Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha and Co. it's probably a good thing because the fans would have already shot me. I also don't own "face down" by the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus… they are awesome!!

Full Summay: Life is perfect for Kagome Higurashi, well except for the fact that her make up doesn't always cover the evidence of her fiancee's "Love beatings". InuYasha is searching for a way to save the girl he loves but will it be enough? Can he save a girl who doesn't know what she wants? Will love be able to save the both of them or will Kagome wind up dead in some alley?

This is actually a two-part one-shot because I'm just being lazy. There is Adult content in this story, i.e. violence, physical/sexual abuse, sexual content (edited of course) so if you do not like these kinds of situations, then please go somewhere else. I will not warn you again.

"Face Down"

By Miztikal-Dragon

Cold air swirled around the light posts and showered down on the people as they waited patiently in front of the nightclub's enormous metal door. A single man stood at the entrance, his large muscles rippling with the waxing and waning breeze over his flesh; the black t-shirt on his body fitting snugly over his shoulders. Music boomed, the bass vibrating through the cement and into the shoes of every person in a block's distance.

Ebony hair fluttered and a light laughter filled the night air as a group of four cut through the somewhat long line; angry shouts and protests being left on deaf ears. Blue eyes sparkled, the bouncer's lips quirking at the tip just a little, his muscular hand unclipping the velvet rope and allowing the small group to enter through the now open door. A man with braided silver hair shook hands with the bouncer, a familiar and intimate tone in his voice as a one hundred dollar bill was passed unseen between the two of them.

Amber eyes surveyed the enormous club, the music pounding in his ear and making it hard to breathe. It wasn't often that he was able to come out to the bars with his friends, the music hypnotizing him and everyone else around him; drinking and dancing until he could no longer tell up from down or left from right. Spying his group, he weaved through the seductive bodies, hands touching him appreciatively and a sly smile forming on his lips.

He could see her laughing from her seat at the bar, her small hands loosely holding the glass filled with an amber liquid and his heart squeezed in his chest. Kagome, his mind whispered softly, though he was surprised he could still even think with the music blaring loud enough in his ears he thought they would bleed.

He had been friends with her for years, approaching eight this coming fall and as he drew closer he found himself entranced by her beauty. It was more than obvious to say that he loved her and he had for a few years now, but those feelings were merely buried deep in his chest and ignored. Kagome was engaged to her high school sweet heart and by June the two of them would be married and live happily ever after. Well at least that's what only Kagome seemed to believe.

He touched her shoulder gently standing less than a few inches away and when she looked back at him, her pale face lit up and he felt the warmth spread though out his entire body. Sometimes it was almost too hard to keep the urge to kiss her at bay.

Hey girl, you know you drive me crazy

One look puts the rhythm in my hand.

Still I'll never understand why you hang around.

I see what's going down.

Kagome's laughter bubbled and her drink was left on the countertop as her hands sought out his and dragged him through the crowd towards the middle of the dance floor. Bodies swayed and pushed the two of them closer together and he found himself pressed flush with her body, hands clutching clothing as she molded herself to his chest.

The twanging sounds of guitars battling each other echoed in his head as drums voiced their opinions, the underground band beginning their song and exciting the crowd tenfold; their cries and shouts drowning out most of the music. His tanned hands held Kagome's creamy skin, pulling her closer and he watched the slight blush creep across her face and he laughed.

It wasn't like they hadn't been this close before since they went out 'clubbing' as his buddy Miroku liked to say at least once a month (sometimes more if it were possible). Then again he didn't spend as much time as he would have liked with her and he mentally cursed the man she claimed to love as the reason behind him not being able to see Kagome often. He was a controlling man and on a few occasions InuYasha swore that he had a mean streak that ended with a hole in the wall or a bruise hidden underneath strategically placed articles of clothing.

Her curved hip rolled across him and InuYasha bit on his lip to suppress the moan in his throat. She did things to him and if he wasn't careful he would lose control of himself and then he would have to suffer the consequence; Kagome having to suffer the most damage in the long run for merely innocent touches. Spotlights danced around them, painting their flesh temporarily yellow, pink and green. Lights flashing rapidly enough to cause seizures, but no one seemed to notice; their bodies jumping and moving to the music as it trapped their hearts in a numbing bliss of release.

Minutes sped away like seconds, one song ending and another beginning, a different tune sparking new life out of the endless waves of strangers and sending them into a new hysteric frenzy of unabashed and carefree behavior (some more lewd than others). Finding his throat parched as he stared heatedly at Kagome's endlessly swaying body, he wrapped his hand around her wrist and tugged her away from the middle of the dance floor, signaling for a drink and the smile that graced her lips made his knees weak.

"I'm having so much fun InuYasha!" She screamed in his ear as he reached for a bottle of water from the bartender's hand and opening it, downing half of the distilled water in three gulps.

"Well that's good to know!" He shouted back, handing her the bottle and licking his lips as she drank.

Her laughter reached his ears again and he grabbed her hands, the two of them losing themselves to the music as it switched between fast-paced deafening rock music to somewhat slower and though still loud and deafening, yet more relaxed alternative. Arms wrapped around waists and snaked hesitantly around necks with comfortable silence as they grew closer and InuYasha almost forgot to breathe feeling Kagome's head against his chest as he moved her to the beat of the song playing.

He could barely hear the hoots and hollers of the people around him, the surrounding people breaking loose from their shells and giving into the primal need of their instincts and he longed to be free like they were. He had instincts, painful instincts as he tightened his hold on his lovely companion and he wished that he could at least once be able to feel the way she kissed.

Sure he kept reminding himself that she was taken, but it didn't matter because he would always keep himself in check; always denying himself of the yearning of his soul that tore him to pieces each time he watched her walk into the open arms of the other man.

The night came and went faster than he anticipated and before InuYasha could slow himself down, Kagome was pulling herself from his hold and grabbing her jacket indicating that it was time for them to leave. Sango and Koga decided to stay later and hook up the with rest of the gang, their style of bar hoping normally going on until the last bar closed for the night at three in the morning; if they were lucky a little later.

InuYasha snagged his jacket and threw himself in it as he followed Kagome quickly out of the bar, digging into his large pockets groping around for his car keys. The night air had grown colder over the time passed and plums of white smoke escaped their lips as they stalked to the darkened part of the street opposite to where the bar stood. He jogged over to the passenger side before Kagome could reach it and unlocked the door for her, holding it open and closing it as she situated herself in the plush seat before he cross the front and jumped into the driver's side.

The engine to his 1988 tan and brown XLT Bronco roared to life when he turned the ignition on and with practiced ease he sped off down the empty street and away from the bouncing and enjoyable music. The car ride was quiet and Kagome rested her head in the palm of her hand, her blue eyes watching the scene outside the vehicle as it rushed passed her at dangerous speeds.

She never understood exactly why InuYasha liked to speed as much as he did, but she could only sigh and try to forget about the worries of life. It had been fun getting away from her daily routine and she found herself wondering what it would be like if she was unattached. There were many different possibilities flashing themselves at her and with each new presentation she withdrew deeper into her comfortable and safe life.

It wasn't like she couldn't say that she had a nearly perfect life, because she did. A wonderful job that she loved, a man that she planned to marry who she'd been with for a very long time, and friends that were hard to come by; she felt as though she were living out the fairy tale life she'd always read about in stories.

Then again with every fairy tale there was always the evil that always lurked in the darkness waiting for its turn to rear it's ugly head. And she guessed that even in her seemingly perfect life there were things that she wished she could change, but that would be impossible. The old saying was you could lead a horse to water, but you couldn't make it drink, and Naraku was exactly like a stubborn horse in some aspects.

Her thoughts were interrupted as InuYasha's hand gingerly touched hers laying lightly on her lap, his amber eyes staring right through her and she felt her heart skip a beat. His body was twisted around facing her, his braided hair falling over his shoulder and the stray strands of silver framing his face making him look even more handsome than she thought could be possible. Heat flooded into her cheeks as she blushed and even though she tried averting her gaze she found herself paralyzed by his very presence and a bottled up emotion of longing sprung free from her heart.

"Hey?" His voice was soft and low and she felt her breath quickening. "Kagome, are you okay?"

She couldn't look away and it was like her body was on fire, his hand moving from her hand and cupping her cheek; the pad of his thumb caressing the hot flesh. A lump formed in her throat and she swallowed thickly, this was almost too much for her.

"Y-yeah," she sounded husky, her tone low and seductive. InuYasha tried catching himself as he drew closer but it was as though he had lost control of his body. "I- InuYash-"

His lips slanted over hers cutting off whatever she had planned to say next and Kagome felt a jolt of electricity enter her body. She hadn't expected for him to kiss her in a million years, but there he was, his soft lips molding against hers and it was like heaven. InuYasha managed to steal her breath away as he parted her lips gently with his tongue, it dipping into her mouth and tasting everything that she had to give him and more. It was like the whole entire world had disappeared and there was only the two of them sitting in the car, nothing else in the real world mattering as they shared an innocent kiss.

Kagome was the first to pull away, her hands fisted tightly in the cotton material of InuYasha's shirt, his eyes half open in a lazy yet enticing passion and she had the sudden urge to kiss him again, but she didn't. Other things began seeping back into her clouded mind and a sudden torrent of guilt exploded in her eyes, her teeth worrying on her lower lip.

She shouldn't have allowed herself to be kissed by InuYasha, it was wrong and she mentally berated her weakness. It wasn't fair because she was engaged to a man she loved and here she was kissing another man; one that she had sworn to her fiancé was nothing but a friend. The overwhelming feeling that she had betrayed him stabbed her repeatedly and she had to get out.

"I better go," she unbuckled herself and climbed out of the bronco before InuYasha could protest.

With a bright smile on her face, Kagome waved goodnight to InuYasha before turning her back on him and sprinting to her door; the large house looming angrily over her and she swallowed the thickness crawling back into her throat. All the lights were off and she dug in her coat for her keys for a moment before unlocking the door and glancing one last time over her shoulder to see amber eyes and long silver hair a few yards away. She really wished that she had been able to control herself because now she wouldn't ever be able to look at her friend again.

Closing the door behind her and leaning against it for silent support, Kagome let out a heavy sigh, her fingers rising to touch her kiss-bruised lips and she couldn't help but smile thinking about the way she felt when he kissed her. It was something that was forbidden, she reminded herself standing up straight and immediately she bottled up the emotions that came to life when she was with InuYasha and buried it deep down inside her chest. These emotions would get her nowhere but in trouble and there was no way she could pursue them; not when she had her fiancé.

Opening her eyes as InuYasha's engine roared, his car driving away she cried out staring into a pair of glowing orbs of black. He stood merely inches away from her and suddenly she felt as though she was being swallowed by the darkness. Something had happened and she didn't have enough time to block his fist as it found her face.

Cover up with make up in the mirror

Tell yourself it's never gunna happen again

You cry alone and then he swears he loves you.

He stood in the window waiting for Kagome to get home from her once a month bar experience with her so called friends. If it were up to him she wouldn't have been going out with them, their irresponsible behavior and lack of respect for the white-collared worker; they were gravel beneath his Italian loafers. Lifting the cotton from his wrist, he glanced down angrily at the watch that read one thirty a.m. It was too late for his fiancé to be out unchaperoned with a bunch of hooligans and he mentally pushed down the anger rising up in the back of his throat like bile.

There was always a time and a place to relax and he personally believed that she should not waste her time in bars when she could be home with him instead. After all he was going to be her husband soon and it was about time that she learned her place. Sure he didn't always like hitting her, but it seemed as though she never learned and even when it was accidental it was in one ear and out the other with her. Then again, the one's that were harder to tame were always worth it in the end because he would break her and put the pieces back together where he saw fit. When he was finished with Kagome there would be no more InuYasha, no more nights at the bars dancing like a common slut and that thought made him smile.

Brushing away the white curtains hearing the loud engine of InuYasha's pathetic truck, Naraku narrowed his eyes. He never liked the other boy and he wanted nothing more than to show him too who was boss when it came to Kagome; however, at the moment he knew that he couldn't because Kagome wouldn't allow it. She could only find the strength to justify her friends and their behavior and that bothered him more than he let on. She was his and his alone, she didn't need friends because she was marrying him and he would be the only one she needed in the long run.

He leaned against the wall as he stared at the pair of them, his arms crossed lazily over his chest and his black hair tied up in a high ponytail. If Kagome had been home earlier she could have enjoyed the present he had bought for her and a twinge of anger pricked his temple. He didn't want her going out with anyone but him and he silently counted the minutes as she sat there in his enemies vehicle acting as though she had all the time in the world to waste. But he wouldn't let her waste his time, or her time when she should have been spending it at home doing things that women did. Obeying.

It was in that instant that Naraku watched Kagome allow her friend to touch her like he did and if he had been holding the wind glass sitting on the dresser across him, it would have shattered from his rage. She had no right to let that street vermin even lay a finger on her and he seethed; his muscles clenching. He could only stare at the scene, glaring at the unsuspecting 'couple' as InuYasha kissed Kagome and Naraku could barely hold back the growl in his throat.

That conniving bitch, he growled to himself, his manicured nails digging into the windowsill and leaving crescent shaped dents before the wood splintered and it broke; slivers tunneling into his flesh. If it were possible, he would have jumped from the window and gave both of them the thrashing of their pathetic lives, ending with InuYasha laying dead in the morgue, but he had to keep himself composed. Soon enough there would be a time wise enough to exact his revenge against InuYasha and boy would it be a sweet time for Naraku.

Pushing himself away from the wall and throwing the wood against the far side of the room, he calmly left his and Kagome's bedroom. He decided to wait for her, give her everything she could ever want and more and this was how she wanted to repay him? Naraku didn't think so, not this time, or ever.

The hall light was bright; however he just smiled maliciously as he dimmed it slowly until the light had been swallowed by the night. There was only so much that he asked of Kagome and now he knew that she no longer could be trusted by herself. He would have to show her the horrible error of her ways and this time hopefully she would learn. If Kagome didn't that was okay too because he would have the fun beating it into her thick skull. Women needed leashes and Naraku was brining in the choke chain.

Naraku calmed his rapidly beating heart and smoothed out the disgusted look from his face. Kagome was in for a rude awakening and he almost laughed. He stood next to the hallway, half of the wall hiding his body from view, but it wasn't like he was going to sneak up on her; that wasn't his style. If he didn't want Kagome to notice him, he had his ways to make it possible. He wasn't a fool.

Light crawled to him slowly as the door opened, Kagome's fresh scent filling his nose as a breeze brushed passed him. He felt his anger peak again, Kagome's black hair swaying as she dared to look at her so-called friend. She may not have known it, but she was only digging herself a deeper grave. Kagome was so close that he could be in front of her in less than a second, but he held his ground; barely.

He waited until he could hear InuYasha's car engine to expose himself to his fiancé and when he saw her fingers touch her lips he knew that she was just as guilty as her male companion; if not more. In those few scant seconds Naraku's rage boiled past the point of no return and his vision went red. Her cry was loud, the color draining from her cheeks and she knew that he knew about her rendezvous with InuYasha's lip. He could smell her instinctual fear.

The first thing he did after his fist hit her was smile; she hadn't been expecting it and she cowered in front of him. Hungrily he drank the fear she gave and he couldn't help but crave for more. Naraku was furious with Kagome's behavior and his fists flew powerfully, each time connecting with her soft skin. He couldn't stop the growl from his throat or the anger that spiked his punches and drove them harder, but with every cry and scream from her mouth it made him want to make her bleed. InuYasha wouldn't be able to protect her from him, the bronco's engine fading out of hearing range.

Do you feel like a man when you push her around?

Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?

Well I'll tell you my friend; one day this world's going to end

As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.

Naraku kicked Kagome in the ribs as she struggled to get to her feet, his hand twisting around her long hair and his fingers clawing into her scalp and roughly jerking her neck back hard enough to cause whiplash, but to him it didn't matter. Her pale face was scrunched up in pain and her mouth hanging open as she gasped desperately for air. He smiled at her pain, a thin trail of blood trickling down her swelling face. This was only the beginning for her and the gears in Naraku's mind were shifting and heading into a different direction.

Tears streamed down from her closed eyes and he felt his heart beginning to quicken again. His hand brushed against Kagome's collarbone and he felt the girl in front of him flinch away from his touch. Slowly he wrapped his fingers around her neck and pulled Kagome flush with his chest where he kneeled on the ground. He could feel her chest heaving and her muscles twitching and he felt his lower regions stir from the friction.

"I hope you learned your lesson Kagome," he whispered roughly in her ear as his hand traveled back down her body sliding underneath her already low cut shirt.

"I-I'm sorry," she hiccupped, her body trembling as Naraku's hand cupped her breast, pinching the nipple roughly through the lace of her bra.

Naraku rose to his feet, his hand still buried in her hair and she gasped as he dragged her down the hall. They both knew what was in store for her and Kagome shuddered; the pain making her go numb with a gentle throbbing as a reminder. She followed quickly behind him and when he released his hold on her hair, Kagome's gaze landed on the window curtains drawn back and her heart skipped a beat realizing that Naraku had seen her and InuYasha. He had seen the kiss.

"I hope he was worth the pain," Naraku hissed his eyes staring into her soul and his hands busy roughly undressing her.

His lips crashed over hers, his teeth smacking against hers and the only thing she could do was let him. Clothing was forgotten along with the knowledge of his explosive temper as his fingers roamed her naked flesh. He took her as hard as he had done after every punishment he delivered; his heat filling her and taking exactly what it wanted. Kagome gasped and bucked, her chest jutting out in the air as she rode him; his hands slamming her harder against him, driving him deeper into her and bruises forming on her hips with the roughness of his grasp.

He took her into his mouth, torturing her; nipping and biting on the tender flesh over her body and making her cry out in pain only adding more to his conviction and pleasure filled ego. His hips angled and driving her over the edge, Kagome's vision blurred and she could only feel him as he pounded into her before reaching his peak. Sweat slicked both of their bodies and dried in the cooling air, his heaving body rolling on top of hers trapping her between the mattress of their bed and him.

She could faintly hear his husky whispers into her ears, his large hands brushing away the hair from her face and placing chaste kisses on her neck. He said he loved her and even though it was against her better judgment, she believed him because she loved him.

The morning came and went with out Kagome and when she finally rolled over, the tenderness of her body making her hiss; the blinking red numbers on the alarm clock told her it was well after noon. Carefully she climbed out of the bed and walked to the bathroom, flicking on the light and gazing at herself through the mirror's reflection.

Her right eye was almost swollen shut and her lip was split down the middle. Her ribs ached as well as her lower region and she hesitated looking down at herself in fear of what she might see. It was like she had been in a car accident and brushing away the tear falling from her face, Kagome stepped into the shower and turned on the hot water.

There was no doubt in her mind that she wasn't going to have lunch with her parents like she had planned and she stood under the waterfall of hot water trying her hardest to think up an excuse that they would believe. Warmth spread throughout her body and dipping her head underneath the spray, she thought about her life.

She didn't know when Naraku had become so violent and even when she thought back to her high school years she knew that he had never once raised a hand to her. Then again, when she was younger life seemed to be perfect and not once did she ever think that she would wind up like she was now and she felt ashamed.

Sure she wasn't perfect but she didn't deserved to be beat, did she? Biting down on her lower lip as she washed herself she choked back a sob, she had to call InuYasha and tell him that she wouldn't be able to see him because she doubted she could just out of nowhere up and ignore him; she wasn't like that.

Things still had to be done around the house and with that in mind, Kagome turned off the water and grabbed the large towel from its rack before wrapping it loosely around her aching body. It wasn't like she really had a job so she couldn't blow off the housework like she wished she could. Bare feet trekked shag carpet and when she was finally dressed in a loose pale yellow flower print sundress she let a heavy sigh leave her chest. Nothing made sense anymore in her mind and she wondered silently if it ever would.

A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect

Every action in the world will bear a consequence

If you wade around forever you will surely drown

I see what's going down

It didn't take as long as she expected to do the housework, dishes drying on the rack and laundry hanging outside drying with the fresh air. Soft music tickled her ears and Kagome found herself smiling as she put the vacuum back into the closet where it belonged. The only thing left to do was figure out what was for dinner and make it before Naraku came home from the office; he had made it a rule for dinner to be ready when he got home because he would not wait, but it wasn't like Kagome minded cooking.

Her lip itched with irritation and Kagome let out a heavy sigh going into the kitchen and putting hot water on the stove, she was beginning to feel like a slave in her own home and the weird thing was is that those thoughts never crossed her mind until this morning. Had she always been this submissive? Had she always done so much cleaning that she looked like Suzy homemaker? The answer was of course no, but things change and people don't stay the same so who was she to complain?

The whistling sound stole her attention and she pulled it from the stove, the tea would be ready and then she could relax until it was time to make dinner. Worrying on her lower lip Kagome searched the cabinets for a mug and she reached for it was the doorbell began to ring. Not sure of who it was, she put the mug down on the counter before backtracking to the front door. A small dent caught her attention and she flinched, the memory pulling at the back of her mind. It was a good thing she had cleaned up the blood first thing after she got out of the shower or else she would be regretting it now.

She didn't think to check to see who it was as she unlocked the door and opened it, the light flooding in and temporarily blinding her. Kagome blinked a few times, a pair of hands cupping her face and pulling her close, calloused thumbs brushing over the bruised flesh and Kagome flinched.

"He did this to you didn't he?" InuYasha's voice fluttered into her ears and she felt her heart sinking into her stomach.

She couldn't say the words that were bubbling against her throat, though she couldn't look at him either because she would see the disappointment and the shame in his eyes. She knew she would and she couldn't bare it. When his arms wrapped around her and held her close she felt a sob wrench itself out of her throat and InuYasha only held her closer to his chest.

"It's alright Kagome," he told her gently picking her up bridal style and carrying her inside the house away from prying eyes. The door closed behind them and he walked to the living room, setting Kagome down on the closest couch; she looked like she'd been to hell and back and guilt filled his chest.

Silent tears fell down her face and he put his fingers underneath Kagome's chin and forced her eyes to meet his and his heart skipped a beat gazing at the defeated look on her face. This wasn't his Kagome. Somehow the girl in front of him and the one he spent years pining after were two completely different people, but deep down in his heart he knew that it wasn't true and now his duty was to protect her. If he could do nothing else, he would protect Kagome with his life.

"I-InuYasha," his name sounded breathless against her lips and gooseflesh covered his body. "You shouldn't be here."

Her blue eyes were filled with pain, he could see it as plain as day and against his better judgment he wiped away her tears, his fingers brushing over her slightly parted lips. There were so many things that he wanted to say to her, so many things he wanted to do that he didn't know where to start.

"I had to be," he was captured by her beauty and the longing that escaped the night before was coming back tenfold his hand sliding back and holding her bruised face as gently as possible. "I wanted to be sure you were okay."

And alive. He didn't have to say it because it came out perfectly clear what he meant and Kagome's blue eyes closed, her fists clenching on her lap with irritation. She knew that InuYasha didn't like Naraku and hadn't since the first day that they met, but what could she do? She was only one person and couldn't change the opinions of her friends no matter how hard she tried.

"Please don't start InuYasha," she said rising to her feet and walking into the kitchen. "I can't take much more of this."

"Then leave him!" InuYasha was right behind her, his amber eyes staring heatedly at her and his hands wrapped around her shoulders pulling her against his firm chest. "Walk away from him Kagome, please."

InuYasha could feel her trembling underneath him and he buried his face into her ebony hair, holding her as close to him as it was possible; he didn't want to let her go. Her small hand reached up and gently touched his arm, electricity flickering into their bloodstreams; however, Kagome pulled his arm away and stepped away.

"I can't leave Naraku," her voice was small and her arms wrapped around herself as she spoke to him. "You know I can't."

"Why?" His hand grabbed her shoulder and forced her to meet his burning gaze, this was an endless game of cat and mouse. "Why Kagome because he loves you?"

His voice seeped with venom and Kagome's eyes narrowed angrily at his sarcastic remark. "He does love me!" She told him as a matter of fact, the uncertainty not being able to escape from her eyes and InuYasha noticed it. "I know he loves me InuYasha so don't you ever say different! We're getting married in June so why is it so hard for you to believe that someone loves me as much as I love them?"

"If all it takes for you to love someone is for them to leave bruises and split your lip that's some cruel form of love Kagome," he was yelling now, trapping her against a wall as she tried to back up. He would make her see that she was being stupid, she couldn't be right about everything because this would kill her; Naraku would kill her. "If Naraku loved you so much he wouldn't hit you! That's not how people show their love Kagome! Come on, you need to get your heart outta your ass and see the light!"

"How would you know what love is InuYasha?" She was yelling back and he watched her blue eyes shift to the light he remembered burned in them when they were younger. She was still with him. "You wouldn't know what love was unless it bit you in the ass!"

They were merely inches apart and he could feel her breath warming his flesh. He was losing control over himself and if he wasn't careful he would do something that he later would regret. But how could he help himself, Kagome was biting back with her razor sharp teeth and he felt the adrenaline rush throughout his body and he needed more. He wanted more and this time he would protect her from Naraku, InuYasha wouldn't let her be hurt anymore.

"Damn it Kagome!" He growled grabbing her arms and shaking her, carefully watching her as blue eyes went wide in what looked like fear. He didn't want her to fear him and any self-control he had broke. "I love you! Damn it why can't you stop trying to be right all the time?"

I see the way you go and say you're right again

Say you're right again

Heed my lecture

If her eyes could have gotten any wider, they did and her fingers clenched, pulling the fabric of InuYasha's shirt tighter in her grasp. Neither of them could believe what he said, but InuYasha didn't stay frozen for more than a few seconds before his lips were on Kagome's. It wasn't demanding like Naraku's, but soft and gentle; coaxing and she found herself lost in him as his hands slid around her waist and pulled her flush with his chest.

Her arms snaked around his neck and parted her lips as InuYasha's tongue probed her, setting a fire burning into her body and she could barely hold back the gasp as he gently devoured her. It was like nothing she had ever felt, the heat growing in her abdomen and spreading into her limbs and the need to taste him grew and Kagome could stop herself from moaning when his hands ran up her sides.

"InuYasha," her voice was raspy and lust lidded when she pulled away from the kiss and something inside of him snapped, his lips slamming down on her again, his hands cupping her face as he poured every last emotion possible into her. He didn't want to let her go and when he felt her melt he knew that he wouldn't have to.

They gave into their desires as hands roamed over clothed flesh and somehow they managed to make it to the bedroom, their lips never separating. Clothing was slowly pulled from aching muscles, InuYasha's pants dropping to his ankles and he heeled out of his shoes raining kisses over Kagome's face and neck; his teeth gently nipping at the exposed flesh. A few minutes felt like a lifetime, but neither cared as they fell onto the soft mattress, hands eagerly touching bare flesh and Kagome couldn't hold back the gasp as InuYasha touched her.

"It's okay Kagome," he whispered watching her lovingly with his amber eyes, his hair curtaining around them and his soft smile easing the trembling in her body. "I'll show you what love's supposed to be like. I'll show you everything that love's supposed to be."

Her dress was pulled over her head and tossed behind him as his lips claimed hers in a hungry kiss, her legs wrapping around him as he filled her. The hunger only grew as nails dug into his shoulders, muscles expanding and gasps of pleasure loud in their ears. InuYasha gave all of himself to Kagome, pushing himself father and showing her that there was more to love then a punch in a face and gently whispered words of endearment after a rough taking. Her body arched into his and he bit down on his lip, this was for her and he wouldn't ruin in.

Her body spasmed as it released Kagome from herself and she cried out as InuYasha's fingers took her again, his mouth nibbling on her breast and his hips filling her with warmth and happiness. She clung to him shifting herself and his moaned vibrated throughout her entire body and suddenly he was on her again. Fingers interlaced with each other as InuYasha worshiped Kagome, his tongue memorizing the inside of her mouth as his body arched, pushing her father over the edge than he thought was imaginable. They fell together, husky cries of jumbled names on their lips as they collapsed into a mass of flesh and hair.

InuYasha rested his head on Kagome's chest and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her heated flesh lightly as her fingers ran over his sweat-slicked form. Neither of them made any intention of moving and InuYasha listened to Kagome's beating heart trying to fight back the need to sleep, he wouldn't leave her yet.

"I love you Kagome,"

Neither of them paid attention to time as they laid in each other's company and they were content on doing so until Kagome roused from her state of half consciousness and pushed InuYasha from her, his eyes raising in question as she frantically jumped from the bed and skirted into the bathroom.

InuYasha lazily rose to his feet and followed after her, smiling when the door opened and the sound of running water assaulted his ears. He could see the steam billowing over the top and Kagome's soft mumbling under her breath and he wasted no time climbing into the shower behind her. A gasp of protest was his answer as he pinned her against the cool tile, his eyes burning amber and under the hot spray of the water, he took her again.

A few more hours passed by the two of them before Kagome insisted that he leave, there were things that she still needed to do and InuYasha wasn't willing to allow Naraku the satisfaction of beating Kagome into submission again. Not after InuYasha gave her all of himself and more, he would save her from the life that she didn't deserve and then Kagome could live her life the way she saw fit; as long as it wasn't married to Naraku that is.

His bronco was loud as he headed home, his cell phone placed carefully in his lap as he pushed the earpiece into his ear and said a name; the phone instantly dialing a number and he waited as it rang. Not getting an answer, InuYasha left a message on Miroku's voice mail and sighed; guess he would have to wait to see his friend about helping him with Kagome.

There was no way that he'd allow her stay in that house anymore and somehow he had managed to get her to agree leaving her fiancée. How he did it he didn't know, but the thought of her living on her own at the time was out of the question and the both of them knew it. It was later than he expected when he pulled into the apartment complex's parking lot, the sun already sinking in the east and allowing the shadows to come out and take over for the night.

He couldn't help the smile that found its way on his lips as he closed the door, pressing the alarm and listening to it's loud beep before heading towards his apartment. There was no doubt in his mind that Miroku and Koga (maybe even Sango) would somehow manage to wear out their welcome when they showed up later and he softly laughed thinking about the possible antics of his group of friends. Of course if Kagome were with them it would be better, but now was not the time to be thinking about that as he dug into his pockets searching for his house keys only to realize he still had them in his hand.

InuYasha laughed at himself and putting the key into the lock a shudder suddenly flew through his body and he knew that he wasn't alone. He felt whomever it was closing in and clenching his hands into fists, InuYasha swung around, his face scrunched in anger only to meet black eyes as a large object collided with his head. His body slammed against the spackled wall, his knees screaming in pain as the object smashed into them and he cried out falling unceremoniously to the ground as pain rained over his head.

Red washed over his vision and he couldn't dodge as it slammed against his head and InuYasha lost himself to the darkness that opened up around him and swallowed him whole.

Do you feel like a man when you push her around?

Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?

Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end

As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.

The day had looked better than he imagined as he pulled away from the parking lot of his office, the wind blowing his hair as he sped down the busy road in his fast and expensive car. Kagome had learned her place and when he got home he would give her a little treat for her obedience. Yes, things were looking better and the grin on his face grew wider.

Business was always slow but this day it had been eventful as the folder in the passenger seat reminded him of the now washed out business of his competition. He hadn't been expecting bankruptcy per say, but now that he was able to expand his territory there was light at the end of the tunnel.

Plans were forming in his mind as he turned a corner, his onyx eyes sparkling with delight at the possibilities that were now possible. With the company quickly rising to the top he would be able to buy a better place closer to the city, and away from all of her nosey friends. It would be easier for the both of them if they just packed up and moved away from all the problems in their lives, together, that is and the very thought made his blood burn in only the way that Kagome could quench.

Highways and freeways never bothered him, but he decided to go the route of surface streets so he could get home faster and tell Kagome of this surprising and celebration worthy event. What's a little champagne and strawberries with crème when the night would pass by slowly if he had his way? This would be a night that neither of them would forget, he was going to make sue of that and he felt his pants tighten with the very thought of what was to come.

He turned down his street an hour later, four hours earlier than he would normally if he hadn't decided to leave early. This was a day for surprises, he told himself, and the more the merrier. Well that was, until he saw InuYasha's bronco parked out of the street and Naraku almost hit the breaks as he felt his temper rising. These surprises, of course, were unwanted and Naraku parked a few houses down and climbed out of his car; hiding it behind a large pickup truck.

Kagome knew better than to have guests over when he wasn't home; especially the kind named InuYasha and he walked to his house like a predator on the hunt. If anything was going on it would be her head and he slowly entered the quiet house as if he were sneaking in from being out too late on a school night. His Italian loafers squeaked and he heeled out of them near the door, he wanted to see everything with his own eyes and then make assessments on what was going to be done about disobedience.

With every opening he peeked a glance and when he found nothing in the kitchen or the living room he could feel a migraine rearing its ugly head. His fists clenched at his side as he turned down the hallway to his bedroom, the door slightly open and begging him to come inspect. And he did. His white collared shirt was almost glowing from the darkness of the hallway and when he pushed the door open with an assassin's ease.

What he saw almost made him lose control but somehow he managed to stay rooted to his spot. Silver hair obscured his vision, but he didn't need eyes to know what was going on right in front of him. Their moans echoed into his ears as he watched Kagome's naked flesh arch into InuYasha's body with a slut's wanton lust. He wanted to growl but he refrained from doing so spying his fiancée's hand wrapped in InuYasha's and he realized that surprises weren't always the good kind and this wouldn't go unnoticed.

Naraku stood there in the doorway until Kagome and InuYasha were spent and his sensitive ears picked up the white-haired hoodlum's love confession and it made him sick. Not being able to watch any long, Naraku spun on his heels and trekked back down the hall as silently as he could. This betrayal would be allowed with out some kind of retribution and opening up the hall closet, Naraku spotted the aluminum bat lying against the wall.

It was calling to him and his pale hand reached out and snagged it before he closed the door and headed back to the door. This wasn't over and Naraku pulled on his shoes as he left the house, locking the door behind him and heading back to his car. He would have to teach InuYasha not to touch what didn't belong to him, and this time Naraku wasn't going to hold back because of Kagome's sake.

He had seen where her loyalties laid as she let that trash touch her and he knew what kind of punishment would make her understand her place in life. Naraku didn't let the engine roar to life like he normally would because then they would have known that he was there and his lips curved into a smile. Surprises weren't always good were they?

It took him a while to remember where exactly InuYasha lived, but as he drove down the neighborhood he recognized it and calmly pulled in across the street from the complex. He didn't bother setting the alarm as he pulled the bat from the passenger's side; the hoodlums and thieves in this area would no better than to touch anything of his and after tonight, InuYasha would know too.

He waited maybe an hour, maybe less, but it wasn't long until he heard InuYasha's truck pulling in and his grin was filled with excitement. Sure he had beaten up his fair share of people in bars and maybe a few fist fights in high school and what not, but never before had he taken the pleasure of knowing he wouldn't leave until he got his point across.

InuYasha walked past him a moment later and waiting a few feet, Naraku rose to his and followed his fiancée's best friend like a lion stalks it prey. He was careful not to make a sound, his hand clenching around the handle of the bat in his hand. This time InuYasha wouldn't escape and there would be no witnesses pinning Naraku with anything because as far as anyone was concerned, he wasn't there.

The laugh that came from InuYasha only added fuel to Naraku's fire as the silver haired boy unknowingly cornered himself, digging for keys that Naraku knew wouldn't be able to unlock the door they approached. InuYasha went stiff and Naraku knew that the boy in front of him finally figured out that he was being stalked. Too bad that he didn't had enough to fight back as Naraku readied himself, the bat arching over his shoulder as he swung at the turning InuYasha.

Metal collided with bone and made a light ding sound and Naraku laughed watching InuYasha falling to the wall before he swung again at the boy's knees; another ping and a crack echoing in his ears as InuYasha cried out in pain. It was music to his ears and Naraku admitted to himself that hitting the boy in front of him felt a hell of a lot better than it did hitting Kagome and he laughed as he swung again.

He knew that he would have to pull the swings as not to kill InuYasha since that would only bring attention to him and he didn't need a death on his hands. No, not when things were looking so much brighter for him, but he couldn't help himself as he beat InuYasha into unconsciousness.

Blood was everywhere, its bright red color dripping from the bat as Naraku stared down at his fiancée's companion. He wouldn't call the cops because that was giving mercy and Naraku wasn't the kind to give mercy to his enemies. Grabbing the front of InuYasha's shirt, he wiped the blood from the bat before slamming him against the wall and watching the boy fall to a heap of flesh.

InuYasha would be lucky if he ever left the hospital, Naraku mused to himself staring into the unseeing eyes of amber and he spat on the boy before turning his heels and walking away leaving him for dead. If InuYasha wanted to be saved then he had better hope that some one came to him because that would be the only way he could live to see another day. Naraku knew that the boy wouldn't live through the night if he stayed the way he was.

Street kids swarmed around his car like locust and they looked at him with awe as he came closer, the bat held firmly in his grasp. His smile was conniving but before the street kids could run away, Naraku handed them the bat and flashed them a toothy grin before climbing into his car and driving away. No evidence, then there was no pinpointing him and then everything would be okay… They couldn't arrest him if there was no evidence making him guilty because now those children were holding the blame. He had passed the torch of responsibility onto them.

The drive back was long and uneventful and when he pulled into his garage he could already smell the delicious scent of dinner in the oven. Kagome would never know what hit her and he smiled grabbing his briefcase and jacket from the passenger's side. The garage door closed cutting off the light and he dropped his jacket in the laundry basket as he opened the door, the smell assaulting him and making his stomach grumble.

Kagome's yellow sundress fluttered as she turned to him, her blue eyes sparkling as she padded barefoot across tile floor and greeted him with a chaste kiss to the lips. Her hair smelled of soap and was damp to the touch and he welcomed her into his arms, his mouth covering hers and kissing her more fully than she had intended. She laughed hesitantly as he pulled away, his eyes watching her with a hawk's look and he unbuttoned his white collared shirt before handing it to her.

"I need my suits washed tonight Kagome," he told her sitting down at the table in a gentle yet cold voice that made her stop in her tracks.

"Oh okay," she smiled despite the growing fear in her stomach and headed out into the garage where he would have undoubtedly have left his jacket.

"After dinner Kagome," she wanted to smack herself in the forehead, but refrained from doing so as she closed the door in front of her and laughed.

She left his shirt on the counter but noticed the dots of red dancing down the front and the sleeves. Ketchup maybe? Brushing the thoughts from her mind she sat down across from Naraku and smiled as his hand found hers and squeezed them with a warm ease. Yes, something was going on and it tugged at the back of her mind as she placed a spoonful of food in her mouth.

His behavior was almost different and after dinner he persuaded her into the living room where he told her about moving and she felt her heart skip a beat. Moving away? When did this decision come around and why wasn't she consulted? Of course she couldn't ask, she merely nodded as he kissed her forehead before declaring that a shower was in need and leaving her alone with her own thoughts.

Gathering up the rest of his laundry after putting away the leftovers, Kagome started on a load of his nice dress shirts, the white one he had worn earlier clutched in her hand as she stared at the now pink splotches. It didn't smell like ketchup and it wasn't any kind of make up, so what was it? Her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion as she stared at the clock, reminding herself that in a half hour it would be nine thirty.

How the time had slipped away from her was beyond her and setting the white shirt down she wandered back into the kitchen looking around for the club soda. Her mother had told her when she was younger about the wonders of club soda and stains and she would later in life thank that knowledge that saved a lot of her clothes from bloodstains.

Bloodstains, the word stuck in her mind as she grabbed the bottle from the cabinet and headed back only to be distracted by the loud ringing of the phone. Yelling at nobody in particular that she would answer it, Kagome picked up the cordless phone before pressing the button and heading back out to the garage.

"This is Kagome," she said softly spreading out Naraku's stained shirt and picking up a rag that could be used to blot the shirt.

"Kagome, it's Miroku." His voice sounded distant and emotion filled and she frowned as she cleaned the shirt.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked lightly. "Are you okay? You sound upset, what's wrong?"

"Kagome," Miroku hesitated for a moment and Kagome felt her heart beginning to pound in her chest. "It's InuYasha—"

"What's wrong with him I just saw him a few hours ago?" Her heart was sinking into her stomach, something was wrong.

"He's in the hospital," the words came out clearly and Kagome's blood ran cold. "Kagome, Koga, Sango and I found him at his apartment almost beaten to death. I—"

Bloodstains? The bottle of club soda slipped from her hands and went crashing to the ground and she couldn't breathe. Naraku – they were bloodstains on his shirt and InuYasha was in the hospital. Her world came crumbling down as Miroku told her which hospital they were at and hung up.

She didn't bother cleaning up her mess as she scrambled for the car keys and she didn't look back as she left. It didn't occur to her at the time to put shoes on or sunglasses to hide the swelling of her eye, the only thing she could think about was InuYasha and if he was okay. Panic and fear filled her and she barely paid attention to the cars around her, she needed to get to the hospital and see him again because if she didn't she wouldn't be able to stand herself.

Her instincts screamed and when she reached the hospital she pulled the keys from the ignition and ran as fast as she could into the opening glass doors. She looked like a wild animal but she didn't care, her sundress fluttering as she swung her head around looking for anyone she might recognize. A hand grabbed her shoulders and she cried out flinging around to see electric blue eyes and black hair; Koga looked like a mess and she clung to him as he walked her to the emergency room where she knew InuYasha would be waiting for her to jump out and say "just kidding".

Kagome realized that she wasn't wearing any shoes but it didn't matter as she watched a tear stained Sango exit a room and look at her with sullen brown eyes and Kagome almost lost it. She didn't want to go inside and see InuYasha, not if he was as bad as she thought he might be. She didn't want to see him when he wasn't strong, or laughing with the twinkling in his amber eyes. She wanted to see the InuYasha, as he had been when he was caressing her and holding her close as he told her he loved her.

Because she loved him too, she knew she did and it tore her apart standing at the doorway. Closing her eyes tightly as she was lead into the room, she could feel the pounding of her heart in her ears as she touched the metal of the hospital bed. It was now or never and reaching for him, she clasped her hand in his and opened her eyes.

She didn't recognize the scream that fell from her throat as she stared at her battered friend and arms and hands reached out for her as she coiled back, her knees buckling and she cried into Miroku's firm chest. She cried because she had nothing left to do, she cried because she knew exactly how InuYasha wound up in a hospital. It was because of her, and Naraku had retaliated. It was all her fault and it broke her.

Face down in the dirt, she said,

This doesn't hurt, she said,

I've finally had enough.

E/N: Well this turned out to be a lot bigger than I originally thought it would be, but I'm loving the direction it's going. I'll have the second half of this story as soon as I can. I hope that you've enjoyed it so far!
