Lily always thought that James was a pain. Until she actually gets a chance to know him. James and Lily fic.


"Lily?" James whispered.

Lily sighed. She was sitting in the Gryffindor common room on one of the many squashy armchairs. Her Arithmancy homework was lain on the table along with a grey, feathered quill and a bottle of navy ink.

"Yes, James?" she said, annoyed still writing her long essay.

He tried to say it in the nicest way, so she wouldn't get mad. "Will you go out with me, please?" he said quietly.

This was in fact, the third time he had asked in an hour.

"No, James. Please, I'm trying to do my work."

James kept quiet, but stifled a laugh. Instead, he took to smirking. He loved to annoy Lily, more than anyone else. It was just fun. James decided to show off a little in front of Lily. He lazily took to levitating The Daily Profit. Just then, there was a loud thud and a roar of laughter as Remus and Sirius burst through the portrait hole.

"Haha, we did it!" Sirius bellowed to know one in particular, " We finally found a way to break into Slughorn's secret stash. All of his potion ingredients are mine!" He said maliciously.

"Now, now," Remus warned, "We are only breaking in for the sake of one potion. No need to turn evil on us." He stopped and turned to James. "He guards his potion ingredients like a hawk."

James beamed, while Sirius had an extreme smug look of satisfaction on his face. Remus went over to the couch James was sitting on and grabbed The Daily Profit casually from mid-air, scanning the front page.

"Bubble juice, are you making?" Lily asked nonchalantly, just now looking up from her work.

"Better, Polyjuice Potion," James replied.

"Why did I ask?" Lily rolled her eyes and got back to her essay.


It was a Saturday morning. The sun was shining brightly on a sleeping Hogwarts. Lily's eyes fluttered open. She looked at the ancient oak grandfather clock in the corner. 6:05 AM.

"Ugghh..." she groaned. It was early. The school was still asleep at this time.

She quietly tiptoed out of bed and got dressed in leisure clothes. Her feet padded downstairs where she got on her shoes, promptly leaving Gryffindor Tower.

The castle was just as she'd expected it. Bare and desolate. She finally made it to the huge wooden doors and pushed silently on them. They opened easily and let in refreshing morning air. Lily smiled. She loved the smell of morning air. Even though the sun wasn't fully up in the sky because it was so early, it promised a perfect day. The grass smelled like summer and the Black Lake was ironically a clear blue today. She found her favorite tree and leaned up against it. To get away from the castle and all the students in it was nice sometimes. The wind was blowing softly and it gave off a nice breeze. Lily leaned up against a tree and simply relaxed.

Just as she was about to doze off the sound of footsteps brought her back to earth. She opened her eyes to find a tall figure walking idly up to the lake and just staring into it. Lily got up suspiciously and tiptoed over to the person.

Hmm...he sort of looks like...James! Lily thought as she got closer.

The figure still hadn't noticed her. He was breathing deeply. She came almost a foot away from him and she tripped over a tree root. Lily tumbled forward and onto James pinning him to the ground. James rolled over onto his back to see a very embarassed Lily staring up at him.

Wow. He has nice eyes. Really deep, icy blue.

James looked straight into Lily's eyes.

Piecing green. Amazing.

At this time, both of them couldn't stand it anymore. They pulled in as if some magnetic force were unconsciously drawing them together. James' and Lily's lips met at the same time. Sparks flew. Lily's head was spinning. She pulled away uneasily and looked again at a hurt James.

"Wow," James said. "I've wanted to do that a long time."

Right then, Lily's sensible side was doing the reasoning. Her emotions wanted to go with James, but as always her smart, logical side was thinking first.

"I...I...I don't know what to say. There is a part of me that wants to go with you on this adventure. But part of me knows that you don't even know me. And that eve if you did, you wouldn't want to be with me. I'm bossy, annoying, and sometimes irritatingly a perfectionist." James nodded at this comment to himself and Lily shot him a vicious glare.

"Sorry," James apologized. "Go on."

"Well, that's about all I have to say." Tears started forming in her eyes and she started again. "I, um, have to go." Lily got up and ran for the castle tears streaming down her face as she left.


AN: Tell me how you like it. First Harry Potter fic. Yes, Lily and James stories are very overused, but I couldn't resist. Read and review please.