Summary: H/D Slash.Not much smutt. Harry and Draco have recived their inheritances over the summer. 7th year.Ignores HBP ending.

A/N: OK so this is my first fanfic as well as my first slash. constructive critisim is welcome but please don't tell me that guy on guy action is gross. DON'T READ IT THEN! Oh and Ron is only mentioned in this and Ginny might only make a brief apperance. enjoy! Oh and there will be a suprise at the end of the story.

Pirings: HP/DM, HG/BZ

New Beginings Chapter One

Harry Potter made his way down the Hogwarts Express hallway searching for an empty compartment. Seeing one that was seemingly empty he slid open the door and went inside.

" Potter" a sharp voice said from the corner of the darkened compartment " Who says that you can share my compartment?""

"Malfoy, shove it!" Harry growled in reply."This is the only compartment that isn't full and whether you like it or not I'm not leaving." To prove his point Harry went and put his trunk on the luggage rack and sat down.

" Harry?" The use of his first name by his archnemisis caught him off guard.

" What?""

"Can we call a truce?" Draco asked quietly.

" Why do you want a truce after all this time? And more to the point why should I believe you?" Harry asked.

" Contrary to popular belief Potter," That's better Harry thought " I am not a Death Eater. In fact my whole family has renounced the Dark Lord and Dumbledore has arranged for a safe house for my father."Draco's mom had been murdered by Voldamort not long after the summer started.

More than a little shocked Harry just stared into the darkness for several minutes.It was only Draco's voice that brought him back to reality. "Po- Harry. " Harry looked up at him and Draco sighed. "Well? Are we gonna call a truce or not?"

"Uh..sure Mal-Draco." Harry said accepting the hand infront of him.Both boys shook hands and nearly yelped at the energy that passed between them. " Er.. Draco?" Harry said after a few minutes. " Can I have my hand back?" Draco blushed slightly and let go of Harry's hand.Instanly Harry felt sad at the loss but changed the subject. " why is it so bloody dark in here?" he asked. He saw Malfoy's smirk in the darkness.

" If you must know I'm hiding."

" Hiding? From who?""

Malfoy hesitated for a second before leaning in and whispering " Girls.""

" Uhm..Ok. Why are you hiding from girls?" Harry whispered the last part trying not to laugh.

" Very funny Potter" Malfoy drawled.

" I thought it was."This earned him a smack upside the head. " Ow!""

"As I was saying," Draco drawled shooting Harry a look, " I'm hiding from all the girls on this train because I got my inheritance this summer and although I was the Slytherin-Sex-God before," Harry snorted, " I am afraid it has gotten so bad that I am chased everywhere I go by both sexes." Draco finished. Harry stared at Draco. Since when did it become Draco? And decided that from what little of the other teen he could see he was right.

"I know what you mean." Harry found himself saying. Draco arched an elegant brow and smirked.

" Do you now Potter?""

Harry grinned and mumbled a spell that would allow no one else to see inside the compartment before turning on the lights. After blinking rapidly as his eyes adjusted to the sudden light Draco had to agree with Harry. Over the summer Harry had sprouted like a weed. Growing from and average 5'9 to an even 6'0. His eyes eyes had magically corrected themselves and his normally untamable hair was slightly longer reaching to just below his chin and was somewhat stlyed.Though it still had that I've-just-been-shagged look. He already had the body of an athlete but now Draco could tell that his muscles were honed even more and he wouldn't have been the least bit surprised if Harry had a six-pack. And who had finally taught him how to dress?! He was wearing black cargo pants, a black tee and what looked like black steel toed boots.

" Good Lord Potter! Your almost as hot as I am!" Harry laughed and Draco noticed that this too had changed.It was deeper and richer.

" I'll admit Malfoy, you were good looking before but you have definitely improved." Indeed he had. Now just as tall as Harry and just as muscled there were few differences in the boys apperances. Draco had too let his hair grow longer as was the fashion and stopped gelling it back so it hang infront of his eyes. His blueish-gray eyes were now pure silver and were filled with emotion unlike before. And when he smiled at Harry after a few minutes the smile reached his eyes.

" Bloody Hell we are HOT!" Harry laughed at this statement. He sat down and down across from Malfoy and just shook his head in amusement.They were deep in conversation when the door was rather forcibly yanked open. " Hey Hermione." Harry greeted as Draco's jaw dropped.

" Granger?Well I see that Harry and I aren't the only one who got our inheritance this year." Hermione blushed. She had also grown several inches and now stood at 5'10 and her normally bushy hair had tamed itself so that it was still curly but very tamable. She blushed even more when Draco's gaze landed on her now 'C' cup breasts.

" Shut it Malfoy." she growled playfully. " I take it that the two of you finally called a truce to that silly feud of yours." Both boys nodded. " Good. It's really about time."

" Hey where is the Weasle-erm..Ron?" Draco asked. Harry and Hermione both sighed in exasperation at the mention of the missing member of the Golden Trio.

"He went to live in Romania with his older brother Charlie. He and 'Mione got in a fight and instead of trying to work it out he ran away." Harry explained while Hermione snorted in disgust and Draco could have sworn he hear her mumble 'Bloody coward'.

" Oh well you really are better off with out him Hermione. I never really knew what you saw in him. You'd be better off Blaise. He fancies you you know."

" Really?" Draco nodded. The new trio spent the rest of the train ride discussing their summers skimming over the death of Draco's mother. Apparently it was after his wife was murdered by Death Eaters that Lucius came to his senses and went to the Order for protection for him and his son at Grimuald Palace. " Incidentally, why weren't the two of you there?""

"Hermione stayed at home and I was busy rebuilding my parents house in Godric's Hallow after spending the first two weeks at my aunt and uncle's." Harry answered.

" That's pretty surprising. I thought you would just live at Headquarters.""

" I-it just feels weird there after Sirius's death. I mean he left me the place but I just can't stand to be there for very long.Though I did go there once right after leaving my aunt and uncle's for a few days. Ripped the portrait of Sirius's mum right off the wall the first night I was there.""

" I heard about that. Not one charm could get that thing off and you go and tear it off with your bare hands.""

" Yeah," Harry blushed " Well I was bloody sick of the thing and Kretcher was always setting her off on purpose and I just got fed up with it. Kretcher had a heartattck and died after that." Harry said smiling. Hermione hit him upside the head. " Ow! 'Mione, he deserved to die. He was a pain and you can't deny that he wasn't at least partially responsible for Sirius's death." Harry said angerly.

" Well,yes I suppose that he was but still Harry-""

" Don't start with that S.P.E.W rubbish again." he warned.


" Er.. moving on." Draco said.

'Right, well the house in Godric's Hollow is done and I spent the summer there and visited my parent's graves when I was out looking for the Horcruxes with Dumbledoor." After this the tree sat in comfortable silence until it was time to change into their robes. Hermione went to change in the loo so as to have some privacy and when she got back she noticed that they had been joined by Blaise.

" Blaise." she nodded and blushed lightly when she sat down next to him.

" So Blaise 'Mione fancies you too so you should ask her out." Draco said making his two friends blush furiously.

" Drake." Blaise growled before turning to Hermione. " Er..'Mione-""

" Sure." she answered and both smiled.

" See that wasn't so hard." Draco smirked.

" You're right. Why don't you tell Harry that you fancy him too?" Blaise smiled wickedly as the other boy paled trough his new tan. Harry smirked a smirk worthy of the Slytherin Prince sitting next to him and wrapped the blond boy in a hug.

" Hn. Don't worry so much Love. I like you two."Harry said and the blond relaxed.The group gathered their trunks and went to get in the carriages. All of them now able to see the Thestrals pulling them as the other three had seen people die while they fought with the Order over the holidays.

" Rather ugly things." Draco murmured.

" But damn useful." Harry said remembering how he and Hermione and the others had ridden them to the MInistry in fifth year. Draco slipped his hand into Harry's as the got in and Harry squeezed his hand in return.The ride up to the castle was uneventful and made in silence. When they entered the Great Hall none of them wanted to split up so Harry dug out a Galleon. Heads Gryffindor, tails Slytherin. As most of the students were already seated they watched the coin with great interest. It landed on heads and the group moved to the Gryffindor table and sat down. The entire Hall watched in stunned silence till an annoyed Harry glared and said " Carry on." His friends smirked as the Hall once again erupted in noise and quickly died down again when Dumbledore spoke.

"Welcome to all. I have a few announcement before the sorting. First please note that the forest is forbidden to all students. Second let me welcome back two of our old students who have decided to finish their-"" Dumbledore was cut off as the massive oak doors opened to revile Fred and George Weasly.

" Bloody Hell it's good to be back!" they said in unison. After the cheers died down and the twins took their place at the Gryffindor table across from Harry and the others Dumbledore continued with a few more rules that Filch had come up with over the summer and surprisingly asked for Harry,Draco,Blaise,and Hermione to come to his office after the feast. After which the sorting commenced and once that was over everyone tucked into a wonderful meal.

" So if you guys are here who's minding the shop?" Harry asked the twins.

" Bill and Ginny." George said through a mouth full of chicken. " Bill quit his job at the bank cause the were all upset about how he was attacked by a werwolf even thought he doesn't turn into one and most of his scars have faded. And Ginny convinced Dumbledore to let her join a work study program where she does all of her school work at home and works during the day.""

" So we figured, with them there and Dumbledore teaching here again, why not come back and finish our education." Fred said taking a swig from his pumpkin juice.

"Plus Mum made us. Said she already had two sons that were a disappointment and she didn't need two more." George said referring to Percy and Ron. "Gits" he said out of the side of his mouth. The rest of dinner was spent telling the twins about the war and Harry explaining again about Godric's Hallow. Finally when dinner was over Harry and the others got up and went to Dumbledore's office.

"Er..anyone know the password?" Blaise asked.

Everyone shook their heads and began trying different passwords. After a few minutes Harry guessed sugar quills and the staircase carried them up to Dumbledore's office. Harry felt a small smile tug at his mouth as he surveyed the room and found that the only thing missing was Fawks who was probably off hunting. The group sat in the armchairs infront of the desk and looked to Dumbledore for answers.

" As you are aware all four of you have received your inheritances this summer, what you aren't aware of is what exactly this makes you. Therefore I will explain or rather a Seer of old will." He opened an old and tattered book and the wispy image of a woman appeared.

" My,my Dumbledore," she said after surveying them all, " You've got quite a powerful bunch here. Very well. I am here to tell you your new powers. Now who first?" Harry, brave Gryffindor he is, stood and stated his name for the Seer. " Ah Mr. Potter. A powerful one you are indeed. And very rare. You are an elemental elf. Like the name implies you can control the elements. What makes you so very rare is that you also have to ability to take the form of any animal you so chose. On top of all this and you wizard powers you can speak telepathically. All of you can actually. You will find that you all have also acquired vast knowledge of ancient magics." Harry grinned and sat down. " Next please." Draco stood and introduced himself." My goodness! This is very unexpected! Mr.Malfoy you are the exact same as Mr. Potter. The only difference being that you are part Healer elf as well. You have the ability to heal wounds that would normally be impossible to heal." Malfoy smirked and sat back down next to Harry. Hermione was next. " Like Mr. Malfoy you are a Healer elf. You also are part vampire. Since you were not bit you will be able to continue to live in daylight and see your reflection. You will also have increased speed and strength and an increased sexual drive." Hermione blushed ." Being as you are only part vampire you will only need to feed once a month and you can feed off your mate." Finally it was Blaise's turn. " You are part elemental so you can only control a few elements. Water and earth. You are also part vampire and have the same powers as Ms. Granger. And the two of you are mates. My time here has ended. Farewell.""

When she left Dumbledore spoke. " Before you all leave there is one more thing. Seeing as how all of you have increased in power and are as of yet unable to control this new power the four of you will have your own dorms and a new common room. Though you may still stay in your old common rooms every once in awhile after you learn to control your powers. You will be having extra lessons this year to learn how to do just that. As well as learning the elven language as it will be vital to some of the spells that you will be learning. New lessons begin tomorrow at 6 am. Please meet me at the Quidditch Pitch then." he gave then the location of their new dorms and the password before dismissing them. The new common room was decorated in both Slytherin and Gryffindor colors and there was a kitchen and four bedrooms with attatched bathrooms. Everyone found their room said good night and went to bed as all four were very tired.

A/N: I brought back Fred and George because I love them! Also I just couldn't bear the thought of Hogwarts without Dumbledore so he's alive too.