dragon Queen
Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon...
Pairing: Serena and Darien

"Sarena, don't you have any studying to do?" Andrew asked.

"Nope. Never heard of the word "study" before." the blonde answered.

"Maybe you should go look it up and apply it!" When she didn't answer, Andrew just shook his head. Sarena was staring at the screen, and she had this blank look on her face.

"I'm almost done with this level!" Sarena said. She was so focused, Andrew felt like he was talking to a wall. Just then, the door opened and the bell rang, alerting Andrew that a customer was walking in. He turned around and called out a greeting. When a familiar voice answered, "Hi Andrew!" he turned around. "Darien! How ya doing, buddy?"

"Fine. I'm doing fine. How about you!"

"I'm good. I can't kick this chick out of my arcade, though! Think you can help me? It's like she lives here! I might as well create her a room to come and stay in!" Andrew laughed at the determined look on Darien's face.

"I don't know. That one sure looks tough, though! I'll try my best!" Darien said in his best soldiers voice. He marched over to Sarena and grabbed her up and out of her seat and threw her over his shoulder like she was a sack of potatoes. She was very startled, but not as much as Andrew was. "Darien! What-"

"Andrew, you wanted me to help you kick her out, so I am! Be quiet and let me do my "work" that I volunteered to do!" Darien tried his best to soothe his friend, but by the look on Andrew's face, it wasn't really working. Don't stop! You have to take care of Sarena first!

"What was that for, Darien?" Sarena demanded.

"Well, you were bothering my friend, Sarena, and it's my job to help him out!" Darien replied calmly. He switched her position, so that she was in his arms, not over his shoulder.

"Andrew was just joking, and you know it!"

"Maybe, maybe not. You never can tell." He paused in front of his appartment. "How about I make it up to you. You can come in and play videogames in my apartment."

"Well, I guess...since you did interrupt me..."

"That's settled then!" Darien carried her up to his apartment.

It feels like we just got married! Serena thought. Little did she know, but her carrier was having similar thoughts...

Oh my goodness! Darien thought. She's so...feminine! He carried her up to his apartment, and unlocked the door. He walked into the room and set her down. They stood there, looking into each other's eyes, and Darien couldn't help the pull he felt from her lips. Should I? Before he could, Serena interrupted his thoughts.

"You know, Andrew will be over soon..."

"Screw him! What we do is none of his business!"

"Darien! You said I could play videogames!" Serena whined.

"Are you kidding?!" Darien exclaimed. "Rini's still at school for another hour, and we're alone!" She just gave him the lip, and they were quivering, too, making it look like she was going to start crying any second. Giving in, he silently cursed the circumstances of his stupid promise. Why?! He shook his head as he started to make coffee for him and tea for her. He walked back in and stared at Serena. She sat there, looking intently at the screen, her fingers flying over the controller. Darien felt like he could strip and run around right in front of her, and she wouldn't even notice! Curses!

As he sat there, looking at her, he thought that he could come up with a plan. Something that would distract her from the game. Hm...What could I do to really distract her? While he pondered that, Serena was entrances by the game...
Come on! We're almost done...almost there...a little! Don't die on me! Yes! That's it! Kill him! Now! Yes! Thank you! Thank you so much! Serena blew out a sigh of relief. It had taken her awhile to get to this level, and she only has the boss left to beat then she can be done with the entire game. Almost finished with level twelve...She wailed as all of a sudden something grabbed her by the waist. "Wha-?!" She was very startled when Darien picked her up.

"Shush!" He said. Then he put her on the couch and kissed her. When she didn't respond, he pulled back.

"What are you doing?" she asked him, completely shocked that he would do such a thing to her.

"What does it look like? It's not like I'm murdering you!"

"I was in the middle of a tough level, and you interrupted me! You have a lot of nerve!" she said, trying to look as unhappy as possible, when she had really wanted him to do this all along.

Darien just looked dumbfounded. What?! Why is she acting like this?

Come on, Darien! Be a man! Kiss me for real! Serena thought. I'm losing my 'anger'!"

To kiss or not to kiss her! That is the real question! Darien thought. Well, the worst thing that can happen is that she'll slap me! He leaned forward, and pressed his lips against hers. He leapt back abruptly. "You know what? If you're that angry at me, you can go back to your videogame."

Time to fess up! "Darien, darling, you know I'm not mad! I was just pretending. I'm sorry..." To prove her sorrow, she kissed him, sweeping her tongue into his mouth.

Guess she's not really that mad after all! Darien kissed her back, pressing her into the couch. He pushed her skirt up to her hips, and pulled off her tights. I'll leave her underwear on until later. He reached up to the top of her shirt, fingered the top button, but decided to start at the bottom. He undid first one button, then another. High school uniforms are sure easy to take off! When her hand stopped his, he looked questioningly at her.

"You first." She watched as he undid the buttons on his shirt, taking it off completely when he was done. "That's better." She had her hands pressed against his chest, burrying her hands in the hairs of his chest. She was about to run them lower but the door burst open.

"Darien! How could you? I thought you loved me!" Rini shouted, even though she knew Darien was her Dad in the future.

Rini! Figures. Serena thought. Darien moved to get up, but Serena was tired of losing and always being second to Rini. She held him closer to her and said, "Rini? Can we please have five minutes alone? Don't you have any friends to play with?"

"Why should I leave you alone?" Rini asked.

"Because we need the practice." Serena answered simply.

Darien almost choked, and Rini was puzzled. "Practice for what?" she asked her future mother innocently.

"Practice on what to do so that we can create you." Serena said.

Darien and Rini both flushed, for different reasons, though. Darien because that was exactly where they were headed, and Rini because it just dawned on her that her mother and father aren't married yet. She turned around and left. On her way out, she encountered Andrew. "Hi, Andrew!"

"Hey, Rini. Where are Serena and Darien?" he asked the little pink-haired girl.

"There on the couch practicing." she replied, telling him what Serena had told her.

"Practicing what?" Andrew asked, just as puzzled as she had been.

"On how to make a baby!" she exclaimed, glad she was about to come into existence here soon.

"WHAT!?" Andrew yelled, running up to Darien's apartment and barging in. He saw Serena, cuddled in Darien's arms, a content smile on her face, her top and shirt missing. Darien was naked, but Serena was covering him.

"Andrew! What a surprise!" Darien exclaimed, glad he hadn't walked in a couple seconds earlier.

"I'm too late!" Andrew exclaimed. My poor baby sister has been defiled!

A.N. Sorry if you didn't like it, it was a random story with no real point to it. I just felt like writing it...
