Author's Note: It's been a while since I've decided to do a Final Fantasy VII story. I hope you will all enjoy this story, for I have enjoyed writing it. It should be up-most interesting. Please read and review. But no flames, please. If you don't like this story, don't read it.

Eden Black happily presents...





It was a very dark and gloomy day when she had returned to the city, to the ruins she once called home. She had not been to the city for such a long time. Not since two years ago. Tears filled her eyes her eyes as she looked at the ruins. Memories of that place were swarming her mind. She had lived in Midgar at one time. She had lived there for almost ten years. Since she was a very little girl.

She had auburn colored hair, running down to her back, pulling into a loose braid. Her eyes were crystal blue, glowing almost like Mako. She was wearing a black uniform, respect for those who had died so many years ago, just because of the man she had called a friend once. She had been a Turk, one of the unknowns. No one had known her, except a few.

Her name was Lilie Moy. She was about 22 years old now. But when she had first arrived at Midgar City, she had been 10 years old.

"Mama?" She turned her head when she heard the tiny voice. She saw the little boy, standing up on the seat of her car. The little tyke had finally woken up from his nap. Lilie just smiled faintly as she breathed in the air deeply. She pushed her long bangs out of her eyes as she turned and walked over to the car.

"Yes, Reid?" She asked as she gently touched his chin.

The boy, Reid Moy, looked a little like Lilie in a way. Though she thought he looked a lot like his father. He had his father's strawberry blonde hair and her crystal blue eyes. He was such a tiny little tot but very bright. He was at least two years old, going on three soon. He was wearing little blue cordoroy pants and a long sleeve white sweater with a chocobo embrodoried into it. His face was almost angelic like her's had been once. It surprised Lilie how he had learned how to talk as he did. She had learned that he was quite the fast learner.

"Mama, whe' are wee?" He asked as he looked around the ruins. He didn't like this place. It was a little a creepy looking. And he hated the dark. Lilie smiled as she pulled the door open and picked up her son before looking around. "We just made a quick stop, honey. That's all." She sat down in the passenger side, setting Reid on her lap. "Bu' whe' are wee?" He asked again. His mother smiled as she looked around again. "This used to be my home, Reid. This is where your father was born." A sad glint appeared in her eyes. "A long time ago. This is where I first met him." And she began to tell him the story about his father.