AN: I really don't know what to say. Lol enjoy!

2 years later

"Inuyasha, come on! You know my mother likes to eat Christmas Eve dinner at exactly 6:00 on the dot! And it's already 5:30 and we're not even on our way yet." Kagome screamed at her lazy husband. Said husband was laying face down on his and Kagome's cot.

"Kagome, please just 5 more minutes. I'm so tired, all I need is 5 minutes of shut eye." Inuyasha smiled at the way he phrased his begging. In all honesty he wasn't tired; he was actually more awake than anyone considering he is a half demon after all. Inuyasha just needed time away from Kagome, as cruel as it sounded. She had been so emotional for the last week he couldn't handle it, today she is angry, yesterday she was happy, and the day before that, well let's just say she wanted to stay in bed…all day! That was Inuyasha's favorite day, but he still couldn't handle it. That's right, you heard correctly the great Inuyasha defeated by his emotional wife.

"Ugh, Inuyasha I can't believe you! I'm taking the kids and going to my mom's house. Come when you're ready but don't expect to be sleeping in the same bed as me tonight." With that said Kagome put Sakura and the newest addition Hikaru in the stroller, with a six year old Keioku by her side, and walked off to the well.

Inuyasha got up from the cot and watched his family walk away. Shit! Was all Inuyasha could say. He didn't want Kagome to get upset. Inuyasha ran outside and was going to run after Kagome, but quickly changed his mind figuring that Kagome should cool off first before he talks to her.

Kagome was walking so fast that Keioku kept tripping over his tiny feet. Finally Kagome slowed down and started to talk to herself, which didn't go unnoticed by her oldest son.

"Mommy are you mad at Daddy…again?" Keioku asked his mommy. Kagome looked down and smiled.

"Yes baby I am, but it's only because your daddy is a big doo die ball" Keioku looked at his mother and laughed a little bit but then stopped.

"Mommy does that mean that I'm a doo die ball. People tell I look a lot like daddy and I don't wanna be doo die mommy, I really don't!" Keioku said with a worried expression on his face. He was just so cute! And he was a spinning image of Inuyasha. It always made Kagome wonder if this is what Inuyasha's mother put up with.

"Baby the only thing you are is human, demon and a cutie bootie. That's all! I promise." Kagome laughed.

"Mommy, I am not cute. Daddy says that we men are hanksurm" Keioku said with his head in the air. (Hanksurm means hansom) Kagome giggled.

"Really now, is that true? Are you boys hanksurm, Hikaru?" Kagome asked as the baby giggled.

"Mommy?" asked little Sakura, who was sucking on a lollipop. Kagome looked down at her daughter.

"Yes sweetie?" Kagome asked.

"Well, Mommy I think that we's are better then boyses cuz you know we are girls and guises gots cooties but daddy doesn't. I think we are hanksurm too even more then boyses cuz girls are juts betta then boyses. And lots more stronger.. auntie Sango and unkie Miro are always beatsin each other up and auntie Sango always wins." Sakura said as she sighed and put the lollipop back in her mouth. Not knowing exactly what Sakura said Kagome just nodded and continued their walk to the well.

Later At Night

It was nine on the dot. Inuyasha thought it was a good time to finally go to talk with Kagome. Inuyasha made it to the well in no time and hopped in. Earlier in the day Inuyasha stopped over at the Higurashi shrine and put his presents for Kagome down. He came out of the well and walked to the main entrance of Kagome's old home. Even though he knew Kagome for 11 years and was married to her for 8 of those years he still felt he needed to knock on the front door.

Kagome was just finishing putting the kids to sleep when she heard a knock at the door. Kagome went over to the door and opened it only to see her husband standing there. Kagome moved aside and let him in. They both walked over to the comfy couches that were placed in the sitting area. Kagome and Inuyasha both stared at each other and at the same time blurted out how sorry they were.

"What are you sorry about?" Kagome asked Inuyasha. Inuyasha thought for a moment on what to say and how to make it come out right in order for Kagome not to get mad.

"I'm sorry for sleeping in when I should've come here with you and the kids." Inuyasha said. Kagome looked at him and shook her head.

"I should apologize; I blew things out of proportion. If you were tired I should've let you rest but I didn't and I just gave you a hard time. Do you forgive me?" Kagome pleaded with puppy eyes.

"Of Corse, wench. Let's go up to your room; you look tired." Inuyasha said as he picked Kagome up bridal style. Kagome smirked and whispered in Inuyasha's ear.

"We can go to my room, but I can think of something more fun to do in my bed then sleeping." Inuyasha smirked back and ran upstairs to Kagome's old bedroom.

Christmas Day

Inuyasha and Kagome were sleeping in bliss. The only thing that could be heard was the peaceful breathing of Kagome and Inuyasha. That and also the tons of hollering, screaming, cheering, and giggling coming from their three children, mother, grandfather, and brother. Inuyasha and Kagome both got up and walked down stairs screaming Merry Christmas.

After all the gifts and presents were torn open, the kids started playing around with them. Kagome giggled with joy as she watched her three babies playing. Kagome was so engrossed with watching her kids that she didn't notice when her husband came behind her and tapped her shoulder. Kagome jumped a little but soon calmed down.

"Inuyasha you startled me!" Kagome screamed. Inuyasha smiled and handed her a box. Kagome looked at him and then at the box.

"You better enjoy it wench." Inuyasha joked. Kagome opened the box and her heart jumper. There inside the box was a locket. But not just and locket it was the locket she gave to him 11 years ago (think second movie). Kagome opened it up and inside was the angry picture of them, but also a third piece was added on that had picture with their new family. Kagome closed it and placed it on her neck.

"Now your turn Inuyasha." Kagome stated as she gave Inuyasha a light rectangular box. Inuyasha unwrapped the box and opened it. It was a shirt rolled up with a rubber band around it. Inuyasha was confused but unraveled the shirt. On the front it had a picture of Inuyasha, Kagome, Keioku, Sakura, and Hikaru. On the bottom of the picture it said "World's Greatest Father" Inuyasha smiled.

"Baby turn it over" Kagome stated. Inuyasha did as he was told and his mouth dropped. On the back read, "With One on the Way". Inuyasha dropped the shirt and picked Kagome up. Inuyasha spun Kagome around in a circle while they were laughing.

"I can't believe you're pregnant. Kagome this is the best Christmas ever." Inuyasha breathed out with his head against Kagome's. Kagome smiled.

"Inuyasha look up. Mistletoe! Can't break tradition can we now?" Kagome smirked.

"No we most certainly not. Merry Christmas Baby" Inuyasha said as he started to passionately kiss his beautiful wife. Kagome's mother looked at the two.

"Aww what a cute Christmas this turned out to be." Mama Higurashi stated as she watched Inuyasha and Kagome kiss under the mistletoe.


AN: Merry Christmas. Please no flames..only advise. Thanks again and Happy Holidays!!