
WARNING! This thing has got to have a TON of typos and errors. I didn't re-read it all. XD and I don't plan to (I'm too hopelessly lazy) So bare with me on the typos.


Corridor by corridor, hall by hall, she flew by running with all her might. Her feet were slapping against the hard stone floor, making her harsh steps echo off the lifeless walls. Her breath hitched as she gasped for air. Her body was screaming for her to stop, but it didn't matter, she had to get away. She had to get away from this place.

She had to get away from him.

Her stomach lurched, and twisted at the thought of him. His twisted grin… those cold— disgusting eyes. They bore into her soul, and always crawled up her body. He would just have to look at her, and she would feel completely violated, regardless of what she was wearing.

Orihime wanted to scream, but swallowed the urge for fear of being discovered. Tears soaked her pale cheeks, as she bit her chapped lips and pushed herself to run faster.

She remembered his visit last night; she woke up to him leaning on wall across the room. His long figure drenched in moonlight— insane mirth dancing in his hollow eyes.

"Little pet…" He would purr, grin widening. She had screamed then, or at least she had tried to. Before she could blink, he was across the room with his large, cold hand clapped over her mouth. He would advance on top of her, his weight crushing her into the stiff mattress.

Orihime felt bile creeping up her throat, but she repressed it down as she grit her teeth.

He proceeded to run his hands along the curves of her body, looking sickeningly pleased with himself. She would struggle violently, thrashing under him, screaming to leave her alone. He wouldn't.

Not even in her dreams, he took over those too.

She knew she must have been going insane. She could swear his eyes were on her— she could swear she heard his laugh when he wasn't there. She could still feel his skeleton like hands running over her, and his amused whispers in her ear.

Maybe she just needed to see the sun again.

She missed it. The cold moon always starred back at her through her barred window, never moving— like a still painting. She missed the warm yellow light that cradled her in an embrace; she missed the sun-kissed grass and the fresh breeze.

She closed her tired eyes as the last of the tears fell.

Orihime could just picture it; her hands spread out wide… the soft chirps of birds and crickets surrounding her as the sun delicately kissed her cheeks. Gods, she could feel the feather-like tickles of the grass against her bare feet.

Tatsuki-chan would laugh and take her by the hand. She would lead her to the park and they would play baseball and soccer until the sun went down.

Orihime sighed, blissfully content in her memories. Her paranoia completely forgotten. She didn't seem to notice that her once harsh pace was now reduced to a slow walk. She walked like a person under a trance as she was consumed by her sweet past.

Her lips raised to a soft smile at the memory of Kurosaki-kun. The thought of his pouting lips and furrowed brow made her giggle. She briefly pondered if his hair was as soft as it looked.

Another soft sigh left her lips.

"What are you doing?"

She screamed and stumbled back— as she lost her balance in her own surprise. Her eyes flew open in an instant.

She looked up from her place on the cold ground, the painful aching on her rear temporarily forgotten. She was met with the sight of two sad aquamarine eyes staring back at her. His expression reminded her of that moon always that gleamed though her barred window, never changing or moving—with complete lack of warmth.

"I… I—" She sucked in air…what the hell was she supposed to say? 'I just escaped from my cell and I'm semi-delirious… so how was your day?' Her jaw opened in shut like a fish, as she tried to grasp the right words to say.

Apparently, she was thinking it over too long because Ulquiorra's large eyes narrowed slightly.

"You'll regret lying to me, Woman."

Orihime twitched at the name. Every living thing in this damn citadel called her 'Woman'. She had a goddamn name, and it wasn't 'Human' or 'Pet-sama' either.

"Orihime." She sneered.

"Excuse me?" Ulquiorra said slowly, without tone.

"Orihime!" She barked, angrily standing up, "My name is Inoue Orihime." Her voice was at a dangerous tone as her forefinger jabbed at his chest, as she tried to look imitating.

Ulquiorra closed his eyes, then slowly removed her accusing finger from his chest.

"Miss. Inoue then," His eyes opened and he raised an eyebrow, "Will you please explain to me why you're out of your room, skipping about the halls like a deranged school girl?"

Orihime bit her lip and looked away. She wasn't planning on giving an answer. To this Ulquiorra sighed, and grabbed her wrist. "I'll be taking you back to your room then, Miss Inoue."

Suddenly dozens of memories of his hollow stare and cruel grin flooded her mind. She could feel his cold hands running across her back and over her bare chest— and she could already hear his disgusting laugh echoing in her head. Her throat constricted, and a cold feeling spread throughout her body like a plaque.

"No!" She screamed, tears falling again as she violently tore her wrist away from Ulquiorra's delicate grip.

Orihime took off down the hall way once again, as a weird sense of Déjà vu came over her. Ulquiorra's eyes followed her retreating form.

The aquamarine eyed Espada sighed once more. Why must humans be so confusing? With that thought he effortlessly took off after her.

It didn't take long for Ulquiorra to catch up to her. She was only human after all and she didn't even seem to notice him come up behind her. It would seem as if she was too consumed in her determination, thoughts, and tears.

Ulquiorra's arms locked around her waist, ultimately snatching her from the ground and throwing her over his shoulder. She screamed then. Loud, long, and piercing as she beat her small fists on his back and wildly kicked her feet.

It was quite obvious to Ulquiorra that she was absolutely done cooperating— to his dismay. Random arrancar peered out from their rooms to see what the hell was going on, as Orihime's screams bounced and echoed off the countless corridors and halls.

They were met with an unexpected site— One of their highly respected Espada walking down the hall with a thrashing woman over his shoulder, with his face bored as if he were just on a stroll.

Some arrancar even had the mind to snicker at the sight, but when Ulquiorra looked their way, they would shrink down, shut up, and slam their door shut.

As they got closer and closer to her cell Orihime's struggles were reduced to nothing. Her vision blurred and was becoming constantly darker. For some reason and it felt like she was a thousand times lighter, but her head felt a thousand times heavier. She didn't want to give into the darkness— she didn't want to give into anything.

Slowly, The world seemed to rocking back and forth, like she was floating.

Orihime's eyes closed weakly. She could feel a veil come over her mind, and the dizziness consumed her like a cradle. Her body went lax, and her head rested against Ulquiorra's shoulder. Her tears stained her pale cheeks.

"Please— please just put me down…" Her voice was weak and barely audible to the Espada. "You don't understand anything…" She murmured, half gone.

Ulquiorra blinked slowly, "That doesn't mean you can't explain it to me."

His soft voice seemed so far away.

A sigh left her lips before the inviting darkness claimed her.

Ulquiorra felt her body go limp, but he wasn't surprised. She looked as if she was running for hours, she looked ghostly pale from lack of nutrition and sleep, and there were dark circles around her once lively eyes. But it's not like he's the one to talk about complexions.

Although Ulquiorra was thankful for the silence— his ears were still ringing from the abuse she subjected to them.

When he reached her room, he swung open the door and gently put her down on her bed. The old mattress's springs protested under her weight. He covered with her small figure with the blanket that was bunched up at the foot of the bed.

Ulquiorra stepped back, while his large beautiful eyes traced her features. From her small nose, to her thin orange eyebrows, to finally rest on her bruised lips.

She must have been biting them… or was she?

His brow furrowed. No, she didn't bite her lips; she was screaming and struggling the whole time. He looked closer and discovered discolored patches of skin along her neck. Ulquiorra's eyes narrowed, and he unzipped her shirt to expose more skin.

She sighed contently, lost in the depths of her consciousness when he finished unzipping the shirt.

Perhaps the shirt was uncomfortable, or, for lack of better words— restraining her.

She wore a simple white bra underneath, but he didn't pay it any mind. As he expected, her chest was covered in dark bruises, nail marks, and other apparent marks of abuse. Some areas were covered in dry blood.

Suddenly, a familiar presence filled the room— Ulquiorra didn't turn around, because he already knew who it was.

"I didn't know you were that type of man, Ulquiorra." His amused voice filled the room. "Ulquiorra, the closet pervert, imagine that!"

Ulquiorra could practically hear his lips raising into a sickening grin.

"Tell me— " He started, his voice dripping with amusement, "Do you always stare at Pet-sama's chest when she's unconscious, or is that just today?"

Faster than the eye could possibly hope to follow, Ulquiorra grabbed his thin neck, and slammed his bony back against the stone wall— cracking the stone behind him.

"Noitora," Ulquiorra's voice was deadly low, and his eyes seemed to glow dangerously under the moonlight. "If you ever touch her again, I will be forced to kill you, and I will not hesitate."

"How mean. I guess I should watch my back, ne?" He raised an eyebrow, his grin widening.

Ulquiorra continued, "I've been given strict orders by Aizen-sama to protect, care for, and have her completely unharmed until he calls for her—"

"—And I am to destroy all threats to her safety."

For once Noitora's expression wavered, but he put his amused mask back on.

"I wouldn't want to upset Aizen-sama, and I certainly don't want to be destroyed." Noitora shrugged, releasing himself from Ulquiorra's grip on his neck.

Ulquiorra just starred at him, expression blank, but his eyes were a few shades darker— challenging him to say something that opposes him.

Noitora stalked over to the door, lazily placing his skeleton like hand on the doorknob. "But I can't help but notice—" He quirked his head to the side, smile widening. "Is that jealousy I see in your eyes?" He said, pointing a long, thin finger at him.

"Disgusting." Ulquiorra spat.

Noitora's eyes left Ulquiorra and briefly trailed over Orihime's unconscious figure, from her exposed chest to her slim legs.

"Well, I'll take my leave, Ulquiorra-san." He gave a mocking bow, and disappeared out the door, slamming it behind him.

Ulquiorra's eyes were trained on the door Noitora just exited. 'Disgusting.' Ulquiorra pondered over that word that had left his mouth just moments before.

A small sigh came from behind him, and he turned his head to look at the still form of the orange haired woman. She was still completely unconscious, vulnerable to the world around her.

He padded to her bedside, and lightly placed his hand on her forehead. It was warm— really warm. Was that a bad or good sign for humans? He wondered to himself.

Ulquiorra zipped up her shirt, not wanting her to wake up thinking she was taken advantage of. He then pulled up a chair beside her bedside, and noted how thin and pale she was. If she didn't eat when she woke up, he would have to force feed her again.

He sighed at thought. It was not fun. She would end up biting him several times and he would have food stains all over his arrancar uniform from where she would spit up all over him.

She shifted slightly in her sleep as Ulquiorra's mind wandered back to what Noitora said earlier.

"But I can't help but notice—"

"Is that jealousy I see in your eyes?"

How absurd, he was following orders— Nothing more, nothing less.

Ulquiorra's hand strayed to brush a piece of hair from her closed eyes. What a fitting color for her hair, he mused. She possessed the same fiery spirit as her hair suggested.

And it was that moment her unconsciousness melted away, and she awoke to the world. Her eyes widened when she realized a hand was genuinely resting on her forehead. Beautiful aquamarine eyes that reflected the light from the moon stared back at her. Never once blinking.

She couldn't react, she couldn't move— she was held in a trance by those large, sad eyes and she couldn't look away even if she wanted to.

A strange warmth emitted from his hand, it was a warmth that she longed for— It was a warmth that she wanted to be captured in and never let go.

"You need to eat, Miss. Inoue." His soft voice broke through her trance like a knife, and she had to blink several times before she could fully awake herself. "You look sick."

Orihime was about to say something but her stomach, as if on cue, growled loudly— completely shattering the peaceful atmosphere.

Ulquiorra gave her a look, and she laughed nervously and her cheeks grew hot. How embarrassing.

His eyes were still trained on her, expectantly. What was it? Orihime wondered. She noticed the question in his eyes. Oh…

"That was my stomach." She laughed, cheeks still hot with embarrassment.

Ulquiorra's eyebrows raised. "Your— stomach?"

"It does that when I'm hungry." Her hand scratched the back of her head.

"Do all human's stomachs do that… when they're hungry?" He asked wearily.

"Well of coarse!" She said a matter-of-factly.

Ulquiorra held his gaze on her for only a moment more, before he turned around and started towards the door. "In any case, Miss. Inoue, please accompany me to the kitchen."

For the first time since entering this citadel, not once had she felt comfortable— not once. Until now. She didn't know why she suddenly felt at ease, but it felt good.

"Alright." She smiled, leaving her bed and following the pale espada. They left the room, and proceeded down the lifeless halls.

A lone eye filled with dark amusement followed the pair as they made their way towards the kitchen.