Note: I own the story not the characters. Okay, so I had a lot of people voice their concerns. First off I wrote this story a couple of years ago. I did little research when I wrote it. I did look at a map to see where the places were. Second, when I went a saw 300 this weekend, it made me remember my story and how wrong I had characterized the Spartans. So I am editing the story as I go. I am not perfect!!! If you only want to down the story then don't read it. Please no bad reviews. For those who want to read it-Enjoy!

"The King will be mad if we don't find Endymion soon." General Kunzite said worriedly looking over the bloody battlefield. They, the Spartans, had just won.

They were in the fields of a city state called Corinth. The left over soldiers searched the dead bodies looking for their prince.

"He has to be here somewhere. Who was to his left, during battle?" General Nephrite asked.

"I was. I should've kept a better eye on him. If anything has happened to him, I will never forgive myself." Kunzite said angrily.

"Look, it's okay. We ought to search the wood." Nephrite suggested pushing his chestnut brown hair from his face.

"That's a good place to start. Why don't you and Kunzite go left and Zoicite and I go right." General Jediete said heading in his direction with Zoicite in tow.

"Okay. We'll meet here before Sunset." Nephrite said as Kunzite follow.

"Oh on more thing… Men! Get our wounded men and take them back home. Tell his majesty will be there shortly. Mention nothing of the prince!" Kunzite commanded.

The men nodded in response and finished their search.

In the wood on the border of Corinth and Athens

Prince Endymion walked freely through the wood trying to get away from the battle that he thought was still raging. He'd had his share of fighting for the day. He just hoped his men hadn't noticed his disappearance. It would look bad if he looked like a coward. He was their best fighter and the soon to be King but he was too overwhelmed with everything at the moment. The Spartan men were the most power warriors in all of Greece. At the time the Spartans and the Athenians were at war with each other. He just wished that a united Greece would one day stand against other nations. He was just honestly tired. He thought of his four generals probably on horseback watching the battle or they probably were engaged in some fight. He sighed and took a deep breath, just enjoying the country side. He heard a scream that shattered the sereneness around him. It sounded like a woman. He pulled his sword from his sheath and started towards the sounds. The woman was obviously in trouble. He quickened his pace running through the trees with agile. When he heard the place where the woman was he saw her running in his direction. She was breathtaking and obviously frightened. When she saw him she stopped and stared. He silver- blue eyes gleam with fright as she looked at his armor that symbolized him as a Spartan. She screamed and took off to her left.

'What's wrong with her?' He thought

He ran after her and caught up with easily. He grabbed her arm gently as possible to stop her from fleeing.

"What's wrong?" He asked her with concern.

"They…are… after…me. Please!…don't let them…get me.." She panted wondering if it was okay to trust him.

After all he is the enemy…

"Who's after you?" He demanded softly.

"We are." a male voice spoke up with a smirk.

A man in Athenian armor waltz up with two of his comrades. His dark hair and eyes gleamed in the leaving sun light.

"Leave the woman alone. Deal with someone your own size." Endymion spoke coldly.

He blue eyes turned to a dark blue that was almost black as he took a battle stance. Here he was trying to escape a fight and now he was about to be in one.

"Hey guys buddy here wants a fight." the guy said turning around to face his friends laughing.

The woman slowly decided now was her chance to make her escape but she couldn't leave her 'knight in shining armor'. When the man turned back around he swiftly charged at the Spartan. As the fight began to get out of control she backed up into something soft and firm. She turned around too se what she had bumped into.

"Just great." She thought as another Athenian warrior grabbed her tightly.

"Hey, please let me go. I'm one of your country women." She pleaded with the soldier.

"Ha, who cares. Your just a woman. Just what I need after a long battle." He said huskily.

The woman looked on toward her knight to see him beat the main man. As he was attacking one man another jumped in.

'I just had to seek adventure today.' She thought bitterly.

The Spartan killed both men quickly and turned to see the third one holding the woman.

"Let her go." He barked

"If I don't?"

"You'll be sorry" He spat out

The man laughed heartedly. The girl closed her eyes tightly praying she would make it home alive and in one piece. All of a sudden the man behind her gave a strangled cry and released her falling to the ground. She looked down at him to see Spartan's sword in between his eyes. She grimaced at the sight and turned her head. Her crooked country men were dead.

"Sorry you had to see that" the warrior said to her softly.

She looked up at him and said nothing. She knew she should thank him but she couldn't find the words. She suddenly felt uncomfortable and began to worry for her safety again. Could this man, who risked his life for her be trusted? As she wondered, she let her eyes roam over him. He was darkly tanned by the sun, he had ebony black hair and beautiful blue eyes that reminded her of a stormy ocean.

"He is so handsome." she thought blushing slightly

Endymion simply watched the beautiful siren in front of him. Siren, no wonder that term fitted her, she would've been the death of him. She was only a few steps away from him. He wondered why he had the urge to protect her. Maybe because he had sworn to protect all of the citizens of Greece unless they were against him. BUT the urge for her was something different. She sun kissed hair was so light and her eyes were magnificent. Her small frame with the right curves gave her an air fragility. No wonder the men were after her. She was a prize. He began to feel dizzy and he didn't catch her faint blush. He closed his eyes and shook his head. He opens his eyes and looked down at himself. He began to feel a pain he didn't notice before because of the adrenaline. He grabbed his side and fell over. The urge to fall asleep was deep for him and he gave in with the vision of beauty in his dreams. She gasped seeing the blood seep through his fingers. She ran up to him and kneeled beside him. She had to stop the bleeding some how. She removed his armor form his chest to see a white sleeveless garment. His muscles rippled through and she had to make herself concentrate. She stood up and tore the bottom of her white dress and began to carefully wrap his stomach.

"Please don't die on me Spartan. Who ever you are." She whispered to him.

Her heart beat sped up at the thought of losing him.

"I won't let you die." She told him as she picked up one of his arms and placing it around her neck. She placed the other one around her neck and slowly but steadily she began to drag him towards her home.

"I'll make it before sun down if nothing else happens." She thought lightly as she dragged the heavy man.

Suddenly thunder cracked through the sky and rain drops began to fall. It was as if Zeus himself thought it would be a cruel joke to play. She knew she spoke to soon.

"Just hold on." She told the man wondering if he could hear her at all.

He only moaned in response but couldn't open his eyes. She was really strong trying to drag him to safety. She stopped walking for a second to catch her breath. As she breathed in she breathed in his scent. Roses and spices.

"A wonderful combination" She thought and began to pull him closer to her.

"Stop thinking about him like that. You have to save him first." She scolded herself and began dragging him again.

Jediete and Zoicite saw dead bodies. Exactly three. Jediete gulped as he saw the sword between a man's eyes.

"Zoi, isn't that the prince's sword?" Jediete asked

Zoicite went up to the man and checked the handle to see the sliver handle with the diamond encrusted into it and the Spartan symbol on it. He took up the sword.

"Yes. He's been this way" Zoicite said beginning to go around and check the bodies and ground for foot prints.

He found a piece of white material, the prince's armor and- blood?

"He's hurt." he breathed.

"What was that?" Jediete asked turning his attention to his friend

"The prince. He's hurt. We have to get the others. The ran is getting heavy. Let's hope the trail isn't washed away." Zoicite said quickly.

They grabbed the prince's things and ran down the path to get the other two generals.

Note: Please Review! This is my favorite story I've ever written. I hope you enjoy the more that is to come…