And I'm back I hope you aren't mad on how long it took to update. I know that I just came up with new stories only a few weeks ago but lately I've been on fire and these blot bunnies in my head are not going to go away anytime soon.

I meant to have this done last week and I'm sorry for the delays in updates even though I said it be every couple of weeks but I've been jumping around from one story to another, trying to get better grades in school, and have too many things on my mind ever truly focus enough on one thing.

But believe me this chapter is worth the wait since it's probably the one that took me the longest to complete. I realized a while back that I need to get this show on the road so there might be a few big time skips in the future but nothing too bad I hope.

Now I give you something everyone has been waiting for a long time. At last the time has come for (dramatic drum roll) Fred and George to finally meet Danny!

And thanks to all the reviewers who helped give me some awesome ideas for this chapter. And as soon as I get a scanner I'll be posting up a picture of what Daja looks like on my account on Deviant Art and a few other things as well.

Now all I have to do is lie about my age and a get a job!

Being 14 can really suck.

Magic's Blood

Chapter 9

The long summer rains had finally begun to subdue and the weather forecast was predicting warm weather for the rest of the summer. This was good news for many people who have grown sick and tired of the dreary rain pounding on the surface of the earth every morning noon and night.

The sun peaked lazily out of its hiding place behind the clouds like a bear awakening from a long winter hibernation. It didn't seem as if the sun was completely awake yet and that it was reluctant to get to work of providing light and warmth for the inhabitants of the grim seeming country.

Over at Hogwarts the skies had now long since cleared allowing a view of the blue sky for a change. All around the grounds of the castle it seemed much more cheerful with the sun out. Birds were out singing their songs to the morning. Creatures in the Forbidden Forest were emerging from the safety of their homes to experience the warmth as the air started to warm up a bit.

Just at the edge stood a large figure carrying a satchel over their back and heading off towards the entrance of the giant gates of the school to the town of Hogsmeade.

A dumpy little witch was out near a tree that looked like its braches were gigantic, leafy, clubs. It started to swing at her but she just whipped out her wand in a blink of an eye shooting making a rock shoot off the ground and hit a knot on the trunk. Instantly the tree was stunned allowing the witch to pass through to the roots and carefully remove the trees sap and some roots that were sticking out of the ground and shoving them into a leather bag that she pulled out of her dirty brown robes.

Owls swarmed out of the owlry, happy at the chance to once more fly freely and stretch their wings after being confined within the tower that served as their home, for so long. In masses they swooped and swarmed gliding in the air, some in groups, and others by themselves choosing to roost on near by trees or roof tops and bask in the sun.

Within the castle's walls of the castle, Flinch, the caretaker was busy scrubbing away at some mess Peeves had caused yet again. Grumbling curses under his breath along with certain punishments he wished and would give just about anything to inflict on the protagonist.

While his faithful cat, Mrs. Norris wandered near the windows keeping a close lookout in case Peeves should return to cause her master even more grief.

…Just once couldn't Peeves stay quiet for over five seconds?

Besides Flinch, only one other person was inside the castle walls rather than outside on this pacific day walking hastily into her quarters to make an important report to the Minister of Magic at once.

An owl wasn't quick enough for the tidbit of knowledge she was about to unravel for Fudge. So this was another way to ensure no interruptions or suspicion on her part.

Not that the teachers at the school weren't already suspicious of her since the beginning the moment she had stepped foot onto the grounds of this educational facility

With a bust of green flames the head of Cornelius Fudge appeared looking a bit anxious, "What do you have to report?" he asked urgently.

Umbridge stepped back from the fire and stood straight, "There's a new student coming,"

"Umbridge that is hardly worth wasting my time," Fudge replied tartly.

"True but it is when this is a very special student," she said slowly taking her time enjoying the knowledge of taking her employer's attention.

"How special?" he questioned.

"He's from the United States and will be starting in his fifth year here and as far as I know he hasn't received a single bit of magical education what so ever," she informed.

"Fifth year," the minister whispered with surprise evident in his voice, "and without a single bit of magical training?"

"Yes," Umbridge could see that Fudge was deep in the depths of his thoughts at the moment and patiently waiting to continue, "I don't know why Dumbledore chose this particular child but rest assured that I will keep a very close eye on him. What ever the reason may be for his late enrollment I'll be sure to contact you the moment that the information falls into my grasp." She clutched her hand to emphasis with a predatorily smile.

"Very well then," Fudge bowed his head, "Keep me updated on anything else going on. I don't know what Dumbledore is planning but…" He paused as if trying to swallow something rather bitter before regaining his former serious features. "You know what to do."

"Of course Minister,"

"If that all good day Professor Umbridge," with roar of emerald flames Fudge's head vanished and the fire turned back to it's original color before dying down to mere embers in the fireplace.

Umbridge turned to look out the window to see an owl fly by. She sniffed and walked towards her desk to get to work.

There was much to do this year to ensure that the minds of the future weren't polluted with lies and false assumptions based on the word of a mere teenager. And with an American coming Umbridge would have to enforce a few rules to keep order around this place.

Dumbledore was sorely losing his touch. Today's youth were too free spirited and in desperate need of discipline. Luckily, it was discipline that the witch specialized in and knew the right techniques that would make them stick.


"…Well my dear brother hear we are!" said George Weasley sweeping his arms into a giant arc for the say of adding theatrics to the moment.

Fred stood right next to his brother holding out a patched up briefcase with the words "Weasley Inc." in great big lettering. "Indeed," he agreed taking a big whiff of the air inside the pub, "Can you smell that, it's the smell of a glorious brand new day."

"I couldn't agree more,"

Together they pushed open the door leading to the Leaky Cauldron and walked in tune with each other's steps to where Tom was busy polishing some silverware.

Upon sight of the two notorious Weasley twins he set the rag and spoon he was working on down on the counter and greeted them in a friendly manner, "Hello there boys,"

"Hello Tom," they said in union.

Tom looked behind them and asked a bit confused and curious, "Say where are your parents and your brothers and sister?" Where there was one Weasley there was sure to be another close by no matter what.

"Oh, they're not coming for another few weeks or so," answered Fred.

"Besides this year our mum is going to be doing all the shopping by herself it seems," added George.

"In that case tell your father and mother that I said hello then will you?"

"Yes sir!" they both stood straight and gave a Tom a mocking military salute.

The old man burst out laughing at the two teens in front of him. These two always find a way of keeping things interesting, he thought. Just then his good humor faded into suspicion. "Alright what are you two really blooming up to?" He crossed his arms in front of him and gave the red-heads a good long stare.

"Why Tom what would make you think we were ever up to something?" Gorge said pretending to look and sound insulted.

Tom gave them a 'do you really expect me to buy that' look.

"Believe it or not we're here to do a favor for Dumbledore," Fred stated matter-of-factly puffing out his chest to look important.

Tom didn't look convinced at all, "And what would that be then ay?"

"We're here to tutor and help a young, new mind entering Hogwarts that is in need of assistance if he is ever to enter the fifth year."

"What!" Tom exclaimed taken back, "You're supposed to be tutors?!" Tom broke out into a huge toothless smile and threw his head back laughing till his gut hurt. When he finally got his breathing in check he chuckled, "That's a good one you two," taking a more serious tone, "Now what are you blokes really up to."

"It's the truth," protested Fred.

George backed him up, "Honest, Dumbledore told us to come and help out this new student named…uh," he faltered for a moment and looked at his brother, "Fred what was the mate's name again?"

Fred burrowed his brow in concentration as he searched trough his mind for that one little detail, "Hmm, I'm pretty sure it began with a D and his last name was Fortum, Ferton…"

Tom looked up a bit taken back, "Danny Fenton?"

"Yeah that's it," exclaimed George.

"How'd you know the name of our new pupil?" Fred queered.

"Now wait just a bloody minute there," Tom said pointing at the twins, "You two are suppose to be his tutors?"

"That's right," they both confirmed with a smug smiled that mirrored off both of their faces.

"Are you sure?"

"You can bet the right side of your bum we are," George said.

As if he hadn't heard a thing Tom asked again, "Are you absolutely sure?"

Now the twins were starting to get a bit annoyed with being asked the same question repeatedly when there wasn't a huge commotion caused by them at the moment.


"Now would you mind telling us where he is so we can get on with our lessons," Fred said standing up straight and putting on a very pompous and dignified posture that he had copied off Percy.

The stunned bar tender could only point at the stairs and say, "Room 13," he mumbled.

George quickly joined in and spoke in a very familiar way as well, "Now if you don't mind dear Thomas, we'll be off then."

They both a gave a short bow in the old man's direction and headed up the stairs leaving a very, very dumbfounded wizard in their wake and it took several moments for Tom to regain his senses at what he had just heard from the to notorious trouble makers that were known far and wide.

What ever it was that they were here for there was just a feeling in his old bones that it would be very interesting and entertaining. It always is with the Weasley twins around.

As Tom got back to work praying that there wouldn't be too much of a mess to clean up afterward one thought ran through his mind as he picked up a glass to polish.

'Dumbledore had truly gone mad with this one…'


The day had begun rather drab for Danny. True the rain had finally stopped and the earth had slowly begun to absorb the warmth of the sun but all that Danny felt like doing at the moment was just nothing all day long.

He laid on his bed looking up at the ceiling thinking just random things like what he was going to eat for lunch or if he should go out and explore other parts of London.

Like many old cities, London was practically coated in spiritual and magical energy all around. The first time Danny had gone on a midnight flight his ghost sense had gone crazy going off every few seconds.

Another thing that Danny had noticed his first week here by himself was that his powers seemed to be more concentrated especially during a full moon and that it was easier to open a portal to the Ghost Zone than it was in Amity Park. The oldest parts of the city is where Danny sees the most activity but it wasn't on the threatening levels like back home, more like on the Dairy Kings level of just wanting to be left alone.

Mostly just harmless ghosts that didn't know what to do and were just waiting for something, others stuck around to stay near their families and watch over them, there were even some that were as old as from when the city was first established and the medieval era as well.

Once in a while there was a ghost looking for vengeance but Danny quickly took care of them in a second flat.

But site seeing soon got boring after a while without his friends and the ghost hybrid teen didn't feel like doing much of his piles of homework at the time.

To put it simply, he was completely and utterly bored!

His mind was accustomed to running at a hectic pace, often having to come up with quick and efficient solutions in just fewer than five seconds to stay alive for the next five minutes while in battle with a powerful foe.

And when he wasn't fighting for his life, doing homework, chores or being grounded he was hanging with his friends but even during those few times of relaxation his mind and body were on alert for any ghost attacks.

So for Danny to just sit around and do nothing was still something he wasn't used to and it was making him go crazy, especially with no one else to talk to except for Daja. But even she seemed to be in a mellow mood today as she basked in the sun light that penetrated through the windows of the room.

'You say that you have too much on your plate all the time Fenton, so the one time you actually have the opportunity to do nothing you complain?' he thought bitterly to himself.

He sighed and rolled over to his side to look at the mountain of disleveled and scattered books in the corner with bits of paper sticking out of a few of them and next to that was a mess of Danny's school supplies and uniforms that he hadn't felt like putting away.

The room was a total mess despite the cleaning witch had just cleaned his room barely two days ago. But as Jazz had once told him a long time ago when they were kids…

"Danny you can make an atomic bomb look less destructive that your room, don't you ever clean this place up!?"

Of course it had been a rhetorical question but that didn't stop Jazz from trying to play 'brain doctor' and come up with a cure to Danny's messiness.

'Knock'… 'Knock'…

The memories faded away in an instant as Danny's attention (and Daja's) was directed towards the wooden door.

'Knock'… 'Knock'

Danny got up and strode over to the door. As soon as he unlocked it though it was pushed open by who ever were on the opposite side. The force causing Danny to stumble back a few steps from the door.

For a second Danny had thought that he had hit his head or something for he was certain he was seeing double. It took some rigorous head shaking to ensure that he wasn't hallucinating.

Standing before him were two older boys that looked around seventeen or so, a bit taller than Danny by a few inches, and a mop of flaming red hair on both of their scalps. Both dressed alike and if Danny had to waver a guess he'd say that they were twin brothers most likely for sure.

"Hello there," greeted the twin on the right holding his hand out for Danny to shake. Which he took a bit cautious bit firmly, "I'm George Weasley and this here is my brother Fred Weasley," the twin known as George introduced gesturing towards his look alike.

"Hello Fred Weasley at your service," Fred said taking Danny's other hand and giving it a good hand shake.

Still in a daze all that Danny could say was, "Nice to meet you," it seemed as if everything was taking place in fast motion. Once his thoughts had caught up Danny mentally slapped himself for sounding so stupid and for forgetting to introduce himself. "I'm Danny, Danny Fenton."

"Pleasure Danny Danny Fenton," they both chorused with a grin on their faces.

Danny couldn't help but smile back, some of his uneasiness wore off. From what the young halfa could pick up from just meeting these two for a minute and a half, the twin boys here seemed to have a sense of humor and are the type of people that are just fun to be around.

But still he could never take anything for face value. That was one of the most important lessons that Danny had come to learn in his short life.

Despite the friendly manner in which Fred and George had introduced themselves, Danny didn't miss the glint of mischief in their eyes or the brief case in their hands that he could have sworn had twitched a bit on it's own.

George's voice brought Danny back to the current day and age and away from the twitching bag, "Now that we've been properly introduced I think it's time that we took a crack at our true intension for being here," George cleared his throat, "Daniel Fenton... Meet your new tutors!"

"That's right," added Fred, "We're here to ensure that you're properly caught up to speed for Hogwarts goes by like that," he snapped his fingers startling the nervous halfa a bit, "So we have to make sure that you'd be able to survive the first term without going mad-"

"...or wanting to blow your brains out-"

"...or having to be taken away to the infirmary in a straight jacket-"

" don't worry about a thing mate-"

" long as you do everything we say you'll do just bloody brilliant!" Fred ended the combined ranting smugly.

"Now lets see where you are now first then we can start training and fixing you up a bit," George stated a few seconds after his brother had stopped talking and walked over to Danny's slightly messy bed and set his back pack there and started emptying out its contents.

Danny barely managed to process everything they had just said and the whole time the only thing he could do was just nod and gape at the dynamic duo. Fred suddenly appeared next to Danny making the poor half-ghost jump out of his skin.

"So where's your homework?" asked Fred, then he narrowed his eyes rather intimidatingly making Danny even more nervous and said. "Unless you didn't do it..."

"Oh! Sure, it's right here," Danny mumbled mentally scolding himself for sounding so nervous and pathetic. But he couldn't help it, it was just something that happened when he was under a lot of stress from new experiences. This one so far seemed to have earned it's own category in just three seconds.

He led the way to the piles of disorderly books on the floor and started pulling out all the papers in the books and getting a stack of them from under his potions and herbology books.

Danny handed Fred Weasley a sizable amount of papers when he had finally gathered all of the work he managed to do. Not certain whether or not he should give the work that the other girl who had visited yesterday did but just case... he handed those too.

Too busy with making sure that he had located every single essay, theory, and parchment that had anything to do with any of the subjects he had chosen. Since he was too busy hunting down nearly three years worth of work, Danny didn't see the expression of astonishment on Fred's face at the quantity of work being bestowed to him. Even George was gaping at the stack of papers in his brother's hands.

Once Danny was sure that that was everything he turned to address the twins, "Well I think that that's everything, sorry that it's so messy but I-" he stopped midway through his apology when he saw the looks that the twins were giving him, "Uh is something wrong?" Danny asked getting worried all over again, "I mean if it's to little or something I promise I'll work harder to get more done." Danny rambled rubbing the back of his neck and looking down at the floor.

Fred and George still didn't say anything making Danny even more nervous. Silence had always been something that had driven him nuts, it most likely meant that bad or worse news was soon coming. 'Oh man I knew I should have done more,' Danny thought angry at himself, 'Great now I'm probably going to be sent back before the school year has even started!'

The suspension was gnawing at his nerves and if one of them didn't say something soon Danny was tempted to kill himself just to end it already.

At last it was George that said something, "Work harder?" he repeated, "Fred can you believe this, any harder and we'd probably have a second Hermione here!" he joked grinning at his brother.

As if some spell or barrier had been lifted the twins regained their former jokester selves in an instant after getting over their shock to realize the numerous amounts of jokes there was to tell just from this one situation.

Fred quickly joined his brother in the fun, "Blimey I'd say he'd be an enhanced version of Hermione."

Danny was now utterly confused, "S-So this is enough?"

"Enough! Blimey Fenton this is a whole lot farther than I could ever do in just a few weeks time it take me at least triple as much time and that's if I didn't do anything other that eat sleep and study. Either you must be a complete book worm or have some sort of special powers that allow you to write and read as fast as a firebolt."

"Or he could have had an army to help him," added George with a chuckle.

Danny gulped and laughed nervously, "He he, yeah an army..."

Luckily the twins hadn't noticed how Danny suddenly looked so uncomfortable as they continued to ponder over the work they had in their identical hands.

The nervous ghost teen quickly regained himself as he waited patiently for the red heads to finish their assessments. He leaned against the wall seeing as that this could take a while, it gave Danny some time to think and plan out the next few hours and the possible school year in which he'd draw less attention to himself as possible.

It was scary how close to the truth that Fred and George had been. Danny couldn't take any chances seeing that he'll be living with the many different kids so in a way it could be dangerous to even show the slightest traces of his powers. Just because his classmates at Casper High had been idiots doesn't mean that his new one will be the same.

'I'd better not use my powers at all,' Danny thought as his gaze drifted over to where Daja had just been remembering that it was almost time to take her outside so that she could exercise a bit in the little courtyard out back.

His heart skipped a beat and his face started to pale rapidly at the sit of seeing the window sill empty of the tan furred creature. Looking around the room Danny grew even more panicked. Not because if Daja got lost, she was smart- really smart- and always found him one way or another, but rather that there were strangers in the room and the little fire fox still wasn't quite comfortable with new comers yet. Heck it had taken days just for her to realize that Tom wasn't a threat to her human.

Out of the corner of his eyes he spotted her crouched up in a pouncing position on top of the dresser. Her green eyes focusing mainly on the Weasleys, waiting for one of them to make the slightest wrong movement to tick her off. Lying in the shadows of the upper most post in the room, her muscles tensed and ready to attack in less than a millisecond.

While Danny tried to formulate a plan to get Daja away from the twins. Fred and George were busy formulating a plan of their own...


"...So the spell didn't fulfill its purpose then?" questioned the Dark Lord facing his followers who were all wearing masks and black hooded robes to obscured their features and bowing before their master.

"No my lord," said the death eater in the middle, "The boy seemed to be able to resist it's affects quite easily."

The wizard said nothing as he gazed into the flames of the torch next to him that lit the dark corridor that served as a temporary hide away until it was time to execute his plan.

The silence made the three death eater still kneeling on the floor nervous and anxious of their master. Anyone in the wizardry world knew exactly what happens to those near Voldemort when something made him upset.

With a gulp, the death eater to the left asked nervously stammered, "M-M-Master?"

Still no response.

The air was thick with suspension that you could feel it to the very core of your bones piercing your breath like a knife.

Out of nowhere he threw his head back laughing loud and cruel. His voice vibrating against the walls and startling the three wizards on the floor. For what cause he was laughing at only Voldemort knew.

"You're dismissed but before you go send word to Lucas Malfoy. I have a special assignment for him." He commanded in a cold hissing tone.

All three rose off the ground and gave a deep bow to the Dark Lord before stepping back a few feet and teleporting away to obey his commands.

Not ever lifting his gaze from the fire Voldemort continued to chuckle silently under his breath making it sound more like the hiss of a snake's. There were a few things that he had to attend to and some errands that had to be done and that involved visiting an old friend.

In one brisk motion an aura of black smoke surrounded his body then vanished along with Voldemort as well.

It's short I know but keeping it on my account was driving me crazy and I got tired of being mean besides I did what I said I'd do I've introduced Fred and George to Danny and in the next chapter they'll find out why it's not a good idea to pet Daja. Plot still shaping but it's time to get started on YU. Ta for now and again I'm really sorry it took so damn long.